Sunday, November 6, 2022

Chakras and imprints of Karma - Angelic Guidance (Muladhara)


This is message channelled with the help of arch. Jeremiel and my angels.

In this first part of the article I will observe the first chakra Muladhara (Root) and the important characteristics, negative attachments and imprints and give ways to heal it.

Here we talk about the cause and root of any disease and how it appears on ethereal energy level, how it looks like in each chakra.

             What is a disease? *

Every disease or illness appears as a dark imprint of energy on ethereal level. That can be also a negative block or ancestral trauma behind any disease, which makes it very hard to identify the Real cause of it.

There are multiple causes for each disease or illness related to the place in the body, the time and ages of appearance. We need to know that every disease (the same as our body) is multidimensional and has many layers and timelines of existence. That should be clear before we start to understand the issues of a disease deeper.

    The dark ethereal imprint (disease) looks like a dark (grey or blackish, in some cases red) plasma or a smoke on the cells. This plasma sticks on the certain cells, molecules, tissues or DNA in human body – on ethereal level.

There is a specific way that the disease as a dark cloud comes from ethereal to the physical level which is:

1.     by persistency

2.     repeated patterns (multiple times repetitions)

3.     by Karmic or ancestral imprints

Once the negative imprint has been manifested on a physical level, it starts to appear to a person as a “symptom” of illness – a pain or discomfort in the body.

We need to be aware that the nature of the disease is very complex. They don’t come just from one source, just once.

Important factor for appearance of a disease is the cellular memory”.

(As each cell, DNA, molecule has imprints of memory –that I`ll discuss in another article).

Now I`ll start to explain in more details the nature of disease or dark ethereal plasma, in each chakra, starting from Root.

                         Muladhara chakra negative imprints and karma 

Muladhara (the Root) chakra is the one related to the patterns of Ancestral karma – which can be found as negative imprint on the cells, tissues, molecules and DNA of the Skeletal system (skull, bones, backbone, tendons, ankles, teeth) and Muscles in the body.

That means, on ethereal level all diseases and trauma related to the Skeletal system or muscles are connected with:

-        Ancestral karma clearing (in cellular memory)

-        Fear of abandonment

-        Fear of losing safety, security, home

-        Fear related to home, money, property and material possessions

-        Insecurity and fear related to your father, or grandfathers from your father`s lineage

-        Past life karma about safety, home, money, possessions

-        Past life karma with your father, or grandfather

All these give image of very broad perspective of the cause of any such disease or trauma. Most people born on this planet have such negative imprint in their first chakra (and their Skeletal system). But for many the negative imprint (form of disease) is in latent (inactive) state. Sadly this state can turn to be “active” in certain conditions – or by experiencing strong traumatic event, strong fear or near death experience.

  Be aware –that also means within each disease there are keys to awakening of the soul.

         Steps to heal negative imprint and Celestial lights 

    You can heal any disease by clearing and healing all layers of possible causes – and on the first place clearing Ancestral karma. That clearing happens with meditations, ritual and/or spiritual practice. Especially helpful for Ancestral karma cleansing are AA Michael and AA Sandalphon. Celestial light that should be invoked to clear the negative patterns in the cells is Turqoise or Ruby light.

    Ruby light has the ability to cleanse the cellular memory and all traumatic experiences from your bones, backbone and skeletal system, tendons, muscles, teeth and feet. This light is related to Divine masculine (Yang) and the energy of activation, home, money, possessions and ability to provide for yourself.

Person who has blockages, or negative imprint in his skeletal system, muscles, tendons…will have mostly cluttered home, unclean areas at home, he may have anxiety and fear around money, home, safety, property; he may also have conflict, trauma or negative emotions and dishonest relationship with his father. As all things are connected in universe.

The ethereal stamp of protection of first chakra Muladhara is 4 pointed ruby star (pyramid) in a circle of golden light; another stamp is golden spiral. 

The first chakra connects your soul with the energy of Divine warrior and divine masculine. 

In order to cleanse and heal this chakra you need to have regular spiritual practice and cleanse your skeletal system, muscles, tendons with celestial ruby light. You need to develop feeling of safety and security and energy ways of protection in any situation. As first chakra is the base of all, similar to the roots of the tree.

The eternity flow (energy flow moving in shape of 8) of the Root chakra is with the Solar Plexus (stomach area) above and with the feet chakra below. In this flow the energy moves from your Muladhara down to your feet (left), and then from your right foot up again to Muladhara and up to your Solar Plexus. That’s how your Root remains balanced, healthy and aligned.

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#angels #chakras #healing light #Jeremiel #Muladhara

If you are interested read the next articles here:

Nina Nour Bluebell *
 Medium, reiki healer
  Nov. -06-2022  ©

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