Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Meditation for cleansing with arch.Raphael & arch. Michael II

     Visualize now the seed of that plant in shining blue. It comes in the middle of the spiritual lake -Tan Tien. See the seed giving roots, growing, expanding, see the leaves and water around. The lotus flower grows slowly, but you see it now in this area. It has deep blue color. It becomes bud, grows and finally it opens -gently and slowly, each petal opens. Observe that and feel it inside of your astral body. See how the blue lotus opens, and generates blue light from its heart. Feel that you are magnificent being and supported now with amazing and loving light from arch. Michael and all angels. The lotus flower expands and gives you gifts of strength, confidence, independence, willpower, boundaries, safety, psychic protection. It sends you waves of new fresh energy to begin, and grow the Intention-will- identity. Know who you are.

6. Sacred space of your inner Lake

     See yourself at the sacred space. This is only your space of Soul and you are the one who creates everything here. See the beautiful mirrored lake in front of you. It has flashes of sun light. The sky is blue, there are trees and flowers in different colors around. You sit down and meditate near the lake in a garden with white roses. Observe the lake…in the distance you notice a small fountain, from another side you see a little waterfall. The water makes fresh and soothing sound. Smell the fresh aroma of flowers. Now you see the waterfall has shining blue light flowing with water. You see blue lotus flowers on the lake surface. They look like magical and spinning in one direction. They have white and blue color and radiate light. You are feeling relaxed. If you feel like, come and swim inside this beautiful lake in your garden. The water in it is specially made to replenish and rejuvenate your soul. You let go of anything that is not in alignment with your higher purpose. You feel free, and infused with amazing power. You are calm, and totally inside yourself, nothing is in your mind to bother you. The water of lake has deeply purifying effect, It will fill you with new energy. You swim inside the lake and breath.
That’s the beginning of your connection with sacred garden.

7. Visualize now archangel Michael standing in the garden. He is surrounded by Blue flame angels and shining blue light aura. He has very strong presence, and he looks to you with determination and love. He is smiling and firm in the same time. Feel his presence. You are now in the garden, sitting on a bench, surrounded by all blue flame Angels. Arch. Michael moves his hands over your aura field, and by doing that he dissolves any negative cords and attachments from your energy. They are going to the way of Light. His hands radiate strong blue light, which is able to cut away and transform any lower energies, or cords that you hold – maybe from fear, negative thoughts or believes, hard relationships, or things that you cant let go of. He is scanning all your energy body. Then you feel amazing white and golden light start to fill in like a bubble your aura. Until all of you is immersed in light. You are divine body of light, you are safe and protected always.
You say thank you” to arch. Michael and blue Angels from his group. They cleanse you all, and now you appear in shining light, confidence and courage. You have now good boundaries to express who you are.
And you can call anytime to the Blue flame angels to make this cleansing work for you.

8. That was your journey to the inner sacred Lake and garden.
Be sure to come here often, to connect with angels and with your higher Self. Remember you are magnificent being of Light with great potential. You cant lose your divinity, if you follow the light and peace.
Now breath deeply several times….and slowly come back to the waking world.

Have a wonderful day, dear light worker! Be blessed.
art by Hiroyuki Satoh

Angel`s medium 
© Copyrighted material 2019

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