Sunday, June 4, 2023

Chennelled message from AA Raphael for the Ascension (June) 🌟


Greetings children of Earth, 

I m happy to be with you and feel the ascension energy waves of this time. Earth is going higher on a spiral of spiritual evolution – that is valid for all souls. Regardless of their believes, karma, religion and division in the world.

  At this time I want to bring the higher frequency message of Love, healing and Rejuvenation.

What is healing and how you can achieve health and healing on this earth?

What are the qualities you need, so you can be truly healed?

There are many things you still are behind the veil of illusions and cant reach to the truth. Healing is like a spiral – it goes through stages, it needs time. Your healing here starts with self-love and letting go of any old believes, ideas about yourself and the world.

Without releasing, purging and cleansing of your soul, healing is not possible. 

But before that purging you need to have simple understanding of yourself, your true nature as a Soul. Here you are on a journey, going through multiple tests, you need to make choices, often quite challenging. That’s part of the process of evolution.

Before you reach to the stage of releasing the past, you need to turn to your shadow Self, understand what is your darkness, what are the qualities that stand on your way; and ask the question: Why am I here, why am I afraid of certain things? Why I can not let go of these?

        The second stage on the golden spiral of healing is releasing of the past trauma and karma. 

 All these past experiences, pains, conflicts and doubts served their purpose. Now you need to let them go, be free, so that your aura can be cleansed in higher level. Your karma is also in the process of purging, so you will raise in higher Consciousness, you will understand who you are.

        The third stage of healing is self-love and realisation of who you are. What are your principles, values and believes. 

   Human cant go beyond his human soul, he is equation of his values and believes. But all of them are linked to Self-love. If you value and cherish yourself – then you will also have your values and believes in a sacred box. If you don’t feel and practice self-love, then your self values become week more and more. You cant stand in front of test or pressure. Reality is what you believe it to be. That’s why too many souls are easily manipulated by external world images”.

      The fourth stage of Healing is acquiring qualities and abilities for yourself. It is connected to what are the spiritual tools and gifts you have, so to achieve healing. As you can see the word “healing” has much deeper meaning than you thought. Your spiritual qualities can be also given and enhanced by your angels, archangels, Higher Self and Ascended masters, who work with you. They are – persistency, patience, compassion, kindness, understanding, truth, knowledge, devotion, strength, resilience, empathy, inspiration, creativity, joy, love. All of these are like special pearls for your Soul.

        The Fifth stage of what we call spiritual healing is cleansing and rejuvenation of your emotional and mental bodies. They are connected to your energy field, to your Sacral chakra and Solar Plexus chakra, and Heart center. Without them you cant achieve healing, nor become a healer.

        The sixth stage of spiritual healing is called energy alignment and balance.  You need to align all of your chakras (etheric template), and ground yourself to the energy of the earth. Receive the pure light codes from the Archangels and central Sun. That alignment comes with 2 things: Gratitude and Forgiveness. Most souls know this words in theory, but they cant still go to the meaning and depth of them. When you reach to true gratitude and true forgiveness, your soul will be healed in magical way.

In order to achieve healing, you need to feel, acknowledge and know yourself. Forgive yourself completely for anything in the past. You can not reach any manifestation without healing first. So, this is the first important thing for your Soul. Don’t think that healing is possible at once, without putting efforts in all directions. There is such thing as “miraculous healing” but it comes only as Karmic dharma (bonus) for your achievements.

As your life is projected in the linear time-space, nothing can come without its own unfolding and time. So healing in any way –mental, emotional, physical, will take certain time and space. 

But this will be crucial for your soul purification and evolution.

Even if you cant comprehend this now –we tell you, that any form of illness is a disguised healing, or comes with the keys of healing.

Also, any misfortune, depression comes with keys of abundance, wealth and success. Just you need to find your door and open it.

Sending you emerald light, love and healing.

AA Raphael *


Channelled by >

Nina Nour Bluebell ©
medium, reiki healer
Tarot reader 
June * 2023 
More about my services read here!

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