Monday, July 25, 2022

New Moon in Leo -Portal of New Inspiration (+ Journaling) 🦁


The new Moon is portal of awakening, cleansing and rejuvenation of the whole energy body, and mostly we feel light in our Third eye, Sacral and Earth Star chakra.

Moon is related to the Third eye in Esoteric astrology –which represents our psychic senses, awareness, sub-conscious mind, dreams and body of Astral light, our ideas and imagination. 🌒

   ♌This new moon is in the Fire sign Leo opens on 28 July bringing  flow of creativity, passion, inspiration and many new opportunities! 

    Notice that all New moons in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) make 3 complete cycles. The period from the New moon in Aries to the New moon in Leo is the first one. They are related to our inner strength, resilience, courage and power, and the ability to start again new life.

These are the moons of alchemical Fire element, revealing your highest potential of the soul. So this New moon in Leo is perfect time for setting intentions, planning changes and new beginnings.

Now you can notice and think about the whole cycle of Fire – from the New moon in Aries until now. Journal about it – what have changed in your life – within and outside?

These are some nice questions to journal and answer in your diary ✎ 

   What are the places you want to visit?

   What are your creative passions?

  What things you want to create?

  Do you have any hidden fears and doubts that stop you?

  What are the spheres that you have made changes?

 What are the spheres you need to make changes?

 What are the attachments or negative habits that are stopping you?

 What in your daily routine makes you really happy?

  What activities make you more inspired to create?

Leo is sign that will help you connect with your true nature, to love being in the spotlight, to let your light shine and attract the perfect people.

This is portal of New beginning, rejuvenation, transformation and deep changes in all levels.

In this new moon cycle it`s important to focus on what you desire only – don’t let any hidden fears or agenda of others stop you. 

The change comes from your thoughts and intentions first.

Here are some aspects you can use to connect with your powerful Self in this new moon.

You can use orange crystals to bring more strength and optimism in your life: carnelian, fire opal, orange aventurine.

 💗 Work on your Sacral chakra for creative flow. 

Work on your qualities: passion, determination, resilience

Archangel of Leo that will help you to shine your light is arch. Ariel.

The Tarot card of Leo is Major arcana 8. Strength. This card shows that you are the real warrior and you need to be proud of your achievements and to not let anyone come on your way. Create healthy boundaries and know where to say no.

 New Moon ritual ⭐

This is New moon ritual for inspiration, setting intentions and new beginnings. You can ask for anything that you want to create now!

On the day of the New moon (or within next 3 days) light up 3 (6) orange candles in the south- north corner of your home/ garden. 

Sit in a peaceful meditation, breath deeply and imagine exactly what you need to create. See your beautiful future unfolding in front in the perfect way.

Now say the following prayer >

I ask my guardian angels and arch. Ariel to be with me and surround me with shield of light and Love. Dear Ariel, please help me to go on my way with courage, grace and confidence and to achieve my desires (….) for my highest good! Thank you! And so it is.

In this prayer you set your intentions and desires, and let them go to the angels. Be sure they are always around you when you think of them. Then imagine brilliant orange sphere of light above your head. This is light of new inspiration. It flows down to your heart and you see it spinning in harmony. Then it flows to your Sacral chakra and spins slowly, opening beautiful orange lotus. This is lotus of your new creation, joy and passion.

Feel peaceful and filled with love.

Know that the universe is bringing what you desire in the exact time –and space.

You can read more about me here >

Nina Lea-Nour © ✫
Angel`s medium 
Crystal healer
July_ 2022 

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