Friday, July 22, 2022

What is Energy Protection - Methods of Protection -II

 Continues from part 1 here

Some of the most famous archangels for protection are Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Zadkiel, Sandalphon, Azrael. Raphael is also great archangel to ask not just for healing energy, but also for protection of emerald Ray of light.  💜

He carries also Golden ray, the same as Uriel. Arch. Gabriel has more ability of purification and cleansing so she will come for that.

So the most well known and easy way for energetic protection is calling on archangel we choose (one or more), and then visualizing the Bubble of liquid light, spreading far away from our aura.

It` s good before that to raise your frequency by simple aura cleansing method and meditation. (For that you can call arch. Gabriel and White Ray of light). Then see your cleansed aura expanding far from your body like a strong bubble. When you have done that whole energy cleanse, you can start the energy protection with Arch. Michael, or other angel. Visualize the Blue light around your pure aura field, which extends and becomes stronger and stronger.

Do that every day, and thank the angels.

★ You can try also in this exercise to connect with your guardian angels and imagine how arch. Michael is in front of you (your Astral body), and other 3 angels standing behind you, on your left side and on your right side. See beautiful transmission of Blue light coming from palms of their hands to you. They make your shield of light around, and place special sigils of protection. Trust that you are protected.

Archangel Zadkiel can protect and cleanse your whole energy, and uplift your heart vibration instantly with Violet flame. Arch. Raphael will cleanse and shield also all of your chakras with emerald light. Arch. Uriel can use the Yellow-Golden ray of light to cleanse and remove all existing negative energies, patterns or stagnant energy from your body. It` s interesting to mention that Uriel works with Divine codes of Golden light and his spiritual sigil (sign) is also yellow Five pointed star, which has protection and cleansing properties.

Angels Sandalphon and Azrael are very good in shielding when you stay in place with many people or have work related to connection or teaching others. One of their spiritual sigil is also Pentagram, five pointed star or a rose in a triangle.

If you are familiar with your own guardian angels it`s wonderful to work with them for protection.

It`s nice to do that protection blue sphere every day in the morning, and specially before going outside or to a crowded place. 

Another method is by drawing Crystal light sigil of protection. That sigil is a magical sign that you draw in the air in front. Of course you need to know how to make this sigil, and second you will need a small crystal in your hand, preferably clear quartz. It is nice if this crystal has the shape of a wand or hexagon, as it can make the sigil clear. With your intention draw the sigil of protection, and better to do it fast and focused. Then stretch your right hand with palm out and say or think: I activate this sigil of protection now to protect my aura in all times and space. Imagine it (see it) in the air with white or golden light. So it is activated. Of course that cant happen without support of God and your angels, so you need to thank them.

This sigil will be active with you like magic talisman for the next 24 hours then it will disappear. If your energy is strong enough you can activate this sigil for longer time. 

Be aware that there are many factors affecting on length and efficiency of spiritual protection. Some of them are: the cleanness of your aura, cleanness of your emotional body (if you are feeling sad, fearful or depressed), your environment and people (if you encounter too much dark or toxic energy). Some of the very dark energy can be when you are around person who is thinking constantly something negative or pulsing dark thoughts to you - so he transmits dark energy to you. You need protection. Or if you are with someone who is an energy vampire and wants to “drink" from your energy. With empaths that happens frequently.

Some things that you should remember before reinforcing your protection are 

1. ⭐ You can use crystals or objects for protection, but noone is stronger than Angels. 

2. ⭐ You should be confident and trust in your own inner power and protection.

3. You can`t make protection with dark or black energy, even you can use a black crystal for sigil. 

4. When you make protection you should have clear mind and pure (open, flowing) heart. 

5. When you make protection you should be preferably alone and in clean and safe place without people.

6. You cant make protection if your aura is unclean, or if you have imbalanced emotions.

Very good method of activating divine protection for a long time is working on your MER KA BA star. That’s the star in your SOUL star chakra. 

You can choose special colour for your energy protection, but the most powerful colours are Royal blue, White (Selenite), Golden, Turquoise and Violet-Purple. They all have also transmuting and healing properties.

Thank you for tuning in! 

Read more about me here 

Nina Lea-Nour 
July_2022 ©
Angel`s medium 

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