Saturday, July 2, 2022

July Energy - Angels, Kabbalah & Ascension message 🍃


Energy of July is very different from the last months. I see beautiful and expansive emerald green light mixed with golden shine. This is energy of healing, rejuvenation, letting go of the old Self and finally releasing negative believes or habits that are not for your highest good. 

Cosmic vibration of July : 4

The month resonates with vibration of number 4 – this is energy of element Earth (Cosmic tree) and colour green, portal of Divine nature, elements, fairies, grounding, earth connection. This vibration carries the wisdom of trees and nature healing. You will be guided what do you need to do to reach perfect health, and to be aligned with the Nature. 4 is also vibration of healing, sacred space, boundaries, physical body and activates the 4 directions, 4 Archangels of the space (Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel), the 4 elements.

This is flow of healing the physical and etheric body with emerald green light.

The Sacred symbol of the month is green pyramid within golden sphere. (This pyramid is represented by square base in a cirlce connected on the top - this is view from above). You can use this symbol for healing specific part of your body, for pain relief or chakra alignment.

Archangels that will help you this month are Raphael and Ariel.

Work with the properties of the Celestial emerald light (to read more about this light follow the link here… )

As the element of this month is Earth you can pay attention specially to earth in your body: muscles, tendons, bones, backbone, teeth, feet.

This is the perfect time to ask for guidance and think about implementing changes in your diet and how much fresh food you consume. Also consider de-cluttering all material things you no longer need at home. 4 represents also your sacred space –home. Think about what is the atmosphere in your home and each room – if this energy resonates with who you are?

Ritual and crystals 

To activate the energy of your health and Heart you can make short ritual. Light up 1 (3) green candles in the East direction of your home or garden and say a special prayer to arch. Raphael for healing. This can be related to your own healing or that of another person. Imagine flow of pure emerald green light descending on your body, from your head down to your feet, cleansing every chakra. 

Use green crystals or make crystal grids at home: malachite, green moss agate, aventurine, chrysocola, green quartz, jade, green fluorite, emerald. These are crystals with vibration 444, opening the Heart and connecting with the green flame.

Kabbalah and Tarot for July 

In Tarot 4 refers to Major Arcana IV. The Emperor – figure of power, confidence and divine order. This card means creating structure, order and having good personal boundaries. Letting go of anything (people, places, things) that are not in alignment with your higher purpose. Being bold to take action that are needed in all spheres of life. Organization of home space, giving and receiving support from your family members and close friends. Being in your own power, feeling confident about who you are and what are you talents.

The Sefira on the Tree of life related to vibration 4 is Chesed (Loving kindness, compassion). Associates with the right arm of human, Divine love, giving and generosity. 4 is number of grounding, earth, the physical plane, healing and boundaries. The spiritual state in this Sefira is “ahavah” –love.

Spirit animals to connect are Wolf and Fox.

Alchemical elements 🎔

We can feel the presence of 2 powerful elements of Divine feminine this month: Celestial Earth and Water. They activate the flow of Yin –feminine power within us, which represents purity, cleansing, healing, care, nourishing and gentleness. This is the power of Love to self and others. Water element comes with the Sun in sign of Cancer (until 21 July). This time is amazing for nature connection, grounding, using herbal medicine, working with crystals, meditation and recuperation. It is also a great time to take rest from the business of life and feel your Oneness.

Water is element of Divine feminine that encourage us to go with the flow of life, to love and accept ourselves in our oneness, to feel joy of life and inner peace.

This month will be important part of the life journey for all people born on dates 4, 13, 24 and for people with vibration of the birth year [4] (example: 1993 – 1+9+9+3 – 4).

Spiritual themes 🎔

🎔   Healing, releasing, letting go, removing blockages, focus on physical body, healing practices, crystals, diet

🎔       Going with the flow, time for rest, rejuvenation, recuperation, self love practices, meditation, grounding, nature, going out

🎔     Support from your family and close friends


Ascension message 🎔

Broomstick symbol :

cleansing and purifying home energy. Stagnant energy of home, de-clutter, organize, clean the space. Something to be released and let go.

Thank you for tuning in! You can leave a comment, share, ask a question or buy me a coffee. 🍵

Nina Lea-Nour ✫
July -2022 ©
Angel`s medium 

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