Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Tarot for September energy : Leo

 Leo ❤ 

Theme of the month: Happiness

Stone of the month: Red Jasper 

Tarot cards and advice:

Key words: Mindfulness, determination, success, clarity, communication

I.                   Magician

You are in a creative period of life – using all your potential, abilities and talents with confidence is the key. You`ll know where to go and what to do, as you are supported by the universe. There are many options in front of you. Feel the flow of your own power and use your resources wisely. Consider working on your heart`s desire.

B. Six of Wands  

Connect with your fire element, moving forward with acknowledgment and success. People can prise your talents, but be aware of hypocrites on your way. Surround yourself with like-minded people. You worked hard and now it`s time to have rewards. Be inspired and inspire others. Time for taking actions and responsibility. Intuition and mindfulness.

C. Queen of Swords 

Inspiration, creativity and vitality, related to work or a project ,or talent that you want to develop. Mindfulness is important, strive for the truth, clear communication.

Advice: take care for your Throat, ears and lungs. The way you breath is important. Try to read a book for self-development, journaling, and taking walks outside in parks or mountains.

You are in time of independence, connecting with Higher Self, your spirit guides and ancestors. Time of self-reflection and clarity of mind. Ask yourself –what do you desire to see in yourself and in the world? Queen of Swords represents need to cut negative ties with people from the past, that no longer serve you.

It supports writers, journalists, professors, people of science, teaching, people in field of theatre, cinema, actors. So this time is wonderful for expressing their talents.

Arch. Gabriel is your spiritual guide.

 Stone: Red Jasper: stone of Root chakra, healthy backbones and good blood flow, consider grounding, being in the nature, gardening, exercise and protection, ancestral connection.

* Used: "the Crystal Tarot" by Philip Permutt 

Thank you for tuning in the spiritual Tarot for zodiac sign of Leo! 

Nina Lea-nour *

Angel`s medium 

Reiki master

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