Tuesday, September 29, 2020

What is Merkaba? -II

 Merkaba - part II 

        Merkaba star has the colours and light of one of the chakras of truth and purity (which are above Heart). Usually it vibrates with light soft blue, blue-green, light violet, light purple, lavender or mixture between them. It can have also pink, golden or silver shades or sparkles.

      Merkaba Light has 3 main functions: Celestial Light I-one helps for protection and cleansing of all physical chakras, by activating merkaba light and descending from up to down. That is slow process and requires patience, willpower and daily practice. This is the beginning of Merkaba integration which lasts 22 days.

My Merkaba integration started this year on 25. September and my leading angel is Haniel. That means in each meditation I receive guidance and messages from arch. Haniel (who is also my Karma angel).

     My Merkaba Light has Light blue and silver colour. Integration of your Merkaba will require discipline, devotion and persistency. First each day you need to record your meditations, as possible, and write down the messages you received. Your visualization will be stronger. I specially started to see colours of my chakras much more bright, light and clear. Each chakra needs to have/ incorporate inside the structure and Light of the Merkaba. That means it will be filled with protection and cleansing celestial light.

After process of 22 days of integration, Soul will have 22 days of activation of Merkaba. That means now you need to start working with the celestial light within your chakras. It`s like process of incorporating special templates of light which need to suit all your physical centres.

The second function of Merkaba Light is Celestial light 2 – which is protection and keeping record of your Soul experiences, and connection with your Higher Self. That Celestial light stays in the place of Soul star and is used to keep your “Celestial twin” or Higher self. You connect with Higher Self the same way as you connect with spirit guides and angels. Just this is your True form of Self, and its not restricted from physical body, time or space.

     Remember, your celestial light is important tool for Spiritual ascension and connecting with planes beyond physical. But as most people for now in heavy matter of earth, are quite trapped by physical senses, most of them wont need such activation of Merkaba. The one who needs it, it will work on it, without doubt.

The Third celestial light of Merkaba is in the form of energy cords circulating around your energy, aura and protection spheres. They look like circles of pale silver light (in way equator encircles Earth), and are 3 or 4 silver discs. Their function is to protect the Soul in time of her transition after death of physical body. These silver cords will be tied around the Merkaba Light (where Soul is situated after death), and will have also silver-white grain which will be the Soul, encircled by the silver cords. This is the safe way to travel through time-space, when the soul will be going into the High vibration tunnel (spinning spiral) after death.

Activation of Merkaba takes 44 days, the watcher of the process is arch. Jeremiel or arch. Metatron, as well as one of your Karma Angels. For me activation of Merkaba light is under guidance of arch. Haniel and arch. Jeremiel.

Merkaba Light was known from Ancient societies – Egypt, Mesopotamia, Babylon, Persia, China.

Mer – refers to the Divine Light or all seeing eye of God (Aamon Re)

Ka – refers to the pattern of the individual Soul and it`s transitions beyond time and space in different rebirth.

Ba – refers to the particular space or shape where the body manifest itself. In humans it’s the physical body and earth plane; Ba also points to activation and harmony between spiritual and physical bodies.

      Merkaba Light is activated with process of daily meditations and integration of light into the physical body. First we start from each chakra in body, then the last 22 days we make activation of the whole energy body and aura, surrounding the physical.

Final notes: Merkaba light helps to integrate Mind- Body –Spirit as one harmonious sphere of elements. It also aids the soul in process of her awareness of the world, life mission, inner truth, which way to go, and process of Ascension. Merkaba is high vibration celestial and crystalline light, that encircles our physical and energy body and should be activated consciously and slowly.

It can provide also amazing energy protection, cleansing, healing, mindfulness and connection to past and future Self of the Soul.

That’s is basic element of Ascension process, and of understanding higher realities and planes beyond our. Merkaba also is able to release old patterns, healing tissues and stagnant energy, remove blocks from physical body, activate the flow of energy, restore DNA.

Note: although we can see 7 dimensions in Merkaba star, it is eight dimensional Star.

Thank you for tuning in, children of Light! Now is the time to work and activate your Merkaba. 

 Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 

Reiki master 

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