Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Guide to fruits & vegetables for chakra balance

     I already wrote about importance of using natural medicine and activate your energy in every day life, for healing the human body. Body is a whole connected system, working on many levels – psychological, emotional – energetic, spiritual – mind, consciousness –and physical. The same way inside this system all physical centers are connected, and all chakras have links – from Crown on the top of your head –to the Root and earth chakra (your feet). For keeping your body in good health, you need to keep the moving energy clean and flowing. The blockage or illness of one of the centers (for example imbalance in Heart center) will affect soon in significant way all other chakras;

    That’s why we need to cleanse our energy daily, the same as maintaining physical hygiene, the same as cleaning our home, garden, space. The cleansing of the energy can be made by many ways, most famous of them are: practicing daily meditation (20-50 min); daily exercises, yoga poses, using crystals for cleansing, using essential oils for therapy, growing home plants and flowers for emotional cleansing and relaxed mind, drawing and coloring mandalas; visualizations, listening Tibetan bowls and soothing music; All of that are methods of healing. You can add more: creativity – drawing, writing, creating art; gardening –planting and taking care of trees; cooking and baking different dishes; helping other people (poor, old, orphans); walking in the nature and mountain; photography, seeing new places, observing religious places. (you can add more to your own list).

   One of the most important healing and prevention methods is healthy nutrition. Everyone agrees now that the best nutritional value - minerals, vitamins, acids - are contained in fruits and vegetables.
Today we don’t plant them in our own garden – even there are such amazing people, who return to the nature life again – but others are still in the speed rhythm of the big city. They buy everything ready from the market place, so they (we) have to be careful about what kind of fruits and vegetables they choose, to be organic or with less pesticides.

The color of the natural foods indeed is linked with their nutritional and healing properties and chakra centers in the body. I`ll suggest here list of most well known fruits and veggies for each chakra; adding for which particular organs they can help most. We should have in mind that as all chakras are connected in one energy column in our body, the cure for them are also complex and combinations of many remedies. That`s why we use colorful diet.

 ~ Muladhara * fruits: pomegranate, cranberries, cherries, sour cherries, strawberries, goji berry, raspberries, red apples, blood oranges, red pears, watermelon; veggies: red peppers, radishes, tomatoes, red onions, red cabbage, red potatoes. It helps in cleansing and cures: back bones, skeleton, bones, tendons, joints, muscles, knees, hip bone, feet, toes, blood circulation, blood cells. Closed by fear of negative qualities and situations – fear of failure, of guilt, of judgment, of instability, loss of work, loss of someone close, financial loss; Morning drink for Root chakra: pomegranate (or mix of red fruits cherries, cranberries, strawberries); Best other food for Muladhara: wheat;

~ Svadhishtana  * fruits: oranges, tangerine, mandarin, pumpkin, peach, apricot, mango, papaya, melon, squash; veggies: potatoes, carrots, yellow peppers. Other foods: lentils, garlic; promotes cleansing on physical level- intimate zone, womb, ovaries, kidneys, bladder, urinal tract;
Blocked by suppression of positive feelings – abundance, happiness, joy, sexuality, pleasure, laughter, sharing with others, sensitivity; Morning drink for Sacral: orange and mango juice.

~ Manipura (Solar plexus) * fruits: banana, pineapple, melon, lemon, yellow apples, yellow kiwi, pomelo, pears, persimmons, apricots. Veggies: corn, yellow bell peppers, onion, potatoes, corn, yellow tomatoes, squash, turnips. Heals and prevents illnesses of the Manipura area: stomach, small intestine, pancreas, adrenal, digestive system, liver, gall bladder; more foods – almonds; milk, coconut butter; closed by: fear of positive qualities – of success, self-esteem, personal willpower, responsibility, action, fear of change, transformation, moving to another place or city; Morning drink for Manipura: banana and milk smoothie, lemon juice.

~ Anahata (Heart) * fruits: grapes, pears, green apples, kiwi fruit, avocado, limes, honeydew melon; veggies: broccoli, artichokes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, lettice, arugula, spinach, cucumber, kale, celery, green onions, green beans, fennel, green peas, okra,  parsley, dull, nettle; heals and prevent almost all chakras illnesses, and specially in areas: heart muscle, chest, breasts, lungs, circulation of blood and liquids, arms, hands, palms, fingers, thymus gland. Blocked by suppressed negative emotions – sadness, anger, fear, pain from loss, envy, jealousy, hatred, intolerance, inability to feel or understand others, lack of interest to others; fear of hurt in relationship, fear of losing someone beloved, fear of losing your love; fear of betrayal; distrust, dishonesty; cruelty; sadistic behavior. Morning juice: apples, kiwi, avocado.

~ Vishudha (Throat)  * fruits: grapes, pears, elderberries, plums, pomelo; Vishudha is easily blocked by the following defects: suppressed self-expression, inability to share and speak, to be creative through art, writing; feeling disconnected; dishonest, two-faced, wearing many social masks, lack of social connections, feeling not understood, not felt by others, afraid of the truth, afraid of social judgment and criticism; unwilling to see (say, hear or know) the truth; impurity of body –mind –home. Blocked creative energy. Afraid to show your real face. Afraid to be open and honest. Morning juice: grapes; inhalations with salt and peppermint also help very well.

~ Ajna (Third eye) * fruits: figs, purple grapes, blueberries, plums, blackberries, black currants, elderberries; veggies: eggplant, purple pepper, purple carrot, purple cabbage. Inactive Ajna affects as: unable to see the reality, your current situation, poor memory, lack of self-discipline and organization, lack of time, lack of interest to others, unable to feel and see others in psychological way; unable to feel others aura (sensory, colors); disrespect, lack of knowledge about world and others; lack of spiritual activities; lack of sleep; insomnia, sight problems; headache, migraines, apathy, living in illusions; lying to yourself, imbalance of visible-invisible world; ungrounded, unforgiving, blind, lack of spiritual connection and self-connection. Lack of self-knowledge, not learning from past experiences. Morning juice for Third eye: blueberries; Meditation is best way to open it with lapis lazuli, purple fluorite.

~ Sahasrara (Crown chakra)  * all colors of fruits and vegetables are linked to active and healthy Sahasrara. Its energy is blocked from: excessive consumption of meat (specially of 4 legged animals), flour products, and sugar products.
Defects in Crown chakra lead to: emotional, energy, spiritual imbalance, unclean energy; toxic atmosphere, toxic people close to you, energy vampires; unable to see the whole universe, life from above; dull, uncreative; disconnected from earth, not believing in spiritual world, disbelieving in god and yourself, obsessed by the material world and possessions; addicted to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, meat; addiction to negative people, disrespect, aggression; unable of self-control; malicious, envy, jealous, unable to forgive, nervousness, aggression, lack of physical and emotional cleanness, unable to sleep calm, insomnia, restless, not peaceful.

For maintaining good health you need to observe surely your diet and what is your daily consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, water and juices. Add meditation and prayer in your day regime (as long as possible for you) and you`ll feel fast difference in your life.

Abide in divine Light, dear light workers!

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
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