Thursday, November 17, 2016

Who is Charmeine?

     Little people know about angel Charmeine. There are so many orders and groups of angels, that we cant even count them. Charmeine (outside of the popular literature and movies) is an angel, helper of Haniel. She is in charge of all fairies, elves and forest birds and little insects.

Charmeine is referred to an angel of Harmony. That`s great and true, but all angels are of course connected with the aspect of harmony”. Charmeine is forest angel with fairy-like wings, she is in charge of attracting the most suitable partner in your life, as well as the opposite –to separate in a peaceful way with the person, who is not suitable to be your partner. She is related to love and peace as a perfect state of mind. We have to realize our life purpose and be fully devoted to it; also we have to bring light and happiness to our current relationships, no matter if with love partner, friend or a child. We need to be devoted and trustful, so we can achieve higher state of awareness and emotional flow.
Charmeine is here to ask us how much we know our own hearts? How much we know hearts of close people around us? How much we can trust ourselves and how much we trust others?
This amazing angel has power specially in the beginning of the summer, when the sun energy starts to increase, and all nature is in bloom. She can be visualized very easily in a pale lime-green light and yellow-green wings. She has deep pink eyes, and crown of cherry blossom above her dark long and waving hair. Her presence is very uplifting and peaceful;
One of her roles is to connect “Twin flames” and soul mates on earth;
She can bring the lost balance in your heart after painful separation with your beloved, after you lost someone`s love. She will help you to find inner peace, joy and feeling of sharing and intimacy. As a special place for connecting with spirit world heart should never be closed. Even after painful events heart needs healing energy, not hidden pain, that will transform soon to big explosion inside of you. Be connected with your heart always. Its your best friend, and it wont mislead you.
She can be called upon to help us with change in emotional balance with your love-partner – or with your child, specially if you have dramatic relationship. Charmeine – harmony –will bring you sense of self-confidence and infuse your aura with beauty.
She is in charge of attraction and creative love energy.

* If you would like to make a ritual for arch. Charmeine (not all people are able or even allowed to make it*), you need a candle in apple green or pale pink color with a bundle, and essential oil of rose, jasmine, melon, lemon. Her favorite crystals are cherry quartz with warm and soft shine, orange aventurine, pink opal, green and orange calcite.
Charmeine will help you to let go of painful emotions, to overcome love-imbalance in your relationship, and will show you the true face” of your partner, if he is hiding from you. She will cleanse the obstacles on your way, if you know your Twin flame and want to live together, but of this is not real relationship, she will make more obstacles for you to not be together.
She can be asked for:
~bringing peace and balance in heart and emotions ~
~ if you suffer from extreme changes in the mood –ups and downs
~ to overcome depression
~ to boost your inner power and feminine
~ to start new relationship when you are cleaned from the old
~ to refresh the basis of your current love relation
~ to search for your lost love, or soul mate.

The energy of Charmeine is awaken at Full moon period. (1 week before and 3 days after the full moon) She is also very important connector between birds and humans –so she may give you sign by an unusual bird or a feather near to you. That means awaken heart.

Abide in divine light!

[ nina Lea-nura * ]