Saturday, November 19, 2016

Maat ~

Who was Maat ?
Important part of the religion and belief system in ancient Egypt was connected with Goddess Maat – representing the principles of truth, justice, harmony, judgment in the underworld. Her name means “truth” in Egyptian.

In mythology ~
Maat take part in many myths of world creation – she was with her father on his celestial baraque; She ruled over both Gods and people together with her father. Her functions include taking care of relationships, cycle of seasons, movement of the sun, moon and stars, religious laws and moral behavior, the positive characteristics of men, the justice for leaders and people of law, afterlife. Maat was symbol of balance and harmony in all aspects of life. She prevented the universe from revert to state of Chaos.
* Appearance ~
She was depicted on the ancient hieroglyphs as a slim beautiful woman with white ostrich feather on head. She carries a scepter or ankh in hand; but the most prominent feature of the goddess are her wide spread wings, appearing from both sides and under her hands. Wings are symbol of freedom, liberation of the Soul from all earthly life, and connection with God, spirit and universe.
Symbols of Maat are: primeval mound (showing her higher position between Gods, and ruling over all), wings, ostrich feathers, scales.

* Esoteric correspondences:
Maat is significant for the universal laws of Purity, truth and Justice, that makes her close to Christian views of Virgin Mary, and angels Gabriel and Raguel. Often her outer feathers of wings are colored in turquoise blue color. One of the most obvious correspondences is with the Greek goddess of Justice – Temmis (Temida), wearing a scale and with tied up eyes.
Family: her father was Ra, and her sister Shu – the goddess of Air, her husband was the moon and wisdom god Thoth.
* Mythology ~
We can see Maat judging souls in the afterlife, in the Hall of Osiris; she puts the heart of a person on one side of her scale and on another –her ostrich feather. If the heart weight is the same or less than the feather –the soul is considered just and worthy to go further to Duat – or everlasting life. If the heart was heavier than the feather, then the person was not following the laws of truth and justice during his lifetime, he couldn’t have eternal life and his heart was eaten by a demon, or even devoured by the monster Ammit.
Maat has many names as: Eye of Ra, Queen of earth, Lady of Heaven, Lady of Underworld.
All pharaohs worshipped Maat, in order to ensure their country, they have truth and justice in their heart, (they were called Lords of Maat”) so they should aim to be good caretakers of society. Temples of Maat are everywhere in Egypt.
From the 5th dynasty the judges in Egyptian court were referred to as “Priests of Maat” and wear small golden images of Maat as well as her feather.
Her main temple is in Karnak complex (Luxor).
Additional missions of Maat include – development of science, art of magic, writing system, morality in relations;
The symbol of the feather – truth, justice, balance; such feather was worn also by god of the air – Shu.
The earliest references of the goddess Maat were found in the Pyramids text.

Esoteric symbols of Ma`at:
~ crystal : clear quartz
~ flower : white lotus flower
~ scent : Jasmine, lotus
~ fruit : Pear
~ number : nine
~ color : pearl white, blue
~ herb : peppermint

[ nina Lea-nura ]
לאה נור
Maat in art 

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