Wednesday, November 30, 2016

What is ugliness? I

In the Latin dictionary for ugliness stand terms "turpitudo" with synonyms deformity, ugliness, foulness, obscenity, unsightliness, humiliation"; some of them are with very different connotations as you can see; other terms describing the same word are "deformitas", "foeditas" with meaning disfigurement, unshapeliness, degradation, hideousness, horror. In Greek language the sharpest expression for ugliness is ασχημία (ashimia), in Persian [ veqaht ] obscenity, زشتی [ zashti ] disproportion. 

I want to write about one very important, but little discussed topic; which is even avoided in society today, but in the same time pieces of it are spread daily. About ugliness as a concept. Think inside yourself, what do you see as ugly? What is the most common sense for perceiving something as ugly or not beautiful? I specially use this word in its sharp, extreme connotation, to have an echo in your mind. Moreover not everything, which is “not beautiful” can be called “ugly”. I start developing my thoughts with the levels of perceiving the world around and reality. I accept existing of three general levels of our reality, where our energy is spread: 1. physical level (material body, features, organs); 2. Emotional level (Soul, heart, psychology, reactions, temperaments); 3. spiritual level (Mind, higher connection, intuition, Third eye sensation, mass consciousness).

~ Physical level ~
Physical level and what we call “matter” is related by inner connections to the physical world –and that from our human perception means only –the world that we can observe with our senses. Having in mind that our senses are far more imperfect compared to many animals, we can sense the physical “matter” by seeing (with eyes), hearing (with ears), smelling (with nose), tasting (tongue), touching (with fingers and hands). That are all usually accepted methods of perceiving reality around. I`ll concentrate now on how we can understand “ugliness” by this senses. Ugliness is rarely used term, but widely spread in society, on a subconscious level. Even we don’t admit, many things in daily life we can see – feel as ugly. Ugliness on this level is a form of distorted, crooked matter, which seems unusual to us and even could make us afraid. This crooked matter” has affect of “distorted mirror” image and can be object or subject. Related to both we see this object – subject with crooked features, which are going out of the frame of “socially spread and accepted image” for specially this object-subject. That means –if you see a person with little bigger nose than normally (or than your own nose), you may not accept him as “ugly” as there are also many examples of such people; but if you see person with two noses on his face, or with unusual or big pimple on his nose –you`ll perceive him as “ugly”. That means also,  if we never met or see one particular object before –we cant recognize it as any kind – ugly or beautiful, exactly because we are not familiar with its “normal state” and features. For example if we see an alien of any kind, we cant perceive him the way we view humans, so we wont have exact idea what to expect to be “ugly”, moreover our standards of ugliness differ from aliens ones.
Related to people ugliness has quite social stamp and value, which is related to mass consciousness and the way everyone sees something. It was transformed to a norm; as we live in a group as humans, in circle of family –school, institutions, work, society – we are always affected by this norm. If a hermit came from the desert, who never lived in between this society, he will have different perceptions for “ugliness” and “beauty”, because his mind was growing out of the society.
Now we see “ugly” object or subject, who has some specific qualities. First it should possess asymmetry; then it should be unusual by look (out of the normal visual standards for this general object); third it should be unusual and “crooked” by social acceptance – out of the social norms; These are the most evident cases of “ugliness” on a physical level. Asymmetry – when you see an animal or human with more than normal parts of the body – or with additional parts –like two heads; three eyes, two mouths; (even we don’t see such examples in real, we have them in subconscious level and reveal them in fairy tales and fantasy movies or in dreams). I concentrate on the most visible example –human body and face. On a physical level asymmetry for human face could be – someone without one eye; someone without ears, someone without leg, and so on…even someone without hair can be seen as “ugly” in some eras when this was accepted as unusual and “strange” f. e. woman.
Second criteria – unusual by look –its related to some extend to: cleanness and purity;  in all eras regardless of the beauty standards, everything clean is looked as “beautiful” and all dirty –belongs to ugliness. So ugly is something unclean by look – you can see a woman with dirty clothes, or covered with mud, or with garbage, or with spots of blood on her dress – this can be regarded as “ugly”. Unclean face is also very close to be “ugly”, when you add to it asymmetry or bad look. So ugliness in most cases don’t belong to “sadness” or what we feel pity, but rather something that make us afraid or shocked. When we feel pity for unclean homeless woman, we wont assign her as “ugly”, exactly because of our inner compassion. Out of that cases, ugliness – as unusual or crooked ,out of the social norms, have movable frames. That means its not strictly related. Why is it so? Because every social group has different norms, every continent, place, country, city, area has different developed standards for “beautiful” and ugly. Moreover every single individual has his own private standards and views for “beauty”, depending on his background, family, society where he was born, family relations, emotions, preferences, past lives experiences...So each single human is a made of complex qualities, characteristics and features, that can create for him unique sense for perceiving “beauty” and understanding “ugliness”. This is the private, intimate criteria for beauty- that shows us why some opinions and tastes are so much different in different parts of the world.
Now I want to concentrate on very favorite for most people topic – ugliness (and respectively beauty) in humans face –more specially woman`s face. We can appoint here hundreds of different opinions and views to what most beautiful” woman face should look like; as well as most “ugly” which is very not pleasant topic. Here the direction of my thoughts will change from beauty –to ugliness; as beauty has more admirers in world; So the first general criteria for beautiful women is her symmetric face; that’s very wide spread social opinion, which can be seen only through having a norm for “symmetry linked to general model of human face. (if we see cat as sweet and lovely, we cant compare criteria for beauty” for the cat and a human being, as they belong to different species.) Symmetric face has good (exact) proportions of eyes, nose, cheeks, lips, hair. For example if one of women eye was in closer distance to the forehead or to nose –this wont be regarded as beautiful. The same we can see ugliness in anything which is out of symmetry for face – too narrow forehead, little eyes and big nose, big eyes and big mouth, and so on. Here there is also factor of personal unique sense of beauty, but we wont go in details to it. The second criteria for beautiful face is flawless skin and nice shining complexion. Regardless of the era, country, place, all people love flawless skin in woman face. It`s simply linked to understanding of cleanness and purity. The same as we like clean clothes, nice body proportions, nice face proportions, we are attracted by clean and shining skin. That`s how most of women give much money and crazy efforts to look beautiful” even in older age, and the best sign of it is skin. Related to the concept of ugliness – all things in opposite direction of beautiful, will be considered as part of ugliness”: wrinkles on face, wrinkles, lines on forehead, under eyes, dark circles under eyes, uneven complexion, red eyes, sometimes many freckles, pimples on skin, and so on. In this respect cosmetic industry is very wealthy, as it gives good illusion to women that they can “keep their beauty” forever. On the market there are tones of products for flawless skin – creams, concealers, foundation makeup, powders…And you would drown inside this sea of cosmetics, if you cant swim.
So this is about women face general criteria. From here there are thousands and millions different views on perfect “beauty” (not on perfect “ugliness”); People from AsiaJapan, China, Korea…are more attracted by view of big eyes and white skin tan, that’s how they create characters in (manga) anime magazines. This is the psychological effect of “attracted by another side” something that I don’t possess seems more beautiful and attractive. They have different shape of eyes, narrow, so they like wide; the same way person living in Europe, with European type of face can be attracted by African, Indian, Asian, middle eastern type of face and complexion – as what is far from me looks more attractive.
Of course this is kind of psychology effect and its not possessed by everyone. Even less people in number have this attraction –compared to the big number –and they are more romantic, dreamer, adventurous by nature, or people dissatisfied from their reality and life. (and they were not so many, but as the world changes, their number is growing).
I return again to the concept of ugliness”. As we revealed ugliness is tied and connected with understanding of “beauty”, seeing as its opposite side. Yin and Yang; Beauty should be shining, attractive, pure, clean, flawless, full of light, soft, symmetric, smooth, gentle. On the contrary – ugliness will be dull, unclean, dirty, unattractive, asymmetric, sharp, unsmooth, noticeable, without light, flawed;
In the same way we can observe the other parts of “physical level perceiving of ugliness (and beauty); We turned attention mostly to sense of eye sight, because its most obvious and promoted sense. We are always still affected by what we see, and many times all other senses stay in the back side. But if we are blind for example, what will be our sense of beauty? Then we ll be forced to use our ears, touch, taste, smell.
One of the best senses for attraction is smell. That’s the way of another million dollars industry here –perfumes and scents. When we feel nice aroma scent we are easily attracted by it, and easily it makes links in our mind. That`s how smell of baked sweets, ginger, cinnamon and chocolate is linked with “Christmas fest”, smell of bread with home…our mind is very well attached with smells from nature, so we pick the special ones for us and memorize them. Smell of “beauty” is smell of cleanness, of creating memorizing essences, that can evoke our deep emotions; its smell of gardens, flowers, tree, ocean, rain, fruits…That`s how many amazing perfume compositions are created. Opposite of that –smell of ugliness is connected with bad smell, stink, garbage, uncleanness, sweat, bad body odor; smell of ugliness here can be consider as smell of the outcast of society, usually homeless, poor people, living in miserable conditions, sick, psychologically ill people, who cant take care of their physical body. They belong to “ugliness”. I wont observe other senses in details, as that was not my aim, just I `ll point out, with hear, taste and touch –ugliness is mostly linked to concept of unknown, unusual, fearful, unclean, asymmetric, disgusting. The more sharp is the feeling we perceive this object, the more we consider it as “ugly”.

         From another point, on a physical level, everything can be seen as “ugly” depending on humans own perception, inner acceptance, inner principle, Inner views, inner love, ethics and aesthetics. All things cover with the rough material can be “ugly”. Only the inside energy makes them actually beautiful. That’s why beauty is so by “feeling” (Third eye chakra, Sahasrara) and ugly is “ugly” by seeing (physical senses, fears…)

Moreover there can be ugliness by both seeing and sense. We can see one prostitute as “beautiful” in some cases, but we sense her regressive, damaged and unclean energy, so she become “ugly”. Another way to distinguish beautiful and ugly –is by way of Purity. Anything which is impure is not beautiful – high levels of impurity reveal Ugliness , as it equals to dirtiness. Ugly cant be accepted only by “viewing” the ugly object. So by both beauty and ugliness there are senses. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
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