Sunday, November 27, 2016

Muladhara related diseases and natural remedies (2)

(* Please read part one )

* The fruits for Root balance are red color: strawberry, cherry, pomegranate (the fruit of arch. Michael), cranberries, raspberries, red apples, blood oranges, red pears, watermelon, red grapes, goji berry, sour cherry.  
Vegetables: here come one of the most important and my favorite veggie for salad –tomato; red bell peppers, red onion, red cabbage, radishes, red potatoes;
By regular intake of daily doze of fruits (3 fruits apple size for people 60 kg and above – and 3-5 vegetables – middle size tomato) you`ll ensure the good health of your body and psychological health.

Moreover we can use all kind of natural medicines not just internally, but also externally as preparing home creams, anti aging masks, skin toners, perfumes, ointments, elixirs.
Many of the red color fruits are cancer preventing and cells, blood cleansing.

Recipe ~ for imbalance in blood, low blood pressure, headaches, arrhythmia, self- doubt, lack of motivation, lack of confidence, lost connection with reality, fear based thoughts, fear of failure, aggressive behavior (thoughts), egoistic behavior, intolerance, fearful, unsafe, illusion filled, lost nature connection, lost purpose – make every morning juice of pomegranate (or juice of cherries, strawberries, cranberries, apples); At lunch take tomato salad with olives and green onions. Afternoon – red apples and tea from cranberries (goji berry) warm drink with honey. At the evening – red cabbage, radishes, tomato soup. Add these products to your menu daily for 10-12 days excessively. Combine that regime with yoga exercises and jogging. You`ll feel big improvement just after this short period of time.

Some of the common illnesses and chakra imbalances:

~ Pain in back bone – (Muladhara affect) 
~ problems in bones and joints – (Muladhara)
~ blood cells, heart, blood pressure problem – (Muladhara & Heart )
~ Arthritis – ( Muladhara, Sacral )
~ Teeth, gums care –  ( Muladhara & Throat )
~ Varicose veins – ( Muladhara & Heart )
~ Headache, migraine – ( Muladhara & Third eye )
~ Cold feet, cold hands – ( Muladhara or Heart )
~ large intestine, digestion – ( Muladhara & Solar plexus )
~ Obesity, belly fat – ( Muladhara, & Solar Plexus * Crown )
~ feet skin, knees, hip bone – ( Muladhara )

   The dominant problem of the Root chakra is: lack of physical activity (sport, yoga, walk) – effects: lack of courage, motivation – result in fear, illusion, feeling unsafe, insecure; lack of memory, lack of strong will, unwilling or afraid of changes; strongest deformation of Root is aggressive behavior (uncontrolled emotions- imbalanced fire energy), allowing aggressive behavior to one-self (from side of fear and low self-esteem); strong egoistic and eliminating others behavior (based on receiving without giving – things or emotions; steal of objects or emotions; sucking from energy of others, energy vampires, feeling of stress, helplessness, anxiety; feeling that situation is out of control.

If you want to be in absolute loss of your Root chakra all you need to do is lose connection with nature, concentrate and see only material things, want only to receive objects, properties, money without to give – then your Muladhara will be soon blocked, and along with it also the Crown chakra. The basic energy –flow is between Muladhara – cleansing from toxins –and Crown – receiving energy. If these two connection centers are closed soon the energy will be dull, darken and illness will appear –most heart attacks, cancer, bones and muscles diseases are related to that.

Other important foods that increase the balance of Root chakra are:
~ crystal salt
~ olives
~ grains
~ almonds
~ fish
~ wheat
~ quinoa

It`s easily blocked by excessive use of sugar and sugar-flour products (baked sweets, spaghetti, pizza).
If you are prone to Muladhara imbalances and diseases you can do more things additionally:
~ practice jogging, exercises daily
~ walk in the nature for 20 min daily
~ wear red jasper, fire agate, red agate, black onyx) bracelet (or red jasper pendant)
~ drink infused sun water with jasper crystal for 12 – 22 days
~ make spray mist for courage, new beginnings, luck in carrier:
( Mix in a glass bottle 30 ml (1 oz) pure water, sandalwood, myrrh, ginger: (by 3 drops each) spray on your arms and neck.)

The main chakra for protection, against fear is connected with power of arch. Michael. Make little home garden with red roses, geranium or red hibiscus, poinsettia, for flowing energy of success and stability in your home. Place the garden in suitable area near the window –south –east; use some pebbles and decorate with little red candles.
Potted flowers in home space will help you with anxiety and lack of sleep, will reduce stress greatly.

For emotional and mind healing and make the root flowing – make simple drawing of: 
1. Mandala – circle, inside square and inside circle; make petals of flower and color them in different shades of red, dark orange and brown.
2. Make drawing of autumn tree with crown of leaves; take attention to make every leaf, or more leaves, and branches; color them in soft red, orange and brown colors, and make the root of the tree as well.
3. Make color drawing of red flower –the best is rose; take care of details and the inner feeling of rose petals.
4. if you are into drawing and art you can try making portrait of girl with red hair and red plait. Color it carefully and turn attention to details. Color the lips in red too, and make blushed cheeks.
5. Make painting or drawing of still life with red apples and walnuts.

Muladhara visualization ~

The best way to activate energy in the root chakra is observing the sunrise (and sunset) for 15 min. Watch the sun when you are in a mountain or hill, and you`ll enjoy the amazing warm energy. If you don’t have chance to watch the sun make meditation-visualization:
Imagine the shining sun rise in front of you in loving red color. You are on a mountain hill, beautiful view is spread before you: autumn trees in red, green and yellow color leaves. The sun is rising slowly and you see it like big red ball. Breath deeply.
Another way for activating and cleaning is visualizing warm red light coming from your Soul star –(2 inches above your head) from a big sphere of light, in which there is a rose flower. Its closed, but while you receive the energy, the sphere is glowing and rose petals start to open slowly; the energy flows down to your Crown chakra –Third eye – Thorat –heart...until it reaches to all your centers and activates and move your energy. Feel it warmth and imagine the light spread all over your body –back –bones, kidneys, organs, hands, stomach, legs, feet, blood and cells. This is cleansing body exercise and should be done for 10 min daily.

* Abide in divine light! ~

[ nina Lea-nura * ]

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