Tuesday, November 8, 2016

What is angelic ritual?

     Here I`ll try to answer the question- what is angelic ritual and how should we perform it. First of all, please know that all rituals collect special divine energy, and when angels are included you can be sure of the efficiency of the rituals. Rituals are special sacred performances, connected to “magical” divine and natural forces, collecting the cosmic energy, in order to achieve a concrete result (resolve issue, ask question, achieve higher connections). The rituals have concrete steps and use specific ritual objects and attributes. They are like a magnifying glass- collect the intense cosmic energy, and transform it into reality. This transformation though, takes time, as anything in the nature. We cant expect as for us 3 months is long time, this is so for the angels and the universe. As I stated before, the time of universe is “without time” ,as there is no beginning or end of time, but its calculated” according to human principles, so to be synchronized. Performance of the ritual is representing the “natural actions” – or for each consequence there is a reason/ cause in the nature. We need to know the subtle connections between cause and effect. We need to understand that nothing is a “waste” in the cosmic time, but all fits into its place in a magical way.

     The ritual performance is very important in order to manifest in a “psychic” astral level, what we need to appear in our reality. The same way prayer – any kind – is manifestation of our thoughts, desires, needs.
    Angelic ritual is actual manifestation of the hidden divine cause- effects for us in the universe – and for our inner intentions, thoughts and actions. This makes the wheel” of Karma – and universal forces to move ahead, to eliminate any doubtful and unclear situation, and go with the flow of cosmic time. That is why just prayers are not enough, when it comes to believe, moving forward, going out of hard situations. Prayers are like wonderful words, beautiful thoughts, connection to the eternal Source –god and angels. But the don’t contain the element of determination, free will, strength and action. Exactly this state of activated energies is made with the rituals.
    When it comes to rituals we always imagine” something connected with hidden dark forces, evil, satanic and so…But in real ritual can be equally performed with the power of angels, and with the evil power. Why do you suppose that dark forces are so privileged to be allowed from the Enetral source a ritual? and in the same time the Light and angels to not have right on that?
   Any kind of ritual has the function to magnify, increase and transform in our favor the fluid forces of the universe. We just take this energy and “move it”. The same as we do real “actions” in our physical world – by going to a place, buying fruits, we can also set in motion the inner invisible energies of our astral body through ritual.
The rituals could be found everywhere on earth in any religion, they exist in following specific rules, attires, songs, attributes, sacred objects, candles and so on. Many are the examples – in Christianity – the priest is dressed in special way when performing a prayer, reading from the book of New testament, using a float light with frankincense to spread the smoke –which has also purifying properties. The main ritual for Muslims is performing the 5 times rakat” of prayer, by saying exact words and do exact movements as prescribed; another ritual is by getting round the Kaaba in Mecca for exact number of times, the dress code for women and men and more. In this respect, just by thinking how everywhere religious mind is connected strongly with rituals, we can see and feel there is an immense importance in it. It`s not without meaning!

    Now if you concentrate of the angelic ritual, it`s a private sacred ritual, involving just you and presence of your angels and spirit guides. All you need to do is have the intention. I`ll describe now the main steps for performing angelic ritual, no matter of the guiding angel or needed result.
- that means I concentrate on the general features of the ritual.

  1. Step – Cleansing the space. Any sacred ritual needs nice, comfortable and clean private place. Be sure your place to be well cleaned (use for that water and crystal salt, or orange, jasmine or lavender oil drops inside water). It`s good also the place to be quiet as you don’t want to be disturbed during the ritual.
  2. Step – prepare the sacred objects for the ritual. There should be usually the following items on your altar – candle (with color of the corresponding angel you invoke, like for e. Gabriel –white, silver, Michael –red, golden, Raphael –green). If you don’t have exact color candle you can tie a little color ribbon around the white candle. White always works well, as it contains all colors. Crystal (in form of ball, pyramid, egg or angel, or any other shape is also working). The crystal also should be corresponding to the angel you invoke. (* See the section about “crystals” here). Then you need essential oil – also according to your intention, angel and wish. You can work with Jasmine, Cedar wood, frankincense. Another nice tool is a card (statue, icon) of the angel, spiritual teacher you invoke, or just your helper. Then one of the most important things is the circle “divine angel stamp of force”. This is circle made of paper with the special color, inside which there is a little circle (with place for your magic name or initials.), and drawing of a certain geometrical form –usually a star. The star can be – from five rays to 12 rays, and each one has a concrete meaning in the ritual. Another great object to have is a glass bowl with water and some flowers (or herbs). So this is your altar. Be aware that all of the sacred objects have your energy and they are magical tools of your intentions and thoughts – specially if you have used them before. These tools are used only for the reason of the ritual and represent the 5 natural elements: candle – Fire; bowl or cup – water; flowers, herbs – earth; essential oil –air; crystal – ether psychic connection;
The circle “divine angel stamp of force” represents the union, combining of all elements and energies inside your Mind, thoughts and intentions. That’s why its so important.
3. Step – Purifying yourself – this is also significant step. You need to be clean and with refreshed energy. For that before the ritual make short meditation or pour your head with water with sea salt –which is a way to cleanse your aura. Very nice is also if you have a special ritual scarf or dress in your color (color of your aura or white);
That’s all you need.

    The ritual follows as: Light up the candle, make light in aroma-lamp and sprinkle essential oil. Place the crystal in the center of the “divine stamp of force”. Make a short prayer to the angel you invoke. Say allowed your desired, pain what you need to change. Say “ in the name of God –the eternal source of life – I invoke the power of angel ….Gabriel, and so on as described in the ritual; write this words in the “divine stamp of force” in the middle circle from left to right –and from outer circle to inner. Write your magic name –initials in the small inner circle. After finishing that, say allowed your words from the stamp turning to all directions –and finally place the folded 2 times paper circle in a envelope under the candle. Sprinkle water from the glass bowl in the middle of the room, in the corners and above your hair. Then say – “let my desire –intention to become real in the divine energy and light of arch. Gabriel* (or any angel).
As a final step you should give thanks so say: “Thank you, arch. Gabriel for your wonderful love, support and guidance for this ritual. So it is, amen.” The candle should continue to burn so for around 50  min.
After the ritual is finished, place the sacred object in a private place –also your dress or scarf, and put the candle in a special place (for ex, wooden box.) together with the stamp of force.
Every angel has different time and ways to answer your ritual intentions – some are faster, others –slower. No matter of that –don’t feel “hurry”, disappointed or without hope, if you think you don’t receive the answer quickly! The angels have many times unexpected ways to give you what you need in life. Moreover –have in mind that some things you ask for (ex. A child, a love-partner, work…) can be also part of your Karmic lessons, so they wont be given to you in time you want, but in time, when should be.

That`s all from me, Lea Nura and arch. Gabriel- wish you good luck, dear Light workers, fairies, nymphs. Abide in divine light! ** 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
לאה נור


  1. Thanks for the teaching, this is great, please can you help me by talking to my Angeles for me?
    This angelic ritual is good.
    Please I have problems so please help me do if for me.
    Thanks, the good Lord blessed you.
    Wisdom from Ghana.

  2. Look iv got two days to figure out how I'm to ask of the universe to be at peace with my astrology birth right.
