Sunday, November 27, 2016

Svadhishtana related diseases and natural remedies (1)

    I started writing about diseases and how they are connected with human body as a whole system. The same as all well known illnesses in our organism, also the remedies have complex work and work with combination of many remedies. For more information, please read the first part " Muladhara related diseases and natural remedies”. 

Now I dedicate time for Svadhishtana related most spread diseases and what are the possible cures for them. Sacral chakra imbalances on all levels are often symptoms of many people in contemporary society. Large range of factors add to this – polluted atmosphere in the big cities, work over time, stress, lack of sleep, lack of sport activity, lack of time devoted for things you love, interests and people. These factors influence actually the whole human energy and all chakras. I mention them here, because they are particularly related with Sacral center. Why?
Svadhishtana is very special chakra, related to sexual power, joy, abundance, ability to share with others, ability to share your emotions, to trust and be trusted, to show affection, to believe in yourself, to be confident, and allow yourself relaxing and indulging in joyful activities.

It`s actual source of happiness. Many people living in the fast speed of work-life-daily worries can`t allow the natural flow of energy and joy inside them. Sacral area is related physically to: intimate zone, ovaries, womb, genitals, kidneys and bladder. It is the reproductive system of human – its main element is low water and fire. Because of many reasons this chakra can be out of balance and inactive. The social related norms, issues, high expectation of other people close to us (parents, family, friends), high expectations from ourselves and self-criticism are some of the main problems with the orange center. We need to be enough confident, self-loving, self-accepting, not afraid of showing our real feelings and emotions to others, not wearing social masks –in order to have brilliant Sacral chakra. Sadly this is not fact in today society, that`s why many people make trap for negative energies inside their reproductive center, which leads to many diseases in all levels.
What causes the most common defects and illnesses in this center of emotions?

~ suppressed sexual energy (sexuality) - related to Sacral chakra defect 
~ suppressed positive emotions (lack of emotions like joy, happiness, pleasure) - Sacral
~ not trusting yourself (lack of self-confidence, self-criticism) (Sacral & Heart)
~ not trusting others emotions (lack of tolerance and acceptance of others) (Sacral & Heart)
~ being in a toxic relationship (person who is not energetic match for you and drains your energy) (Sacral & Heart) 
~ feeling lonely and depressed (Sacral & Heart )
~ allowing emotions of others, and feeling of others to affect on you (fear of others expectations, criticism, fear to share inner emotions to close people) (Sacral & Root )

    All of these feelings can be a cause – and will be if they stay long enough inside you – for wide range of diseases. As we know first the disease appears on energy and psychological level, then it spread to the physical body. Some of the downfalls of Sacral center are: the fear of commitment, not trusting others and yourself can lead to kidneys and bladder problems; toxic relationships (not receiving or giving enough love, unable to share emotions with your partner) leads to blocked or ill intimate center – womb, ovaries, irregular menstruation, cyst on ovaries, vaginal problems and itching, as well as sexual problems for men; Suppressed sexual energy (or suppressed emotions and sharing with your partner) can be a cause for excessive sexual desire, nymphomania, sexual disorder (on psychology level), inability to stay in one relationship, need to frequently change sexual partners; You`ll feel as if you are in a trap of emotions and unable to go out, feel afraid to express and show your feelings, and your femininity (male qualities); in an extreme cases the defect of this chakra can cause – strong affections, inability of control over emotions, deviances in mind leading to aggressive sexual behavior, sadism, masochism, increased animal instincts, perversions…)

With risk to be criticized I would say, that what we see sadly in many Muslim societies – like repression of women, allowing aggressive behavior as a norm, blocked sexual energies for the young people from the main social norms –leads to bursting of all these defects and perversions. 
This is due to polluted and misdirected sexual energy. We need to be aware of that process, as it`s lying in deep subliminal level; (* the levels of rape and domestic violence in Islamic countries are much higher than in other countries).  Discrimination of sexual energy is also a cause for illnesses and defects – in Iran and Saudi Arabia cases of homosexuality are punished with dead penalty. That does not lead to decreasing such cases, but just opposite – leads to defected sexual energies in whole society.
In similar manner obsessive behavior with the love-partner, feeling of possessiveness, burst of anger, aggression, jealousy – are entirely related to Sacral chakra blockages.

In strictly Muslim societies we`ll often see the pattern of relationship based on psychological issues –master-slave. The male energy is dominant and female energy are suppressed. Not all relationships are experiencing this pattern, because of the openness of the world, modern technologies and general raise of Mind for people. 

* Please read the second part - "Svadhishtana related diseases and natural remedies -2 "

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
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