Sunday, September 29, 2024

October - energy, Ascension, Angels, Portals, Crystals (9)


   October is month with very strong energy of Divine truth and justice. It is represented by swirling spirals of silver and violet light, reaching to higher dimensions and awakening and deep spiritual realization. This month many souls will face changes, understand the direction of their path and awaken to their spiritual self.

October is month with cosmic vibration 9 – which brings element of Air; some important themes in this time are:

Being true to who you are and your values; What things provoke you to hide your true self or hide the truth?

 Realizing the truth about other people, events and the world.

 Being clear what is the next step on your path as a soul

 Situations that are out of alignment will come to balance

  What in your relationships need clarity and balance?

  What in your relationships need to change, what do you need to release?

   Most people are afraid of change, as they see it as threat to their “peaceful existence” within a safe space or status. Change is something that provokes you to also change, adapt, balance and expand your inner self, your qualities. That`s why any change is uncomfortable at the beginning. But of you realize how many blessings are coming with this change, how much releasing of old trauma and healing, then you will accept it as something needed and good.

   ★ October is month of changes, karmic closure and ending of major cycles. These changes can be on many levels. For many souls changes need to occur first inside, in their heart, so they need to feel uncomfortable feelings like anxiety, depression, anger...They are precursors to change. 

  With 9 month we have the amplified energy of Astral realms, connection to ancestors, lucid dreaming, connection to all fairies and air elementals, and archangel Haniel with the moon angels. At this time the power planets in astrology are the North and the South Node and the moon. We are connecting especially with the energy of the South Node (past lives, past karma, releasing of the old), in the beautiful Solar eclipse portal on 2 October.

   Because Air is also element of shape-shifting, movement, connection, speaking, writing, expression, truth, we will be asked to experience meaningful connections at this time; to understand the truth about our reality in all aspects. To be light and flexible. Also there is focus on mental body, thoughts and visions.

You need to write down all your creativity ideas and to think in a positive manner or implement practice of positive affirmations in the morning. This will be very good in October.

  9 in the Tarot is represented by the Hermit (IX) – need for self-reflection, going inward, seeking the truth, time alone, contemplation, meditation. These practices will be quite important and open your channel to connect with Higher realities, angels, God and your Higher self.

                               Health and wellbeing 

In October you are invited to work on your Crown chakra and balance all your energy centres and aura, as well as your Throat chakra, which is responsible for your personal truth and communication.

Don`t suppress your truth, speak out without fear and don’t hide your emotions in the “darkness”. This will be crucial.

It`s perfect time to work to release your negative self-believes and self talk, to be mindful of your thoughts and words. Because they have the power to create reality. ...(if it is reality you want to be in or not).

★ On a physical level pay attention to your throat, nose, ears, sinus and Thyroid gland. You can start to implement some light exercises, yoga and chi gong that will help you with your overall health.

Examine all your connections – past and present, your friendships and relationships. Who is not in alignment with your truth? Who do you need to let go of?

                              Esoteric Astrology 

In October we have amplified element of Air – which is the lightest and most swift of the elements. We examine and work on our personal air qualities – honesty, kindness, truthfulness, openness, understanding, ability to listen, realization, wisdom, lightness, flexibility, mindfulness, observation, self reflection.

This is also Libra season, which is the time for inner balance, or understand the aspects of you that are out of balance, what aspects in your environment are out of alignment? What qualities in you are reflected by your current relationships?

Many things you need to observe, journal and ask, so you can reach to your perfect alignment.

      ★ There are major cosmic portals this month -

  1)   Solar eclipse / new moon in Libra on 2 October, it will amplify your mental activity, it can bring restlessness, anxiety or sadness. This is major closure of a cycle, and for some people this cycle lasted quite a while.

   2)    Full moon in Aries on 17 October – this full moon has the power to release negative patterns of connecting with others and yourself and how you express your personal power. What needs to change in this direction?

   3)    Sun conjunct Lilith 3 October - this aspect speaks of special empowerment of the divine feminine, releasing negative believes about yourself, working with your shadow, feeling need of independence and being authentic regardless of the response of others. Being comfortable with your “dark side” and ability to say no, or to feel your dark emotions.

   4)    Sun trine Jupiter (retrograde in Gemini) -which is beautiful aspect of harmonization and deep realizing of connections, the way you speak the truth, people who are harmful to your energy, and self reflection. This trine can bring many new creative ideas and inspiration.

                              Crystals for October 

this month you can connect with many crystals for healing, releasing, spiritual ascension, angelic guidance: aqua aura, celestite, blue calcite, pink calcite, angelite, clear quartz, rose quartz, pink opal, kunzite. They are amazing for soothing your mind and cleanse your emotions.

Wishing you happy October! 🍂

Nina Nour Bluebell  ©

medium, crystal healer

October 2024 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Ancestral Karma - patterns and Karmic knots - what do you need to know (part 2)

 This is part 2 of my article, channeled with the help of arch. Jeremiel. 

In the same time, there are some cases that first born child – girl -can have masculine dominant energy and needs to work also on her warrior masculine qualities. But for the majority this is not the case.

(Also, both genders have in different proportions their Yang and Yin energy to work on; the proportions are not equal, they depend on many reasons).

If you are second born child in a family, your soul will have karmic ties and blueprint with your mother and her lineage. (This is valid for second, fourth, sixth children). If you are second born girl, you are here to balance and heal your wounded feminine energy and wounded inner child, but you are connected mostly with your mother. You can see some patterns in the relationship with your mother, you may resemble her, or have similar attitude to life, or points of conflict and care. You can look into the lineage of your mother in detail and see patterns of behaviours, believes or deep rooted fears in her line, especially with the other women (sister(s) of your mother, her mother).

If you are second born boy, you need to work on your divine feminine qualities and aspects and your wounded inner child. Then you take the karmic blueprint of your mother and her mother. In the same time, you will have karmic knots with the men in the lineage of your mother (her father, her brother, cousins)...You need to look into any repeated patterns, negative believes, or attitudes in your mothers line and her relationship in the family. You can have deep fears about work, safety and security, related to basic needs and hunger, fear being out of society, being abroad. (This is valid for the second, fourth, sixth children in a family).

If you choose (and that is always in your soul contract) to not have children in this life, that means you are here to untie karmic knots in your family. You could be also very different from other members of the family. If you are woman your soul needs to untie the knots and cords connected with your mother and her line. Then you are able to cleanse a big portion of your ancestral karma. That`s because children create more karma, which in turn needs to be cleansed. Another point you need to focus on your personal relationships, friendships and practice self-love, self awareness, and creative energy. Because this will be your legacy in this life. Ask yourself what do you need to give to the world or others.

If you have marriage with foreigner you need to look to the patterns in your family related to foreigners and living abroad – do you see any of that in your family or ancestors? If yes, notice which places and countries they live in? In many cases marriage with foreigner means that you don`t accept the social, cultural or even religious environment of the place you are born. (that can be on very deep subconscious level). On another hand, it means that your soul is connected to the land of your husband or partner, and that probably you had past lives in this land. It will be helpful to make regression and to connect with your Akashic records to know about this particular past life (or multiple past lives). There is something that you need to know, or a karmic knot you need to untie with the country, or place, as well as with your husband.

Pay attention that if you are woman, you are here to work to enhance, balance and heal your divine feminine energy. Not because you don’t have masculine energy and qualities, but these qualities will be balanced by themselves by attracting your most suitable partner and lover.

The same is valid if you are a man- you need to work on your divine masculine qualities and divine warrior, and to heal your wounded masculine energy – to be protector and defend others. Your feminine side will be balanced by itself in union with your most suitable female partner.

* Note – here I`ll not discuss the more complex cases of men with predominant feminine energy and sexuality, as they also need to work on wounded masculine energy, but they have additional karma of the divine feminine to deal with.

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, crystal healer

September 2024

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Ancestral Karma, patterns and karmic knots -what do you need to know -part I


Ancestral energy and karma we carry is one of the most important aspects influencing our lives on many levels. That`s why it is so important to understand ancestral karmic patterns and how they work from generation to generation. Here I write this article with the help of Archangel Jeremiel and my angels. 

   Ancestral karma is imprinted in your DNA as etheric energy codes, they are with you in this life time, and sometimes when you are reborn in the next life within the same family line. That means, you have inherited certain imprints (negative and positive) that are activated within you from the day you are born. But mostly the ancestral patterns start to play more visibly after the age of 11-12 (when the child has his first expansion of the Root chakra).

Ancestral karma can bring you lots of divine support and luck, but also can be a cause of downfall. If your energy is too dense and if you are not able to understand and untie some karmic knots.

If you are first born child in a family (or if you are only child), your soul has chosen you to carry the karmic blueprint from the lineage of your father mostly. That means you need to look for and recognize elements and repeated patterns in the relationship with your father, and partly your mother, and to know how they are affecting you. This can be valid also for the inner emotional state, outer look (if you resemble your father or someone in his lineage), for the way he deals with people around and his general attitude. This doesn’t mean you will not be totally unique individual, but you need to search for similarities, and points of conflict between you and your father.

Look into the whole lineage of your father – his father and mother, his grandparents, and see how they lived and what is the furthest point you can reach to.

    The first child, boy or girl has special connection with the father and has stronger etheric cords with him, which will support him in his life time. The same is valid for the 3 or 5-th child in the family.

If you are first born girl, you carry the blueprint from your father`s line, and you are here to balance your Divine feminine energy, as well as working on healing the feminine energy in the whole lineage. You need to look into the patterns and relationships you have with the women from the lineage of your father (his sister(s), mother). What do you find? Write it down, even if it doesn’t make sense. Also, if you are  girl you need to work to enhance your feminine qualities and bring them to light, and you will have wounded feminine energy, or wounded inner child in both lineages of your father and mother.

See some proofs in family dynamics about that. That can be dominant or overcontrolling father and grandfathers, suppressed divine feminine, suppressed emotions and so on? 

You need to understand and observe repeated patterns, believes and behaviours in all women in your fathers side and mother side. What are the wounds, fears and trauma regarding your feminine energy and its expression in your family. Secondly, you need to heal the relationship with your mother, cut the negative ties, re write soul contracts and forgive.

If you are a first born boy in your family, you will carry the karmic blueprint of your father and have special relationship with all men in the family (both on his side and your mother line). In this case you are here as your soul choose to work on your Divine masculine qualities and divine warrior energy, acquiring self-discipline, resilience, protection, defending others, giving support. Notice that, if you have to work on these qualities, they are already out of alignment for various reasons in your family. Many people in the society have wounded inner warrior energy.

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, crystal healer

September 2024 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Meditation for the Full moon in Pisces - cleansing, healing and rejuvenation of your emotions (with AA Haniel)

This meditation is specially designed to help you cleanse, rejuvenate and heal your emotional body and your subconscious mind; also it will connect you with your divine feminine energy and Water element in your body.

                  Preparation and breathing

   Be still in a quiet space where you can take time for yourself. Allow your mind to relax and release all tension, worry and anxiety. Slowly and mindfully take a few deep breaths, hold on the top and release. While you breath in visualize glowing white sphere of light in your heart space. See how this sphere expands and grows bigger and bigger, shining outward. Then see how the sphere of your heart is surrounding your whole body and aura. Stay here for a while and observe the light of the orb.

          ★   Invocation in a sacred garden

Now imagine and feel yourself in a very beautiful sacred garden. There are flowers around, trees are stretching their branches to the sun and stars. See and hear the soothing sound of the waterfall. Now you find yourself in a splendid place where you see sacred crystal lake and a waterfall. This is place just for you, as fairies and angels invited you here today. When you walk near the waterfall you see its water is so pure, shining and has colour of Aquamarine. The whole lake has also aquamarine light. You know that this light is healing and is able to cleanse your emotional body from all negative stagnant emotions and all sadness stuck in your heart. Now you immerse yourself in the waters of the lake, feel the soothing and healing energy of the waters surround you. See how your whole body starts to absorb the aquamarine light. Then you swim to the waterfall and stay under its stream, feeling how the healing water cascades above your head. This aquamarine water is extremely healing and detoxing your whole body and aura in all levels. It also has the power to remove all negative thought forms, emotions of other people, entities and cords. Feel the waters cascading above your whole body, shoulders, chest, legs…

The water cleanses your etheric body and all chakras, stay for a few moments and feel how the aquamarine water is washing over you, healing all your cells and upgrading them with light.

You stay a few moments under this healing waterfall, as it cleanses and releases all your past trauma, suppressed feelings, rejection – all is dissolved out from your body.

              In a healing sphere of Aquamarine light

    Now it`s time to call on archangel Haniel, the moon angels and crystal fairies of Aquamarine to surround you. We call on them to be present in the sacred garden, they are stretching their hands, caressing your aura and sending streams of aquamarine light to it.

  Take time to see and feel the presence of the beautiful archangel Haniel with 111 moon angels, and the crystal fairies of aquamarine around you. How do you feel? Notice any sensation in your body or emotions. All the angels and Archangel Haniel are sending you the energy of the Full Moon. This full moon has powerful healing and cleansing energy, as it rejuvenates your cells and organs in a perfect way, lifting up your vibration. The angels and the aquamarine fairies channel the moon energy into your body and surround you with glowing white-aquamarine blue orb of light. You are loved and protected in this orb, it has qualities of soothing and deep detox of your body -mind, spirit and emotions.

(Sphere is the sacred geometry  shape of water element, it has qualities of divine feminine, representing wholeness, eternity and infinity, nurturing, care and love). 

Now while you are in this shining orb of angelic and moon energy, think about 3 negative emotions or 3 things you need to release in this full moon. What are you ready to let go of? What is no longer in your highest good in this cycle? See these emotions as written words in the sky, and simply send them to the moonlight, where they are dissolved and transmuted.

Now think about 3 positive feelings that you wish to have more in your life. Feel them and see them written in the sky. Take these words and place them in your Heart. See how they melt in your heart, feel positive and joyful from these emotions.

You feel angelic presence starts to dissipate as angels are withdrawing slowly from the sacred garden. You feel the aquamarine light remain in your aura and your body and cells is shining with this healing energy. You feel renewed, refreshed, purified and ready to move on in your life.

We thank the moon angels, arch. Haniel and crystal fairies of aquamarine for their love and healing, and for this transmission.

You can slowly take a deep breath and return back to your world, feeling the uplifting aquamarine light in your heart and Crown chakra.

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, crystal healer

September 2024 

Full Moon in Pisces -Lunar eclipse 🌔 deep healing and cleansing of your subconscious mind (+Journaling)


This full super moon in Pisces is a very special portal opening on 17 -18 September with the energy of swirling aquamarine and golden light. This event also activates the partical Lunar eclipse – it is time for deep cleansing, releasing, upgrading of your emotional and Spiritual bodies. Now you need to let go of all hidden, suppressed and denied emotions and fears that are roaming in your subconsciousness. 

  🌔All full moons in water signs are especially powerful for cleaning, purifying, releasing energy, deep healing and rejuvenation in your body. It is time for looking inward, focus on yourself, and the space you live in, time for solitude and self-reflection.

Connect to the water element in your body and ask your body what it needs for healing; That maybe a diet, special nutrition, herbal drinks, remedies, exercise or walk in the nature. Whatever it is you just need to tap into your intuition and be willing to hear or see the spiritual guidance.

This water full moon is amazing for detox of the body, emotions and connection with spirit, Higher self and other realms. You may feel you need more time for sleep, rest and dreaming on what you need to create. You can be very attuned to the energy of the Astral, other realities or dimensions as this is realm of Pisces.

    Some things you need to consider in the time of the Full moon and Lunar eclipse:

 Take time to rest and self-care rituals. You can make energy cleansing with water and sea salt and few drops of your favourite essential oil.

 This is time for spiritual connection and feeling into your inner world; It`s great to journal about your emotions and things you want to release and let go of. Because only when we let go, we create space for the new to come.

 This Full moon is perfect for meditations for deep healing of the body and mind, for connecting with your Ancestors, angels and all energies that are supporting your spiritual growth on the planet.

 It`s very important to stay present and grounded, take time in nature or in company of plants, trees and flowers. Feel grounded and listen to the inner wisdom of your body.

 Start a new diet, detox your body from all damaging elements that prevent you from holding more Light. Feel and understand how you are blocking your body from being your best ally and serving you.

        Chakras to work on

The full moon in Pisces is so special as it can signify the end of a cycle in your life and illuminates the path in front of you. You can work on opening your Crown chakra and Heart, so you will receive clear guidance from spirit. Be open, and understand that your emotions need to flow, not to be suppressed or rejected. Regularly practice gratitude for all that you have, for all that you are. 

     Here are some special questions to journal on this Full moon:

- What negative emotions I need to release and let go?

- What triggers me? What people or situations make me more vulnerable?

- What I need to let go in my environment, so that I can live with more joy and freedom? What objects I need to let go to cleanse the space?

- What is my relationship to myself? How do I handle my emotions?

- What is my relationship with my loved ones or children?

- What in my physical body needs healing? Do I see connection between my emotions and this area in my body?

- How can I support my sleep and rest? Am I exposed to much EMF pollution or energy from electronic devices before sleep?

- How can I support my spiritual body? Do I have regular meditations, energy exercises or nature connection?

Answer these questions and add your own if you wish – journaling is practice that makes you stronger and self-aware, so that you can improve your life in all aspects.

    At this time we work collectively on healing our Divine feminine, connecting with the inner goddess and feeling the wounds of past trauma related to the feminine energy. It will be good to set times for yourself and focus inwards as there are many aspects to be cleansed and healed. It`s time to set intention what do you need to remove and cut away from your life, what people are no longer in alignment with your spiritual path? Can you set boundaries with them?

                              Crystals for the Full moon

The crystals that can bring you soothing, healing and cleansing energy in this moon are: Aquamarine, Aqua aura, clear quartz, blue calcite, celestite, selenite, amazonite, blue fluorite; also crystals of the Virgo season: green calcite, green fluorite, green jade.

Thank you for tuning in! 

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, crystal healer

Tarot teacher 

Sept. 2024 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Tarot and Fairy Oracle > Spiritual guidance for September 🔮


This September we have special energy of divine Truth and inner guidance, self-reflection and balance in all spheres of life. 

The cards we have are:

 IX. The Hermit 

The Hermit shows that you are in need of time for deep healing, self-reflection or solitude, as this is crucial to reach your destination. Do not rush and slow down, feel your body and feel in the present moment. This card reveals that you are in need of connecting to your inner compass and also to higher guidance, to spiritual realms. You need to be aware of your journey, and let go of all negative thoughts, business and distractions from the world around you. And this month you will surely have them. Take time and space alone, time for positive affirmations, journaling, meditation and gratitude. They will give you much needed energy boost. Also, for some souls this can be time for healing of body and emotions.

XXI. The World

This card shows that you are transforming and changing at this time – all things: people and places will affect you and you can find some synchronicities in the events in this month. You need to be grounded and protect your energy as much as possible. For some souls you can plan your next destination, find your community of like-minded people and pay attention to signs from spirit; for others – you will embark on a journey, which can be exotic destination, or just travelling with family or friends. In September you need to discover the places and people around you, and to notice how all things are connected in your life. Make sure though you take time for your self -and healing as the Hermit advices you.

On a global scale this month will bring energy shift to higher levels and higher vibrations for the planet.

  XIV. The Temperance 3 of Cups

The Temperance is sign that you will experience challenges and you will need to balance your energy, mind and body. You can have very different (or contrasting) experiences with your emotions (as we also are in Eclipse season), so you will have to make balance between your emotions and your thoughts. Ask yourself – what things are triggering you this month? What do you feel and why? How do you feel about certain people and events? What are your thoughts and what you can do to overcome overthinking and anxiety? The world is changing, this card suggests that you are in time when you will need to be active, and then to take rest and time to heal. Rituals for self-love and energy healing will be so good this month. This card also is reminder to connect to your Higher self, you guardian angels, your personal element (for example water, or Fire).

         ★  3 of Cups

This card shows special connections and communities at this time. You will have many gatherings, time with friends, sharing and joyful moments of being together. For some people that can be parties, birthdays or just meaningful connections with close friends, who will give you sense of love and warmth. Choose with who you spend your time with, and with who you share personal things. It is time to ignite your joy and passion and listen to some advice or creative ideas from others. This is month of friendship and joy, but also with expressing your inner child!

Fairy Oracle : ' Fairy Gems' by Ellen Steiber

24. Moonstone fairy

(Lovers, tenderness, clairvoyance, dreams)

This card shows special connection with the moon energy and with your divine feminine energy this month.

Moonstone fairy signals that you are opening to your own psychic powers and an awareness of your spirit in the karmic fields of time.’

she helps seers to see clearly and interpret both visions and vibrations.

The Moonstone fairy may also appear when love is on the horizon. She is a calming influence, bringing a tender energy to a relationship, allowing the lovers to truly see each other for what they are.’

The Moonstone can be an aid in dissolving feelings of anger and betrayal and allowing a genuine tenderness – towards yourself and the universe.’

Tarot used: Nicoletta Checcoli Tarot " 

Thank you!

Nina Nour Bluebell  ©

medium, crystal healer

Sept. 2024 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Meditation for Ascension - with AA Jeremiel and Crystal elemental (for psychic protection and cleansing)


This meditation for the month of September is designed to give you deep cleansing, healing and psychic protection and to open your Third eye, to connect you with higher dimensions and Akashic wisdom. This is part of the monthly Ascension meditations with specific angels and divine ray.

(Note: You can make this meditation any time). 

Note: Make sure to cleanse your space and energy and be in state of inner peace before this meditation.

                       Preparation -elemental activation                          breathing

Sit or lie down in a quite space (or a darkened room). You can light up candles to sooth your mind, or incense. Focus within your self and now we will make Breathing of elemental powers. Breath deeply and count to 4, then breath out slowly. While you do that imagine a sphere of golden light in your Solar Plexus chakra. When you breath out, see this sphere expanding and the golden light becoming stronger. This activates your Fire power. Now breath deeply again and see beautiful aquamarine light expanding in your Third eye and head. This is your Water power activated. Breath deeply again and imagine emerald green light glowing and expanding in your Heart. This is your Earth energy activated. Breath last time and see sparkling white light expanding in your Throat charka. This is your Air power activated.

And finally breath deeply and imagine glowing pink light in your Higher heart. This is your Ether power activated. Now you are prepared for the meditation.

                          Meditation for deep cleansing

See in your heart growing indigo blue sphere of light, surrounded by violet. Focus how it feels for a few moments, as you see the sphere glowing and spinning. Then see how with each breath the sphere expands more and more, until it encompasses your whole body. The sphere of indigo -violet light expands and shines around your aura. Feel protected within this beautiful sphere...See how it starts to spin.

Now feel the presence of Arch. Jeremiel next to you. His wings are spread wide and he envelopes you with love and protection. He sends angelic energy from the palms of his hands into your aura and body. See the energy as shining streams of indigo- violet light. This light is calming and soothing for your nervous system and body, it cleanses your brain and head area. The light removes any negative thought forms, attachments and entities from your Third eye, head and nervous system.

Breath in the divine indigo light into your Third eye and see how it expands and opens. Now see inside the violet orb of your Third eye shining indigo blue lotus closed as a bud. His petals start to unfold and open one by one, until you see the lotus in full bloom in your Third eye. Stay here for a moment and notice how you feel; do you sense any warming of your Third eye area?

                Meditation for protection with crystal              elemental 

Now we call on the crystal elemental of blue tanzanite – to surround you with strong protective shield of deep blue energy and to protect your aura and body from all psychic interference, attacks or negative energies that seek to harm you. See the globe of deep indigo crystalline light enveloping you in shining sphere of ethereal Tanzanite. We ask for protection of your aura, mental and Astral body and full protection in your sleep and astral travels at night.

Feel how your Third eye is protected and safe and enhanced with super power.

            ★  Removing negative energies with sacred              geometry

Now we ask arch. Jeremiel and your guardian angels to surround you with healing vibration from any past trauma in your mental or psychic body. Arch. Jeremiel opens portal of 8 pointed star on your right side, and you see the indigo blue star spinning first slowly, then faster and faster. The star is surrounded by circle of golden light. When it spins it acts as a vacuum that sucks away any negative vibrations, entities and harmful thoughts of others. The star is removing all these dark energies into itself, as a spinning vortex.

Stay a few moments here and notice how you feel in this process.

You are now cleansed and rejuvenated, your aura and Third eye are fully protected by the light of archangel Jeremiel.

Now the 8 pointed star portal is removed into the angelic light and dissolved.

Archangel Jeremiel and crystal elemental of Tanzanite create an orb of white light in your Third eye and Crown chakra. Within the orb they place eight pointed star of protection, visions and clairvoyance, that will enhance your psychic power. See how the star with 8 points (star of Ishtar) starts to shine and spin slowly in your Third eye and Crown chakra. You can feel also additional other colours of sparkles in the light. Feel how your chakras are opened and cleansed with high vibrational cosmic light.

                     Meditation in angelic tube of Light

Now we call on Arch. Jeremiel and crystal elemental to create a tube of crystalline indigo-violet light all around your body. See this as a pillar of Light, connecting you with the Source energy and the crystalline core of Neptune above, going through your body and energy, connecting your heart and flowing down into the crystalline core of the earth. This is angelic light pillar of Ascension, cleansing and purification. It also activates your psychic gifts, it opens you to higher guidance and to receive Light codes for your highest soul potential in this month.

Breath deeply and feel this pillar of light around you and your house and space for a while. Sense how all negative energies are being removed and dissolved. You are now a shining being of Light and you have received the angelic Light codes for September with Arch. Jeremiel.

You can breath deeply and return back to your world.

Thank you for tuning in! 🍵

Nina Nour Bluebell  ©

medium, crystal healer

September 2024 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Channeled message from AA Jeremiel for the Ascension (September) ⭐


                Greetings children of Earth and Light! 

   You are in a time of great transformation and transition on earth. You are becoming lighter and in a way more sensitive and vulnerable, and you are anchoring the divine strands of light into the core of planet. Now is the time for deep reflection on your life path and reality that you have been creating – past and present. 

See and acknowledge what needs to be released, what is hindering your development as a soul, what you need to let go?

Archangel Jeremiel is sending you blue -violet and golden light codes, that will flow into your Crown chakra and Third eye (sub conscious mind) in a state of sleep and dreaming. These codes of transformation will enter the planet on each Cosmic portal (Solar, Lunar and especially Autumn equinox). Be open and willing to receive them, prepare your energy. This light activates your highest potential, your past life gifts and talents, your psychic wisdom and ability to go beyond the physical world. The light codes are so magical that you may feel life you are in another world, or you are no longer the person you used to be. Regardless of your age shift happens because of your awareness and ability to integrate and be mindful. You need to remember your mission of light, you need remove distractions and bad habits and focus on your goals and dreams.

The energy of Ascension in September is not easy, as high vibrational influxes will be covering the planet. They are directed to soothing, healing and letting go. You may start to understand the deep meaning of certain events, why certain people are in your life and their role, why some souls trigger you and your sensitivity.

Your planets of power on global scale are Pluto and Neptune. Pay attention to their movement and transition in the sky. They will affect your dream-scape and Astral planes, also will open doors in your sub-conscious mind. Some of you will be asked to do shadow work, to integrate different pieces of their soul, to understand their deep feelings and thoughts. There is a deep ice under the water of your emotions. Now is the time for you to release, cleanse and purge all negative feelings, all traumatic memories and soul experiences…

Release heavy burden that you carried for so long! Release the negative habits -addictions to food, drinks or people, who diminish your inner light. You need to let go and be free, so that your surrounding reality can shift and ascension can happen naturally.

This month is time for observation, self-reflection (meditation) and solitude for many souls. Understand that your planet has changed and so are you; Every decision you made, every hesitation, every moment of forgiveness and letting go, has a huge impact on your energy and life.

Understand that with awareness and open mind, you are not alone, you are connected always to the vast web of eternal Love and wsidom, and to Angelic realms. Your freedom is possible through your creative spirit now.

Sending you Violet and Golden light!

AA Jeremiel 

 *The message is encoded with the light of Arch. Jeremiel 

channeled by 

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, crystal healer

Sept. 2024 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

New Moon in Virgo 🌙- Planning, Grounding, Self-love (Journaling + New moon Ritual)


   This new moon in Virgo ♍opens the magical portal of soft green light, awakening your Heart to the flow of universal Love. The moon is inviting us to go within, for self-reflection and understanding deeper meaning of Self and our life; it is perfect time for planning, organising and planting seeds of your desires and goals. 🌙

During Virgo new moon, the planet Mercury (ruling planet of Virgo) is in sign of Leo – your mind can be overly active and thinking about many different projects, obligations and schedules. Even so, you are invited to slow down and first make a good plan, while remaining focused and grounded in the present moment.

      This is amazing time for:

- planning your next project, or next steps

- Making changes, decorations or cleaning of the home and wardrobe

- Taking care of your finances and making adjustments

- Grounding to the core of earth -meditations and walks in nature

- Making plants for studying something new

- Being more mindful and making adjustments in your diet and daily food

The main element we need to work with is Earth – so we are focusing on earth qualities: organization, self-discipline, planning, patience, consistency, schedules, self-reflection, managing home and expenses. It is the time for deep healing and paying attention to your physical body and welbeing. What you need to do in order to be in perfect health? What is number one habit that is detrimental to your energy flow and physical health?

    At this time you need to work on your home energy, to protect your home and think about what objects are no longer in alignment with the space; think about decorating and cleaning and cleansing the energy of your home. (As every human has aura and energy, so does the home have and you are inevitably affected by your home energy, as well as the energy of people living in the same space). You need to be very aware of every item, to see how well are organized your clothes, accessories, books and kitchen staff. Is everything in place?

Some special questions for self-reflection and journaling you can ask: 

★ Is my home representing my own energy and who I am?

 What changes I can make in my home and each room?

 What in my daily diet is good for my health?

 What in my diet is detrimental for my body?

 Do I spend enough time in nature?

 Do I have special time for meditation and healing practices?

 How much time I spend for playing sport, yoga and exercises?

 Do I need to change my habits related to some unhealthy foods: coffee, alcohol, sugar, gluten, meat?

★ Can I start to incorporate crystal healing and crystal meditations in my daily routine?

                                  Crystals for healing

   At this time you can make meditations or crystal grids with the special crystals of Virgo and earth energy like: green calcite, green fluorite, prehnite, peridot, chrysoprase, green aventurine, green jade. They are wonderful to connect with crystal elves (earth elementals) and also great for healing, rejuvenation, connection with your spirit animal or spirit tree and plant, for grounding, stability, consistence, understanding, opening your Heart, for manifesting money, home or material things.

                      New moon Ritual and meditation

This is short ritual and meditation you can make on the day of the New moon and 4 days after. Light up 1 (3 -6) green candles on your altar or in place in your home. You can surround your candles with crystals for the Virgo moon (mentioned above), or make crystal grid.

You can also use beautiful flowers and plants in your creation. Now we call on arch. Jophiel and crystal fairies of green fluorite to surround you with light green healing orb of light. See first this light as a glowing sphere in your Heart...then expand this light more and more, until it encompasses your whole body and aura. Feel the green light pulsing around you, spinning and cleansing your energy. Now feel from your feet glowing light green roots descending down into the earth. Slowly see the roots enfolding deeper and deeper into the earth, until they reach the crystalline core of Gaya and connect with it. Feel the energy flowing from the ethereal earth core up to your roots, up to your feet and body. This energy is strongly rejuvenating and healing. Stay for a while feeling the energy of the earth and connecting with it deeply.

Now imagine that you are in a beautiful sacred garden – of your Higher self. You can design this garden exactly in your taste. You are holding small ethereal seed of light – this is the seed of your one desire that you want to manifest in the next months. Place it in the fresh soil in this garden and water it; then watch how this seed starts to grow little by little. Imagine your desire as a bubble of light – like playing scene in front of you. What do you see? Feel the seed was already planted and your desire needs just time to come to reality.

Breath deeply and come back to your world.

You can revisit your garden in the next 6 days and see how the plant is growing and blooming in beautiful way.

(This new moon is perfect for manifesting: new home, home furniture, home change, money, material objects, health, information about healing).

Happy New moon!

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, crystal healer

Sept. 2024