Saturday, September 7, 2024

Channeled message from AA Jeremiel for the Ascension (September) ⭐


                Greetings children of Earth and Light! 

   You are in a time of great transformation and transition on earth. You are becoming lighter and in a way more sensitive and vulnerable, and you are anchoring the divine strands of light into the core of planet. Now is the time for deep reflection on your life path and reality that you have been creating – past and present. 

See and acknowledge what needs to be released, what is hindering your development as a soul, what you need to let go?

Archangel Jeremiel is sending you blue -violet and golden light codes, that will flow into your Crown chakra and Third eye (sub conscious mind) in a state of sleep and dreaming. These codes of transformation will enter the planet on each Cosmic portal (Solar, Lunar and especially Autumn equinox). Be open and willing to receive them, prepare your energy. This light activates your highest potential, your past life gifts and talents, your psychic wisdom and ability to go beyond the physical world. The light codes are so magical that you may feel life you are in another world, or you are no longer the person you used to be. Regardless of your age shift happens because of your awareness and ability to integrate and be mindful. You need to remember your mission of light, you need remove distractions and bad habits and focus on your goals and dreams.

The energy of Ascension in September is not easy, as high vibrational influxes will be covering the planet. They are directed to soothing, healing and letting go. You may start to understand the deep meaning of certain events, why certain people are in your life and their role, why some souls trigger you and your sensitivity.

Your planets of power on global scale are Pluto and Neptune. Pay attention to their movement and transition in the sky. They will affect your dream-scape and Astral planes, also will open doors in your sub-conscious mind. Some of you will be asked to do shadow work, to integrate different pieces of their soul, to understand their deep feelings and thoughts. There is a deep ice under the water of your emotions. Now is the time for you to release, cleanse and purge all negative feelings, all traumatic memories and soul experiences…

Release heavy burden that you carried for so long! Release the negative habits -addictions to food, drinks or people, who diminish your inner light. You need to let go and be free, so that your surrounding reality can shift and ascension can happen naturally.

This month is time for observation, self-reflection (meditation) and solitude for many souls. Understand that your planet has changed and so are you; Every decision you made, every hesitation, every moment of forgiveness and letting go, has a huge impact on your energy and life.

Understand that with awareness and open mind, you are not alone, you are connected always to the vast web of eternal Love and wsidom, and to Angelic realms. Your freedom is possible through your creative spirit now.

Sending you Violet and Golden light!

AA Jeremiel 

 *The message is encoded with the light of Arch. Jeremiel 

channeled by 

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, crystal healer

Sept. 2024 

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