Sunday, September 8, 2024

Meditation for Ascension - with AA Jeremiel and Crystal elemental (for psychic protection and cleansing)


This meditation for the month of September is designed to give you deep cleansing, healing and psychic protection and to open your Third eye, to connect you with higher dimensions and Akashic wisdom. This is part of the monthly Ascension meditations with specific angels and divine ray.

(Note: You can make this meditation any time). 

Note: Make sure to cleanse your space and energy and be in state of inner peace before this meditation.

                       Preparation -elemental activation                          breathing

Sit or lie down in a quite space (or a darkened room). You can light up candles to sooth your mind, or incense. Focus within your self and now we will make Breathing of elemental powers. Breath deeply and count to 4, then breath out slowly. While you do that imagine a sphere of golden light in your Solar Plexus chakra. When you breath out, see this sphere expanding and the golden light becoming stronger. This activates your Fire power. Now breath deeply again and see beautiful aquamarine light expanding in your Third eye and head. This is your Water power activated. Breath deeply again and imagine emerald green light glowing and expanding in your Heart. This is your Earth energy activated. Breath last time and see sparkling white light expanding in your Throat charka. This is your Air power activated.

And finally breath deeply and imagine glowing pink light in your Higher heart. This is your Ether power activated. Now you are prepared for the meditation.

                          Meditation for deep cleansing

See in your heart growing indigo blue sphere of light, surrounded by violet. Focus how it feels for a few moments, as you see the sphere glowing and spinning. Then see how with each breath the sphere expands more and more, until it encompasses your whole body. The sphere of indigo -violet light expands and shines around your aura. Feel protected within this beautiful sphere...See how it starts to spin.

Now feel the presence of Arch. Jeremiel next to you. His wings are spread wide and he envelopes you with love and protection. He sends angelic energy from the palms of his hands into your aura and body. See the energy as shining streams of indigo- violet light. This light is calming and soothing for your nervous system and body, it cleanses your brain and head area. The light removes any negative thought forms, attachments and entities from your Third eye, head and nervous system.

Breath in the divine indigo light into your Third eye and see how it expands and opens. Now see inside the violet orb of your Third eye shining indigo blue lotus closed as a bud. His petals start to unfold and open one by one, until you see the lotus in full bloom in your Third eye. Stay here for a moment and notice how you feel; do you sense any warming of your Third eye area?

                Meditation for protection with crystal              elemental 

Now we call on the crystal elemental of blue tanzanite – to surround you with strong protective shield of deep blue energy and to protect your aura and body from all psychic interference, attacks or negative energies that seek to harm you. See the globe of deep indigo crystalline light enveloping you in shining sphere of ethereal Tanzanite. We ask for protection of your aura, mental and Astral body and full protection in your sleep and astral travels at night.

Feel how your Third eye is protected and safe and enhanced with super power.

            ★  Removing negative energies with sacred              geometry

Now we ask arch. Jeremiel and your guardian angels to surround you with healing vibration from any past trauma in your mental or psychic body. Arch. Jeremiel opens portal of 8 pointed star on your right side, and you see the indigo blue star spinning first slowly, then faster and faster. The star is surrounded by circle of golden light. When it spins it acts as a vacuum that sucks away any negative vibrations, entities and harmful thoughts of others. The star is removing all these dark energies into itself, as a spinning vortex.

Stay a few moments here and notice how you feel in this process.

You are now cleansed and rejuvenated, your aura and Third eye are fully protected by the light of archangel Jeremiel.

Now the 8 pointed star portal is removed into the angelic light and dissolved.

Archangel Jeremiel and crystal elemental of Tanzanite create an orb of white light in your Third eye and Crown chakra. Within the orb they place eight pointed star of protection, visions and clairvoyance, that will enhance your psychic power. See how the star with 8 points (star of Ishtar) starts to shine and spin slowly in your Third eye and Crown chakra. You can feel also additional other colours of sparkles in the light. Feel how your chakras are opened and cleansed with high vibrational cosmic light.

                     Meditation in angelic tube of Light

Now we call on Arch. Jeremiel and crystal elemental to create a tube of crystalline indigo-violet light all around your body. See this as a pillar of Light, connecting you with the Source energy and the crystalline core of Neptune above, going through your body and energy, connecting your heart and flowing down into the crystalline core of the earth. This is angelic light pillar of Ascension, cleansing and purification. It also activates your psychic gifts, it opens you to higher guidance and to receive Light codes for your highest soul potential in this month.

Breath deeply and feel this pillar of light around you and your house and space for a while. Sense how all negative energies are being removed and dissolved. You are now a shining being of Light and you have received the angelic Light codes for September with Arch. Jeremiel.

You can breath deeply and return back to your world.

Thank you for tuning in! 🍵

Nina Nour Bluebell  ©

medium, crystal healer

September 2024 

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