Tuesday, September 3, 2024

New Moon in Virgo 🌙- Planning, Grounding, Self-love (Journaling + New moon Ritual)


   This new moon in Virgo ♍opens the magical portal of soft green light, awakening your Heart to the flow of universal Love. The moon is inviting us to go within, for self-reflection and understanding deeper meaning of Self and our life; it is perfect time for planning, organising and planting seeds of your desires and goals. 🌙

During Virgo new moon, the planet Mercury (ruling planet of Virgo) is in sign of Leo – your mind can be overly active and thinking about many different projects, obligations and schedules. Even so, you are invited to slow down and first make a good plan, while remaining focused and grounded in the present moment.

      This is amazing time for:

- planning your next project, or next steps

- Making changes, decorations or cleaning of the home and wardrobe

- Taking care of your finances and making adjustments

- Grounding to the core of earth -meditations and walks in nature

- Making plants for studying something new

- Being more mindful and making adjustments in your diet and daily food

The main element we need to work with is Earth – so we are focusing on earth qualities: organization, self-discipline, planning, patience, consistency, schedules, self-reflection, managing home and expenses. It is the time for deep healing and paying attention to your physical body and welbeing. What you need to do in order to be in perfect health? What is number one habit that is detrimental to your energy flow and physical health?

    At this time you need to work on your home energy, to protect your home and think about what objects are no longer in alignment with the space; think about decorating and cleaning and cleansing the energy of your home. (As every human has aura and energy, so does the home have and you are inevitably affected by your home energy, as well as the energy of people living in the same space). You need to be very aware of every item, to see how well are organized your clothes, accessories, books and kitchen staff. Is everything in place?

Some special questions for self-reflection and journaling you can ask: 

★ Is my home representing my own energy and who I am?

 What changes I can make in my home and each room?

 What in my daily diet is good for my health?

 What in my diet is detrimental for my body?

 Do I spend enough time in nature?

 Do I have special time for meditation and healing practices?

 How much time I spend for playing sport, yoga and exercises?

 Do I need to change my habits related to some unhealthy foods: coffee, alcohol, sugar, gluten, meat?

★ Can I start to incorporate crystal healing and crystal meditations in my daily routine?

                                  Crystals for healing

   At this time you can make meditations or crystal grids with the special crystals of Virgo and earth energy like: green calcite, green fluorite, prehnite, peridot, chrysoprase, green aventurine, green jade. They are wonderful to connect with crystal elves (earth elementals) and also great for healing, rejuvenation, connection with your spirit animal or spirit tree and plant, for grounding, stability, consistence, understanding, opening your Heart, for manifesting money, home or material things.

                      New moon Ritual and meditation

This is short ritual and meditation you can make on the day of the New moon and 4 days after. Light up 1 (3 -6) green candles on your altar or in place in your home. You can surround your candles with crystals for the Virgo moon (mentioned above), or make crystal grid.

You can also use beautiful flowers and plants in your creation. Now we call on arch. Jophiel and crystal fairies of green fluorite to surround you with light green healing orb of light. See first this light as a glowing sphere in your Heart...then expand this light more and more, until it encompasses your whole body and aura. Feel the green light pulsing around you, spinning and cleansing your energy. Now feel from your feet glowing light green roots descending down into the earth. Slowly see the roots enfolding deeper and deeper into the earth, until they reach the crystalline core of Gaya and connect with it. Feel the energy flowing from the ethereal earth core up to your roots, up to your feet and body. This energy is strongly rejuvenating and healing. Stay for a while feeling the energy of the earth and connecting with it deeply.

Now imagine that you are in a beautiful sacred garden – of your Higher self. You can design this garden exactly in your taste. You are holding small ethereal seed of light – this is the seed of your one desire that you want to manifest in the next months. Place it in the fresh soil in this garden and water it; then watch how this seed starts to grow little by little. Imagine your desire as a bubble of light – like playing scene in front of you. What do you see? Feel the seed was already planted and your desire needs just time to come to reality.

Breath deeply and come back to your world.

You can revisit your garden in the next 6 days and see how the plant is growing and blooming in beautiful way.

(This new moon is perfect for manifesting: new home, home furniture, home change, money, material objects, health, information about healing).

Happy New moon!

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, crystal healer

Sept. 2024 

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