Sunday, September 29, 2024

October - energy, Ascension, Angels, Portals, Crystals (9)


   October is month with very strong energy of Divine truth and justice. It is represented by swirling spirals of silver and violet light, reaching to higher dimensions and awakening and deep spiritual realization. This month many souls will face changes, understand the direction of their path and awaken to their spiritual self.

October is month with cosmic vibration 9 – which brings element of Air; some important themes in this time are:

Being true to who you are and your values; What things provoke you to hide your true self or hide the truth?

 Realizing the truth about other people, events and the world.

 Being clear what is the next step on your path as a soul

 Situations that are out of alignment will come to balance

  What in your relationships need clarity and balance?

  What in your relationships need to change, what do you need to release?

   Most people are afraid of change, as they see it as threat to their “peaceful existence” within a safe space or status. Change is something that provokes you to also change, adapt, balance and expand your inner self, your qualities. That`s why any change is uncomfortable at the beginning. But of you realize how many blessings are coming with this change, how much releasing of old trauma and healing, then you will accept it as something needed and good.

   ★ October is month of changes, karmic closure and ending of major cycles. These changes can be on many levels. For many souls changes need to occur first inside, in their heart, so they need to feel uncomfortable feelings like anxiety, depression, anger...They are precursors to change. 

  With 9 month we have the amplified energy of Astral realms, connection to ancestors, lucid dreaming, connection to all fairies and air elementals, and archangel Haniel with the moon angels. At this time the power planets in astrology are the North and the South Node and the moon. We are connecting especially with the energy of the South Node (past lives, past karma, releasing of the old), in the beautiful Solar eclipse portal on 2 October.

   Because Air is also element of shape-shifting, movement, connection, speaking, writing, expression, truth, we will be asked to experience meaningful connections at this time; to understand the truth about our reality in all aspects. To be light and flexible. Also there is focus on mental body, thoughts and visions.

You need to write down all your creativity ideas and to think in a positive manner or implement practice of positive affirmations in the morning. This will be very good in October.

  9 in the Tarot is represented by the Hermit (IX) – need for self-reflection, going inward, seeking the truth, time alone, contemplation, meditation. These practices will be quite important and open your channel to connect with Higher realities, angels, God and your Higher self.

                               Health and wellbeing 

In October you are invited to work on your Crown chakra and balance all your energy centres and aura, as well as your Throat chakra, which is responsible for your personal truth and communication.

Don`t suppress your truth, speak out without fear and don’t hide your emotions in the “darkness”. This will be crucial.

It`s perfect time to work to release your negative self-believes and self talk, to be mindful of your thoughts and words. Because they have the power to create reality. ...(if it is reality you want to be in or not).

★ On a physical level pay attention to your throat, nose, ears, sinus and Thyroid gland. You can start to implement some light exercises, yoga and chi gong that will help you with your overall health.

Examine all your connections – past and present, your friendships and relationships. Who is not in alignment with your truth? Who do you need to let go of?

                              Esoteric Astrology 

In October we have amplified element of Air – which is the lightest and most swift of the elements. We examine and work on our personal air qualities – honesty, kindness, truthfulness, openness, understanding, ability to listen, realization, wisdom, lightness, flexibility, mindfulness, observation, self reflection.

This is also Libra season, which is the time for inner balance, or understand the aspects of you that are out of balance, what aspects in your environment are out of alignment? What qualities in you are reflected by your current relationships?

Many things you need to observe, journal and ask, so you can reach to your perfect alignment.

      ★ There are major cosmic portals this month -

  1)   Solar eclipse / new moon in Libra on 2 October, it will amplify your mental activity, it can bring restlessness, anxiety or sadness. This is major closure of a cycle, and for some people this cycle lasted quite a while.

   2)    Full moon in Aries on 17 October – this full moon has the power to release negative patterns of connecting with others and yourself and how you express your personal power. What needs to change in this direction?

   3)    Sun conjunct Lilith 3 October - this aspect speaks of special empowerment of the divine feminine, releasing negative believes about yourself, working with your shadow, feeling need of independence and being authentic regardless of the response of others. Being comfortable with your “dark side” and ability to say no, or to feel your dark emotions.

   4)    Sun trine Jupiter (retrograde in Gemini) -which is beautiful aspect of harmonization and deep realizing of connections, the way you speak the truth, people who are harmful to your energy, and self reflection. This trine can bring many new creative ideas and inspiration.

                              Crystals for October 

this month you can connect with many crystals for healing, releasing, spiritual ascension, angelic guidance: aqua aura, celestite, blue calcite, pink calcite, angelite, clear quartz, rose quartz, pink opal, kunzite. They are amazing for soothing your mind and cleanse your emotions.

Wishing you happy October! 🍂

Nina Nour Bluebell  ©

medium, crystal healer

October 2024 

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