Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Channeled message from AA Haniel for the Ascension (October 2024) ⭐

                  Greetings, children of the Earth! 

You are entering a time frame of very intense spirals of silver light coming from the core of your planet and swirling around your energy, Heart and aura. Be aware and be open to accept these divine downloads of high vibrational light, coming from Pleiades and the central Sun of your galaxy.

With this influxes of light your energy field can experience unsettling emotions, high sensitivity and wide range of emotions, be prepared.

In this month and the Solar eclipse portal, the core of earth will be changing and accelerating to match the higher frequencies. This acceleration can cause various symptoms like nauessa, headaches, emotional unrest, anxiety, depression, feeling of loneliness and being on verge of change. At this time you need more rest, sleep and care for your emotional body. Your thoughts and emotions will be amplified.

This is good opportunity to meditate, journal about your life, what makes you hurt and vulnerable, about childhood trauma and relationships.

October is month also to make important decisions in your life, but don`t let your emotions “guide you”. Tap into the wisdom of your heart and connect it with the clarity of your mind.

If you need to make a decision, imagine one scenario unfolding like a path in front of you; notice how you feel after choosing this scenario or another. Then think about your values, what is most important to you? Notice where you feel resistant and vulnerable, this is a sign – ask yourself – why am I feeling so?

When you ask you will receive an answer soon! You may receive revelation in your dreams, or sudden realization.

Understand your desires and know that desires define big part of your soul energy.

This month you have made the transition, but you need also time for integration, which will happen for the next 9 months, into 2025.

You need as children of Light, to remove the blindfold from your eyes and see the truth with objective view from above. The truth is not good or bad, it just is – a piece of quantum field, synchronized with your reality.

The density in your planet and lower levels -starts to dissolve in many points. (that`s how some of you may feel/ see glitches in the Matrix). That`s why you can feel restless or imbalanced. Your anchor is your believes, your core, your truth.

Connect with beings of Astral realm, with your guides, angels, or people who crossed over -with the help of Silver light. Connect with the core of the moon and the goddess energy.

Be willing and prepare to open your Throat chakra, to share your voice and your truth with the world, to be seen, to be brave, inspired and unafraid to spread your wings in the free winds of change.

You are Light and you are successful now!

Sending you Love and Silver light codes! 

Archangel Haniel

channeled by

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, crystal healer

October 2024 

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