Thursday, October 17, 2024

Full moon in Aries 🌔 claiming your Divine power, Transformation, Shifting timelines (+journaling)


This strong fiery full moon Portal in sign of Aries opens with beautiful Ruby red light on 17 October. As it is super moon you can feel its effect for 3 days before and 3 days after the full moon day. This is time of deep transformation, realization and releasing of past fears and wounds. Archangel Nathaniel and the ruby ray angels are with you, surrounding you with protection and higher frequencies.

The main themes of the Full moon in Aries:

🌔 stepping into your inner Warrior energy and power

🌔 cleansing your spiritual body, working with Fire element

🌔 activating your fire element, working with the Root and Solar Plexus chakra

🌔 Being clear on what you want to achieve

🌔 Being very clear on what you want to release and remove from your life

The ruby Aries moon is closing major cycle, and allowing us to see clearly the truth about our relationships, the positive and negative traits of the romantic partnerships; where we are out of balance, where we need to put effort and understand ourselves. This cycle of relationships started 6 months ago (in Aries new moon) and it is related to claiming your inner power, with the balance of control and letting go. This is perfect time to start new relationship or partnership, or to realize the closer of an old relationship.

We are working on our Aries qualities – determination, self-believe, willpower, passion, protection, confidence.

Also, pay attention where – in which house do you have Aries energy in your natal chart. In this house you are on a verge of deep transformation, which can affect also the opposite house. (For example if you have Aries in your fourth house (family, home, roots, mother), you will feel the transformation and dissolving of the old energy in these aspects of your life, the relationship with your family will be affected, there can be major changes in your home, or sudden inspiration to change.)

Here are some questions to ask during this powerful full moon and journal:

- What in my life needs change?

- Do I have negative habits that are hindering me from becoming my best Self?

- What in my home environment I m willing to change and let go?

- What in my relationships needs to change?

- Do I feel protected, loved and supported in my romantic relationship?

- What makes me inspired, passionate and creative?

- Where (which sphere) can I put more passion and determination in?

- What things stop me from feeling more joy?

- what do I need to activate in my life (and put more effort)?

- What I need to let go in my surrounding?

- What negative feelings I need to let go?

- What things were transformed in my life?

Journaling is always an amazing practice to be on track with your own inner world, understand your emotions and feel the subtle changes in yourself in different times.

    In the time of the full moon the angel to call on in meditation is Nathaniel, he is angel of transition, spiritual transformation and he is working with the ruby red flame. This flame will help you to release all fears, limitations and negative programs about yourself, it will cleanse your cells and give you empowerment and enlightenment. Just call on this Archangel and see how he surrounds you in ruby red tube of light, cleansing and recharging your entire body with it.

As activate in this time fire and Air elements, you can also work with your personal guardian dragon, or call on Fire and air dragons to assist you in your journey. They can help you overcome obstacles, understand the truth about something, to feel more fearless, passionate and determined about your path.

In this full moon cycle (until the New moon in Scorpio), you will benefit from wearing red colour in your outfit, accessories, bags or work with the crystals for Aries moon: ruby, obsidian, garnet, red jasper, strawberry quartz.

Happy Full moon!

Thank you for tuning in!

Nina Nour Bluebell  ©

medium, crystal healer

October 2024 

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