Wednesday, October 2, 2024

New Moon -Solar Eclipse in Libra ♎- big Changes, acceleration of Light, preparing for the Shift (+ Journaling)


  The new moon in Libra portal is opening with the shining pink and silver light, which brings flow, accelerated energy and fast movement. We are now in period of transition, but all events may seem to speed up this month. The Solar eclipse energy will be amplified with many cosmic events, and the effect of it will be felt for 6 days before and 6 days after the eclipse.

   It is time to prepare for changes in your life -in all levels – and time for relationship reset, deep understanding of your values and feelings of other people close to you.

   This New moon (eclipse) is time to cleanse the energy of your home, your closet, to make changes in your diet and exercise, to ask questions about people you are in relationship with. But also, to feel and understand more deeply others and their believes and their values.

Every soul is unique on this planet and each soul has different challenges, even we all may experience certain emotions as humans. Feel into the similarities and differences with others, but also understand that you are so beautiful, complete and enough as you are.

The first aspect to observe in this New moon is the relationship with your own self. This can include feelings of self-love, self acceptance, how you accept, appreciate and taking care of your physical body,  your emotions, your thoughts (are you judgemental or critical about yourself?). 

These are important questions to ask and dive deeper.

The ruling planet of the New moon in Libra is Venus (planet of Libra), which is in water sign Scorpio – notice and analyse more your feelings, hopes, fears and triggers with people close to you. What do you feel? What are some repeated themes and patterns in your relationships? 

  During this new moon there is beautiful trine between Venus (in Scorpio), Saturn (in Pisces) and Mars (in Cancer) – which refers to activation of emotional flow. Many emotionally charged events can come to surface for you to see and acknowledge some inner aspects. This emotional flow will accelerate transformation – spiritual guidance (inspiration) – childhood memories.

During the New moon the Black moon Lilith (divine feminine, sexuality, shadow) is in conjunct with Sun and moon. This is deep revelation, closing major karmic cycles, opening new cycle, feeling into your divine feminine power, understanding your wounded feminine energy (for both genders). Also, we have the new moon conjunct the South Node, which makes some aspects of the past -or past lives -come to surface, asking to deal with them. 

   This month the element of focus is Air (9 is Air, Libra is air sign), so we are invited to work on our air qualities: movement, flexibility, kindness, open communication, honesty, understanding, being non judgemental, empathy, discussions, being unafraid to talk, self-expression, creativity, shining your light, accepting change, being in the flow.

We need to be more open and able to understand the other view point, to acknowledge that things are not black and white, but there are many shades. Release inner critics and don’t be afraid to show your true self, to be vulnerable.

Some special questions to reflect and journal for the New moon:

- am I true to my values and believes? Do I live according to them?

- What in my relationships triggers negative emotions?

- What feelings I suppress in my relationships and connections?

- Am I authentic, do I express my desires without fear?

- am I too self-critical and what in myself I don`t accept or like?

- am I too critical of other people, what in my close relationships I don`t accept or criticise?

- How I show my true light, do my words reflect who I am?

- Do I speak with kindness and compassion to others?

- What in my communication needs to be improved?

- Do I express honestly and openly what I need?

- What things I tend to compromise in others and why?

- Do I have my boundaries and what is my reaction when they are crossed?

- What are my creative talents that I want to develop more?

You can find quiet space and journal on all these questions, then check the previous month journal to see your answers.

At this new moon we are cleansing and healing our mental body and mind, removing negative self talk and negative believes from childhood, releasing judgements.

This new moon in Libra opens doorway to self-love, acceptance and transformation of relationships for the next 6 months, until the Full moon in Libra in 2025. So, you can notice what changes occur during this time.

To feel the effects of this new moon – make the short ritual and meditation here…! This new moon (Solar eclipse) is so good for: manifesting new love, new relationship, friendship, reconciliation, honest communication, self-love, marriage, conceiving a child, creative energy).

  This Solar eclipse will be especially powerful for you, if your Sun or Moon sign is Libra, if your moon is in Gemini, Aquarius or Aries.

Happy New moon! 

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, crystal healer

October 2024 

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