Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Meditation for the Full moon in Pisces - cleansing, healing and rejuvenation of your emotions (with AA Haniel)

This meditation is specially designed to help you cleanse, rejuvenate and heal your emotional body and your subconscious mind; also it will connect you with your divine feminine energy and Water element in your body.

                  Preparation and breathing

   Be still in a quiet space where you can take time for yourself. Allow your mind to relax and release all tension, worry and anxiety. Slowly and mindfully take a few deep breaths, hold on the top and release. While you breath in visualize glowing white sphere of light in your heart space. See how this sphere expands and grows bigger and bigger, shining outward. Then see how the sphere of your heart is surrounding your whole body and aura. Stay here for a while and observe the light of the orb.

          ★   Invocation in a sacred garden

Now imagine and feel yourself in a very beautiful sacred garden. There are flowers around, trees are stretching their branches to the sun and stars. See and hear the soothing sound of the waterfall. Now you find yourself in a splendid place where you see sacred crystal lake and a waterfall. This is place just for you, as fairies and angels invited you here today. When you walk near the waterfall you see its water is so pure, shining and has colour of Aquamarine. The whole lake has also aquamarine light. You know that this light is healing and is able to cleanse your emotional body from all negative stagnant emotions and all sadness stuck in your heart. Now you immerse yourself in the waters of the lake, feel the soothing and healing energy of the waters surround you. See how your whole body starts to absorb the aquamarine light. Then you swim to the waterfall and stay under its stream, feeling how the healing water cascades above your head. This aquamarine water is extremely healing and detoxing your whole body and aura in all levels. It also has the power to remove all negative thought forms, emotions of other people, entities and cords. Feel the waters cascading above your whole body, shoulders, chest, legs…

The water cleanses your etheric body and all chakras, stay for a few moments and feel how the aquamarine water is washing over you, healing all your cells and upgrading them with light.

You stay a few moments under this healing waterfall, as it cleanses and releases all your past trauma, suppressed feelings, rejection – all is dissolved out from your body.

              In a healing sphere of Aquamarine light

    Now it`s time to call on archangel Haniel, the moon angels and crystal fairies of Aquamarine to surround you. We call on them to be present in the sacred garden, they are stretching their hands, caressing your aura and sending streams of aquamarine light to it.

  Take time to see and feel the presence of the beautiful archangel Haniel with 111 moon angels, and the crystal fairies of aquamarine around you. How do you feel? Notice any sensation in your body or emotions. All the angels and Archangel Haniel are sending you the energy of the Full Moon. This full moon has powerful healing and cleansing energy, as it rejuvenates your cells and organs in a perfect way, lifting up your vibration. The angels and the aquamarine fairies channel the moon energy into your body and surround you with glowing white-aquamarine blue orb of light. You are loved and protected in this orb, it has qualities of soothing and deep detox of your body -mind, spirit and emotions.

(Sphere is the sacred geometry  shape of water element, it has qualities of divine feminine, representing wholeness, eternity and infinity, nurturing, care and love). 

Now while you are in this shining orb of angelic and moon energy, think about 3 negative emotions or 3 things you need to release in this full moon. What are you ready to let go of? What is no longer in your highest good in this cycle? See these emotions as written words in the sky, and simply send them to the moonlight, where they are dissolved and transmuted.

Now think about 3 positive feelings that you wish to have more in your life. Feel them and see them written in the sky. Take these words and place them in your Heart. See how they melt in your heart, feel positive and joyful from these emotions.

You feel angelic presence starts to dissipate as angels are withdrawing slowly from the sacred garden. You feel the aquamarine light remain in your aura and your body and cells is shining with this healing energy. You feel renewed, refreshed, purified and ready to move on in your life.

We thank the moon angels, arch. Haniel and crystal fairies of aquamarine for their love and healing, and for this transmission.

You can slowly take a deep breath and return back to your world, feeling the uplifting aquamarine light in your heart and Crown chakra.

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, crystal healer

September 2024 

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