Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Tarot and Fairy Oracle > Spiritual guidance for September 🔮


This September we have special energy of divine Truth and inner guidance, self-reflection and balance in all spheres of life. 

The cards we have are:

 IX. The Hermit 

The Hermit shows that you are in need of time for deep healing, self-reflection or solitude, as this is crucial to reach your destination. Do not rush and slow down, feel your body and feel in the present moment. This card reveals that you are in need of connecting to your inner compass and also to higher guidance, to spiritual realms. You need to be aware of your journey, and let go of all negative thoughts, business and distractions from the world around you. And this month you will surely have them. Take time and space alone, time for positive affirmations, journaling, meditation and gratitude. They will give you much needed energy boost. Also, for some souls this can be time for healing of body and emotions.

XXI. The World

This card shows that you are transforming and changing at this time – all things: people and places will affect you and you can find some synchronicities in the events in this month. You need to be grounded and protect your energy as much as possible. For some souls you can plan your next destination, find your community of like-minded people and pay attention to signs from spirit; for others – you will embark on a journey, which can be exotic destination, or just travelling with family or friends. In September you need to discover the places and people around you, and to notice how all things are connected in your life. Make sure though you take time for your self -and healing as the Hermit advices you.

On a global scale this month will bring energy shift to higher levels and higher vibrations for the planet.

  XIV. The Temperance 3 of Cups

The Temperance is sign that you will experience challenges and you will need to balance your energy, mind and body. You can have very different (or contrasting) experiences with your emotions (as we also are in Eclipse season), so you will have to make balance between your emotions and your thoughts. Ask yourself – what things are triggering you this month? What do you feel and why? How do you feel about certain people and events? What are your thoughts and what you can do to overcome overthinking and anxiety? The world is changing, this card suggests that you are in time when you will need to be active, and then to take rest and time to heal. Rituals for self-love and energy healing will be so good this month. This card also is reminder to connect to your Higher self, you guardian angels, your personal element (for example water, or Fire).

         ★  3 of Cups

This card shows special connections and communities at this time. You will have many gatherings, time with friends, sharing and joyful moments of being together. For some people that can be parties, birthdays or just meaningful connections with close friends, who will give you sense of love and warmth. Choose with who you spend your time with, and with who you share personal things. It is time to ignite your joy and passion and listen to some advice or creative ideas from others. This is month of friendship and joy, but also with expressing your inner child!

Fairy Oracle : ' Fairy Gems' by Ellen Steiber

24. Moonstone fairy

(Lovers, tenderness, clairvoyance, dreams)

This card shows special connection with the moon energy and with your divine feminine energy this month.

Moonstone fairy signals that you are opening to your own psychic powers and an awareness of your spirit in the karmic fields of time.’

she helps seers to see clearly and interpret both visions and vibrations.

The Moonstone fairy may also appear when love is on the horizon. She is a calming influence, bringing a tender energy to a relationship, allowing the lovers to truly see each other for what they are.’

The Moonstone can be an aid in dissolving feelings of anger and betrayal and allowing a genuine tenderness – towards yourself and the universe.’

Tarot used: Nicoletta Checcoli Tarot " 

Thank you!

Nina Nour Bluebell  ©

medium, crystal healer

Sept. 2024 

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