Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Full Moon in Pisces -Lunar eclipse 🌔 deep healing and cleansing of your subconscious mind (+Journaling)


This full super moon in Pisces is a very special portal opening on 17 -18 September with the energy of swirling aquamarine and golden light. This event also activates the partical Lunar eclipse – it is time for deep cleansing, releasing, upgrading of your emotional and Spiritual bodies. Now you need to let go of all hidden, suppressed and denied emotions and fears that are roaming in your subconsciousness. 

  🌔All full moons in water signs are especially powerful for cleaning, purifying, releasing energy, deep healing and rejuvenation in your body. It is time for looking inward, focus on yourself, and the space you live in, time for solitude and self-reflection.

Connect to the water element in your body and ask your body what it needs for healing; That maybe a diet, special nutrition, herbal drinks, remedies, exercise or walk in the nature. Whatever it is you just need to tap into your intuition and be willing to hear or see the spiritual guidance.

This water full moon is amazing for detox of the body, emotions and connection with spirit, Higher self and other realms. You may feel you need more time for sleep, rest and dreaming on what you need to create. You can be very attuned to the energy of the Astral, other realities or dimensions as this is realm of Pisces.

    Some things you need to consider in the time of the Full moon and Lunar eclipse:

 Take time to rest and self-care rituals. You can make energy cleansing with water and sea salt and few drops of your favourite essential oil.

 This is time for spiritual connection and feeling into your inner world; It`s great to journal about your emotions and things you want to release and let go of. Because only when we let go, we create space for the new to come.

 This Full moon is perfect for meditations for deep healing of the body and mind, for connecting with your Ancestors, angels and all energies that are supporting your spiritual growth on the planet.

 It`s very important to stay present and grounded, take time in nature or in company of plants, trees and flowers. Feel grounded and listen to the inner wisdom of your body.

 Start a new diet, detox your body from all damaging elements that prevent you from holding more Light. Feel and understand how you are blocking your body from being your best ally and serving you.

        Chakras to work on

The full moon in Pisces is so special as it can signify the end of a cycle in your life and illuminates the path in front of you. You can work on opening your Crown chakra and Heart, so you will receive clear guidance from spirit. Be open, and understand that your emotions need to flow, not to be suppressed or rejected. Regularly practice gratitude for all that you have, for all that you are. 

     Here are some special questions to journal on this Full moon:

- What negative emotions I need to release and let go?

- What triggers me? What people or situations make me more vulnerable?

- What I need to let go in my environment, so that I can live with more joy and freedom? What objects I need to let go to cleanse the space?

- What is my relationship to myself? How do I handle my emotions?

- What is my relationship with my loved ones or children?

- What in my physical body needs healing? Do I see connection between my emotions and this area in my body?

- How can I support my sleep and rest? Am I exposed to much EMF pollution or energy from electronic devices before sleep?

- How can I support my spiritual body? Do I have regular meditations, energy exercises or nature connection?

Answer these questions and add your own if you wish – journaling is practice that makes you stronger and self-aware, so that you can improve your life in all aspects.

    At this time we work collectively on healing our Divine feminine, connecting with the inner goddess and feeling the wounds of past trauma related to the feminine energy. It will be good to set times for yourself and focus inwards as there are many aspects to be cleansed and healed. It`s time to set intention what do you need to remove and cut away from your life, what people are no longer in alignment with your spiritual path? Can you set boundaries with them?

                              Crystals for the Full moon

The crystals that can bring you soothing, healing and cleansing energy in this moon are: Aquamarine, Aqua aura, clear quartz, blue calcite, celestite, selenite, amazonite, blue fluorite; also crystals of the Virgo season: green calcite, green fluorite, green jade.

Thank you for tuning in! 

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, crystal healer

Tarot teacher 

Sept. 2024 

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