Thursday, September 26, 2024

Ancestral Karma - patterns and Karmic knots - what do you need to know (part 2)

 This is part 2 of my article, channeled with the help of arch. Jeremiel. 

In the same time, there are some cases that first born child – girl -can have masculine dominant energy and needs to work also on her warrior masculine qualities. But for the majority this is not the case.

(Also, both genders have in different proportions their Yang and Yin energy to work on; the proportions are not equal, they depend on many reasons).

If you are second born child in a family, your soul will have karmic ties and blueprint with your mother and her lineage. (This is valid for second, fourth, sixth children). If you are second born girl, you are here to balance and heal your wounded feminine energy and wounded inner child, but you are connected mostly with your mother. You can see some patterns in the relationship with your mother, you may resemble her, or have similar attitude to life, or points of conflict and care. You can look into the lineage of your mother in detail and see patterns of behaviours, believes or deep rooted fears in her line, especially with the other women (sister(s) of your mother, her mother).

If you are second born boy, you need to work on your divine feminine qualities and aspects and your wounded inner child. Then you take the karmic blueprint of your mother and her mother. In the same time, you will have karmic knots with the men in the lineage of your mother (her father, her brother, cousins)...You need to look into any repeated patterns, negative believes, or attitudes in your mothers line and her relationship in the family. You can have deep fears about work, safety and security, related to basic needs and hunger, fear being out of society, being abroad. (This is valid for the second, fourth, sixth children in a family).

If you choose (and that is always in your soul contract) to not have children in this life, that means you are here to untie karmic knots in your family. You could be also very different from other members of the family. If you are woman your soul needs to untie the knots and cords connected with your mother and her line. Then you are able to cleanse a big portion of your ancestral karma. That`s because children create more karma, which in turn needs to be cleansed. Another point you need to focus on your personal relationships, friendships and practice self-love, self awareness, and creative energy. Because this will be your legacy in this life. Ask yourself what do you need to give to the world or others.

If you have marriage with foreigner you need to look to the patterns in your family related to foreigners and living abroad – do you see any of that in your family or ancestors? If yes, notice which places and countries they live in? In many cases marriage with foreigner means that you don`t accept the social, cultural or even religious environment of the place you are born. (that can be on very deep subconscious level). On another hand, it means that your soul is connected to the land of your husband or partner, and that probably you had past lives in this land. It will be helpful to make regression and to connect with your Akashic records to know about this particular past life (or multiple past lives). There is something that you need to know, or a karmic knot you need to untie with the country, or place, as well as with your husband.

Pay attention that if you are woman, you are here to work to enhance, balance and heal your divine feminine energy. Not because you don’t have masculine energy and qualities, but these qualities will be balanced by themselves by attracting your most suitable partner and lover.

The same is valid if you are a man- you need to work on your divine masculine qualities and divine warrior, and to heal your wounded masculine energy – to be protector and defend others. Your feminine side will be balanced by itself in union with your most suitable female partner.

* Note – here I`ll not discuss the more complex cases of men with predominant feminine energy and sexuality, as they also need to work on wounded masculine energy, but they have additional karma of the divine feminine to deal with.

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, crystal healer

September 2024

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