Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Meditation for deep relationship Healing and Karma cleansing with your Father (+Removing curses)

Relationships we have as a soul with our family, especially our parents are very complex and not easy to understand. They are always part of our soul contract and karmic cleansing intentions that we had prior to our birth. We need to understand that we choose to incarnate in a particular family lineage for a reason and we choose exactly what souls (with what karmic lessons, challenges and obstancles) our parents will be.

The relationship with your father is one of the most essential and important one in your life. It can affect your Root chakra immensely, your sense of safety, protection, belonging and how you view the material world and money. Your soul needed special experience with your father in this lineage, because it could give your soul some karmic cleansing from previous lives and strenghten some specific qualities and abilities that you didn’t have.

That`s why I created this meditation with the help of my angels and guides.

Before you make this meditation, please understand that on a soul level, everyone is innocent and pure. The experiences in the 3 D reality are like a game, designed for a special purpose, which looks very different from above.

2) This meditation can work for you on energy level, even if your father had transitioned to the next level and is with the angels. 

  Prepare your space and energy, and it is good if you light up a candle dedicated to your father with a photo of him.

Breath deeply, close your eyes and relax. Imagine you are breathing white light from the source, this light enters your body and expands your heart. Feel your heart becoming bigger and brighter with white light. Then see how every time you exhale the light expands, until it encompasses all your aura and you inside. Now you are in the centre of your heart. Breath and feel the tranquil energy of your heart.

Now we call your guardian angels, the astral body of your father, his Higher self, his guardian angels to surround you.

See your father in brilliant white light standing in front of you (like around 3 m away from you). He is smiling and looking at you. He is surrounded by his own angels in a sphere of golden light.

I. Stage - Root chakra expansion and releasing

First you start the meditation by focusing on your Root chakra, in the base of your spine. See the state of this chakra, what is its vibration, colour and texture? How do you feel the light and brightness of it?

Now start to vizualize this chakra as radiant ruby red sphere, spinning faster and faster, see more brilliant light in it. This is the centre of your safety, security, belonging, and centre of your Ancestors and father`s lineage. See now in this chakra has spots of murky darkness, gray colour in it. These are all wounds from your childhood, trauma and rejections from your father. Focus on them and start to bring ruby red tubes of light from your Root chakra down into the earth. Now you bring all of these dark energy spots from your Root chakra into the tube, and cleanse all of them deep into the earth. You say the following affirmations (2 times):

“  With the help of my angels and Ancestors I now release and let go of any imprints of negative karma, generational curses, karmic knots with my father, any feeling of scarcity and lack, blockages to material wealth, any fears, anger, rejection, offensive words, abuse and violation of power caused by my father… I let this go into the ground of earth, to be transmuted; My root chakra is now renewed and perfectly cleansed. I now reactivate the golden strands of DNA from my father`s lineage into my Root chakra, blood and bones, for the full karmic cleansing 7 generations back in my father`s line. And so it is!

Focus on your Root centre and see how it becomes shining and expanding with ruby light and see golden energy in it, as you activated the blessings from your father`s line.

As your father is here, so he can observe this process and help you. You are now free from generational curses and karmic loops within this family.

II. Stage - Sending Love and forgiveness

   At the next stage you need to send love and forgiveness to your father, and receive love and forgiveness from him.

See your father surrounded by Ruby red and golden sphere of light. This is his own energy, which is flowing into yours, as he created you on a physical level. You are in your sphere of Ruby and golden energy, which has the same vibration as your father. See his Root chakra spinning with ruby light, and your Root chakra opening with radiant ruby light. As you look at your father, you smile and say the following:

My dear father, I forgive you from my heart. Please forgive me.”

 (Repeat this forgiveness mantra 5 times) and feel how it resonates through your body each time.

Now your father is coming closer to you, and your ruby spheres are interlacing. He says to you: Dear child, I forgive you from my heart. You are innocent.” Feel how his words are resonating like circles on water surface through your body. These words of forgiveness are cleansing fully all karmic knots, offences and trauma between you.

When he says that, your father stretches his hands and you can see in them piece of ethereal ruby. Take this crystal and absorb it into your Root chakra. It will be sign for your healed relationship and forgiveness with your father.

Now you are cleansed and you are smiling at your father, you can continue your life in material world, awaiting for more wealth and success, and more blessings than ever.

III Stage - Solar Plexus light and empowerment

The next stage, you see the ruby sphere slowly dissolving around you and your father. Now you are surrounded by golden light. This is light of power, which is connected to your Solar Plexus, centre of personal power, boundaries and resources. See your Solar Plexus shining with golden and yellow light. In the middle of it you see beautiful golden five pointed star of protection and confidence. This star is so important to your soul, and it is also connected with the energy of your father.

Now you see the same golden star in the Solar Plexus of your father. He says the following words to you, while smiling:

I love you. I `m proud of you. You are so beautiful and strong. You are my shining star.” 

These words he repeats 5 times, and they are resonating and echoing into your Solar Plexus centre in a beautiful way. See this chakra glowing with yellow-golden light and expanding.

Now you look at him and say the words:

My father, I love you. I m proud of you. You gave me so much. You are beautiful and strong. You are my shining star.” 

 See how his golden star starts to shine more and more, spinning clockwise.

Now you see inside your Solar Plexus another special colour emerging, together with golden; This is your special colour with your father, which represent your relationship on a soul level. See a big energy tube coming from your Solar Plexus connecting with the Solar Plexus of your father, in golden and this special colour which is unique for you. Now that you are connected, you receive only blessings and wisdom from your father (on soul level). Feel the energy flowing into you for a while.

Then say the following to yourself and your physical expression:

I love myself, I m proud of myself. I am so beautiful and strong. I m my shining Star. I am always here for myself. 

Repeat these words 5 times again. Then feel the huge shift and difference in your Solar Plexus centre, how it begins to shine and radiate golden-yellow light around you.


Then take a few deep breaths and in your own time return back to your life. You have performed deep healing and cleansing of karmic wound with your father. As this is a process and can be painful, you can sense and let any emotions overflow, journal how you feel, and what did you see in this meditation.

Repeat this meditation for the next 5 days to make solid changes, listen to intuitive signs and messages from universe.

Feel grateful for all things you have and all things your father gave you. You can clear the relationship with your father also by placing small altar for him in your home. (that can be just a corner with photo, where you and your father are together), and light up candle for him every month on the date he was born. In this way you can receive more positive energy and re-build the energetic golden tube between him and you.

Thank you for tuning in!

Look forward to: Meditation for deep relationship healing and karma cleansing with your mother...

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, crystal healer

July 2024   ★

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Full moon in Capricorn - Meditation in the Celestial temple of Black obsidian with AA Azrael

The second full moon in Capricorn has very special energy and it opens as golden portal of light on 20 – 21 July this year. We have massive amount of cleansing and releasing during this lunar cycle. We can feel the need to rest, restore and replenish our energy, time of going inward and stillness.

This portal is the doorway to big shift on the planet. But now most souls are in the liminal space (in between), when they are called to deeply reflect on their life – past-present and future. Connect with your higher self and angels for questions and guidance.

The full moon in Capricorn is time for closing karmic cycle, healing Ancestral karma patterns from your body, blood, bones. It`s time to tune in the wisdom of the body (and emotions), to understand the deep wisdom it holds. What are you feeling? Pay attention to your emotions, your addictions (to food and substances), and any repeating patterns in your life. This is time for huge purging and cleansing.

Here is a meditation to help you feel more present, grounded and enhance your intuition at this time.

Meditation for grounding and releasing of negative energy in the temple of Black obsidian.

This meditation is channelled with the help of AA Azrael and Goddess Morgana le Fay.

I. Breathing and preparation 🔮

Be still, sit in a quiet space and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths in a out. Imagine that you breath into your Heart and let it expand with light. As you breath out you release all negative energy and emotions from your heart. Repeat that breathing at least 5 times, until your heart sphere is encompassing all your body and aura.

Now you are tuned into your heart sphere, you are pulsing with the energy of your heart.


With the help of your guardian angels you are travelling to 6 dimension, where you will visit the celestial temple of Black obsidian. This is amazing temple, where you can meet and interact with your ancestors or parents that have passed away. Angels are placing around you blue and golden Merkaba to prepare for your cosmic travel. See how this Merkaba is shining with light, and your Astral body is safe and protected in it.

In a few seconds you are travelling to the Temple of Black obsidian. See the beautiful garden in front of the temple, filled with fountains, flowers of all colours, trees and plants. Angels are surrounding the temple and you feel the increase of energy in this space.

You enter into the temple and you see the powerful arch. Azrael here, he has gentle smile and he greets you. You can see or sense the presence of many crystal elementals and fairies in the temple. For your journey are specially appointed Black obsidian crystal faeries. They are surrounding you, showing you a crystal chair to sit on.

The temple is huge and above it there is open ceiling, where you can see the night sky filled with stars. The walls of the temple are made of high quality black obsidian, sparkling in the moonlight. You can see sacred scripts and sacred geometry forms and drawings on the walls. There are also huge obelisks and Greek columns of black obsidian.

The temple is surrounded by the light of candles and huge Merkaba stars made of black obsidian. In the middle of it there is a huge black obsidian egg, it acts as a shield and energy generator of the temple.

Now archangel Azrael and Morgana le fay are with you, they create energy shield of golden light around you.

                🔮     Cleasnign golden Light 

You are surrounded by high vibrational golden light. This light is cleansing and releasing anything negative from your energy field. Feel how this golden light comes down from your Crown chakra, entering your head, brain and third eye chakra. Feel the liquid golden light flowing on your face, eyes, nose and throat, covering your head and hair. The golden light moves down into your shoulders, your back, chest and stomach, to your lower abdomen, your hips, legs, knees and feet. Now your entire body is filled with golden light, see it glowing from inside.

Morgana le Fay is here to send you healing energy. She asks you to think of 3 negative emotions you have experienced recently which you want to release now. You can feel this emotions coming to your mind instantly, so she takes them in a bubble of light and sends them into the Black obsidian egg. Now your energy feels lighter and brighter.

Now arch. Azrael is inviting your ancestors to surround you in the temple. You can see and feel them, and feel what is their energy. Do you see some of your deceased family members? What messages they speak to you? Be still and listen to anything they need to say.

Your ancestors are here to support you and they love you with unconditional love. But also, you need to be aware of past ancestral patterns and negative karma, that you should release.

This karma cleansing happens in layers and in cycles. Sometimes we can release in several cycles, until we complete the process.

See the patterns of negatve karma as words in front of you, or just receive them in your mind. What patterns you need to release?

Then say in your mind:

 I now release all negative karmic patterns, believes and karmic loops received from my ancestors from the beginning of my family tree. I do this in all levels and dimensions and in all directions of time, and in alignment with my Higher Self. I want to cleanse these negative karma once and for all so that it doesn’t repeat in any future life. I now release all contracts with my ancestors or parents that are holding me back from my highest soul path and potential. And so it is.”

Repeat this affirmation 3 times, so the energy of your intention can be sealed.

Now you see your ancestors and decesed family are surround you with golden rays from their hands. They send you blessings, love and positive energy for your souls journey. They are proud of you and greeting you from this space.


You can feel arch. Azrael now next to you, he is opening up your Soul star chakra and making it flow with silver and pink light. You can see your mission on earth easily now, you will now your next step instantly.

Archangel Azrael is sending cleansing copper light to your Earth star chakra, removing all blockages from it. This chakra makes you feel grounded and connected to the earths energy, it can bring you deep healing and rejuvenation on all levels.

These two chakras are connected in an infinity energy circle – they are important for your physical health and journey here. These chakras are also linked with your soul transition in any liminal stage in life – also at the exit point (death-transition). You need to work on your Earth star and Soul star chakra daily in the next 9 days, so you can seal the energy of this temple of black obsidian.

Now you are cleansed, healed and rejuvenated, your energy is lighter, as it received 6 dimensional codes of healing and wisdom.

Your angels prepare your Blue Merkaba around you to travel back to your physical world. After this meditation, make sure to be grounded, you can hold obsidian crystal or make crystal grid in your home, and drink plenty of water.

Sending you love and light! 

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

angels medium, healer

July 2024  

Friday, July 12, 2024

Meditation for Ultimate protection with AA Michael and your Guardian angels 🌟


This meditation is designed to make you protected for your day and to cleanse your aura and raise your frequency.

     ★  Breathing and preparation

Sit in a quiet place and breath in deeply a few times. Focus on your heart centre, see in your heart beautiful shining white-golden sphere of light expanding. As you breath in see the source light fills your heart. As you breath out see how all negative energies are released from you, and your Heart chakra is expanding more. Now you are sitting in your heart`s centre, surrounded by ball of white-golden shimmering light. Stay here for a few moments and feel how your energy is cleansed and raised.

          Calling on the angels

Now call on your guardian angels, arch. Michael and blue flame angels to surround you with white light of protection and Love.

They stretch their hands as they are in a circle around, touching and cleansing your aura. See the angels radiating from their hands blue rays to cleanse and protect your energy. This blue light has divine qualities to remove any negative vibrations, entities and thought forms from your aura. The blue angelic light is infused with courage, strength and determination to overcome all obstacles. 

Now arch. Michael with his shining blue- golden wings is next to you. He creates huge blue orb of light to encompass your aura and body in all levels and dimensions.

Then archangel Michael sends blue ray of love, protection and guidance to your Heart chakra. See how your heart is expanding and shining with beautiful blue light. He places in the centre of your heart magical ethereal blue diamond, which will give you ultimate protection to your body, mind and spirit for the day and night. Focus on this diamond and see it spinning clockwise in your heart, releasing and unblocking your energy.

Now your heart and the whole body system is protected in all levels and dimensions. You just need to visualize this blue diamond as you go through your day.

Then feel in the palms of your hands shimmering balls of blue light. They are spinning clockwise and ensure that you have the power of creator, and you are always protected. Feel the blue balls in your hands for a while.

Now archangel Michael and your guardian angels place around your aura a giant blue sphere, interlaced with the template of golden flower of life symbol on it. Feel and see how this sacred template is connected to your aura and energy, sinking into the blue sphere.

This is the strongest protection shield of AA Michael and has the potential to last for a long time – but you need to activate it daily.

Now see roots of white light extending from your feet into the ground, connecting with the crystalline earth core. Sense how these roots are protecting your body on deeper level, so you are grounded and safe.

Stay for a while here, taking in the healing energies of earth.

Then in your own time open your eyes and return to your life, rejuvenated and protected by the angels.

Thank you for tuning in!  🍧

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, crystal healer

July 2024 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Esoteric Astrology 101 - Karma, Moon and Past lives (Houses VII -XII)

Continues from part I here....

          Moon in 7 House 💗

If your moon is in 7 house you had past life in a court system, working in judge, lawyer, attorney, anyone who defends the rights of people. You were person dedicated to your family and spouse; working in office of marriage, organizing events and celebrations, family adviser. In this house you could also have life as a fashion designer, or anything related to fashion. 

         Moon in 8 house 🌘

With this mystical moon position you had past life as detective, secret police, spy, you could have hidden mission, political spy, researcher, working on the back, working as night guardian; also – adviser and seller of properties; alchemist, in occult science, mystical writer, fortune teller, astrologer; Many aspects of your life were hidden.

Also, here you could have some forbidden profession related to sexuality and pleasure; in some cases it can show homosexual inclination. (if moon is with Pluto, or Neptune).

           Moon in 9 house 🍁

Your moon shows past life as a priest, guru, spiritual teacher, person with strict believes, cardinal, anyone in religious system and hierarchy. Teacher in religion, missionary – like in Christianity, Buddhism or any religion. You could be world traveller, person who travels by ship, discovering new lands, writing about geography and cultures; person who makes maps and drawing maps and countries.

Writer of religious manuscripts. But you were connected with many different people from different cultures. According to other planets you could have defend your ideas and values in a negative way -with fights and wars.

           Moon in X house  📚

It shows past life of political leader, president, or director of big company; usually very rich and famous person; you could be singer, dancer, composer, artist, depending on other planets. But here it shows your own career and striving to go higher. This can be sometimes difficult position, as you can feel alone on the top, or without people who you can trust.

           Moon in 11 house 

In this house moon feels more misunderstood, alone and can`t find good inner peace. In your past life you were person of justice, makes opposition to someone on power, you were activist, or someone who is unique, has advanced ideas and lives very different life from the social. You can be artist, painter, person of technology and machines, person of science, robots and computers; also – revolutionary, fighting for rights of people. You could have a “bad reputation”, being unaccepted in official circles – for example part of “impressionist movement”, or someone related to scandals like Frida Khalo. It shows big imagination and very creative person.

           Moon in 12 house 🔮

This moon is one of the most mystical and hidden from all, as it is in the house of Pisces (original). It will indicate your past lives as priest, high priestess, person who possess strong psychic ability, mystical knowledge and intuition; many past incarnations as monk or nun in any religion), monastery life, or life in isolation, in far away places, or excile.. (with some planetary aspects it can indicate also prisons). Here mostly you will have vows for celibacy from past lives, pursuit for purity, and strong need to be alone, or to be in quiet place. You will be inclined to spiritual practices of all kind, meditation, inner reflection, looking inward. Your spiritual development will be high priority. You were working in a temple in ancient times; but on the other side, you could have lives as poet, musician, dancer, or actor in a theatre. if Venus is here it can show you were woman with many lovers, enchantress, someone who had strong sexual energy and aura. You could be also astrologer, mystique poet and writer.

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

angels medium, healer 

July 2024  ★

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Esoteric Astrology 101 -Moon, Karma and Past lives (House I -VI)


   As angels explain, from your natal chart you can understand so many details about your current life, passions, mission, obstacles and past life karma. We need to have in mind that natal chart represents your Soul contract, soul qualities, talents and passions. This soul plan is made very precisely with the help of your guardian angels, some archangels appointed for your mission, and some other beings. Some points of this contracts are open to change, as there are different paths. But the main flow and direction is usually very constant. 

We need to observe the natal chart in many aspects and ways to reveal the hidden secrets of the soul contract, in this life and past incarnations. The moon in your chart represents your psyche, physical health and body, feminine energy, emotions, relationship with your mother (which is usually karmic), relationship with your partner, children, and your inner child. Moon also can show us what our past life was – what was the mission, profession, path and talents we had in past. As all of these talents we will have inside of us also in this life time. (and the Moon determines our physical appearance and body shape, much more than the ascendant). They will be familiar to our soul. 

   The Sun – by house and sign -represents your Soul aspects, goals, mission, passion and abilities that you have in this life. What is the sphere you need to accomplish, why you are here and who you are as a soul. The house of the sun shows which (number) of the cycle of 12 is your current life. For example, if your Sun is in the 6 -th house this will be your 6 life in this major Soul cycle. Each house represent different life time, they are all connected in the puzzle. And each life you have the same Ascendant (1 house), and all other houses are the same signs; planets are changing.

Other important significators for past life are – Black moon Lilith, South Node of the moon (Ketu), Saturn, the 12 house sign, and house of Pisces. All of them combined can create a good picture of your past life karma.

Black moon Lilith will show you what is your shadow, or where did you have dark, traumatic experience in your past life or in your childhood. Usually it brings wounded feminine energy, and warrior feminine energy. 

  Saturn is planet of karma (as something that comes back to you) – cause and effect, test of the time; it shows your life obstacles, tests and deep fears of the soul; it represents your test in past life, or major obstacle that you could not overcome. Something that was hindering your development and blocking your path. So, Saturn karma is not easy to overcome, it takes courage and strategy, and overcoming multiple fears.

Sign of Pisces will show you where do you need to work more to harmonize different aspects of self, or different past wounds from past lives and this life. The house of Pisces is like connection point between all lives in this cycle (of 12 lives). If your moon or sun are locatedin the 12 house, or the house of Pisces, then this life is significant for your spiritual development. 

The sign and planets of the XII house will show you hidden events and truths that need to be revealed in this life, so you can express fully your mission and potential. It shows your last past life in this cycle (12 lives in the natal wheel), and if the Sun is placed here, your life is very important on spiritual level, as you will expand more. 12 house shows the spiritual development of the soul – on what spiritual and psychic level are you, and where you need to work on yourself to reach higher levels.

The place of the moon (by house and sign) explains much about your past life mission, and what are the main qualities of your soul that you bring to the current life. Here I`ll give information about Moon meanings for your past life (lives) in all houses. The signs I ll explain in another article.

         Moon in I house 🌔

If your moon is in 1 house that shows you need to pay attention to your past (life) or past exprienses. Often a major childhood trauma is seen with this moon, but not always. You need to pay karmic debt, and you need to be very self-aware and reflect on yourself. It will show restless mind. In past life you were a warrior and died in battle in many life times. If Mars is here, your warrior energy is still very strong. You need to let go of some painful past experiences.

         Moon in II House

With this aspect you had past life that put you in survival mode. You could be on verge of living, or feeling constant lack of food or poverty. Thats why you will strive to make more money and have more material resources in this life. Also, in other life times you were – accountant, person who has property and money. Person, working in bank or with gold; you could be house manager, gold seller, jewelery maker, collector of antiques; food seller or working in a restaurant and you would have skills in cooking.

         Moon in III house 🌘

With this moon you has strong communication skills in the past (and this life too), you were mst likely a teacher, person who speaks many languages; linguist, scientist, person dedicated to technology, machines. You have very good writing skills, you could have past life as writer, reporter, journalist, editor; or driver, person who transports goods; or someone working in telecommunication.

       Moon in IV house 🌔

This is the house of the Moon (Cancer), and it shows special karma with home, mother and all things related to family. In past lives you were owner of big house, houses; teacher of children, baby sitter, house wife, manager of household, seller of properties and real estates, broker. Your profession could be related to clothes – designer, seller of clothes, hats or accessories; designer of toys for children, books for children; Or you could have work in the building and construction sector.

      Moon in V house 🌙

This moon is in the original sign of Sun- Leo. It shows you were very famous person in society – with some other planets, or if the Sun, Mars, Jupiter are here, you could have been a king, queen, cardinal or important political person. You had professions like artist, actor, performer, celebrity; Most probably you had many children or many love affairs in past life. (if you have Mercury here). 

       Moon in VI house

In this house, moon represent work in sphere of healing, medicine, as doctor, nurse, pharmacologist; herbologist, in a hospital, , person who had medical knowledge, or person who loves healthy nutrition and life style. Also, it can show your abilities in gardening, design of gardens, plants and flowers knowledge and passion, person who loves pets and animals, working with pets (circus, zoo); and depending on other planets in the house (or in the opposite house), you were athlete, sport person, horse rider, participating in sport competitions, fights and games. Also you could be a chess player, photographer.

(* Have in mind that person`s chart and unique nature make the picture of your past life very complicated and individual, so it is not possible to be generally explained. Every person needs to look into their own specific natal chart, and also to have inner understanding of his soul mission.) 

Thank you for tuning in! 

   🍧Continue to part two here....>

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, healer 

July 2024  

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Meditation for Ascension and Activation of the Light body -77 Portal with arch. Chamuel


This meditation is designed to help you to go through the cosmic Portal of Sirius – 7-7 and to activate your light body of 7-th dimension. In this time you will connect and merge with your Higher Self of seventh dimension, receive guidance and protection from your angels and AA Chamuel.

Portal 7 7 has very strong energy and it opens as swirling spiral of light and divine consciousness This year the spiral of 77 is pink and golden. In order to move through the portal (spiral of light) and reach to 7 dimension, you need to tune in the frequency of the Light. The meditation will help you to reach to this higher consciousness.

                             Preparation for the meditation

This meditation is special as it is activating your light body and preparing you to receive divine light codes and downloads. So, it is recommended you to make short fasting before and after it, at least 1 hour, and drink plenty of water. Prepare the space with cleansing the energy with any way you prefer (lavender oil, smudging, incense, sage, Paolo Santo stick). Light up a white or violet candle on your altar and let`s begin.

Sit in a quiet place and in comfortable position. Close your eyes and take a deep breaths in, imagine, feel and see your aura expanding like a ball of shining white light around you.

                             ★ Calling the angels, tuning in

Now state in your mind the invocation: I call on my guardian angels, ascended master Paul the Venetian, Angel Chamuel and angels of divine pink light to be with me and surround me with Love and protection. Feel the energy moving and amplifying around you, cleansing your aura and space with golden and pink light.

                            ★  Aura expansion and breathing

This breathing exercise will raise your frequency before travelling to the tunnel of light to higher dimensions. Imagine (see and feel) sparkling golden light in your belly. As you breath in, the ball is sparkling and receiving golden light from universe; As you breath out, the golden ball is expanding more and more. Breath in this pattern 5 times slowly and deeply. See the golden ball expanding so it can encompass all your aura and the room you are in. Then stay here for a few moments, feel the moving golden energy around you.

Now imagine and see soft pink shining ball of light in your Heart. Breath in and receive pink light stream in your heart, as you breath out, see the pink ball expanding in your heart more and more. Do that 5 times deeply and slowly. Now see how all your aura is surrounded by sphere of soft pink shining light; this light is intertwined with the golden sphere in your aura, which created amazing ball of protection around you.

★   Creating protection and opening the Portal

Feel the presence of angels around you, and tune into their frequency. See angel Chamuel and angels of pink light with their pink aura wings to surround your space in peace and love. See master Paul the Venetian around you, and feel your guardian angels protecting you with streams of white-pink and golden light. You are in a beautiful sphere and cocoon of light. Angels are smiling at you and they are guiding the process of your Ascension. Now see above your head in your Crown chakra sphere of golden- pink light expanding and opening. The angels are sending stream of light to your Crown chakra, and you see portal of seven pointed star in it. Within the seven pointed star of pink -golden light, there is a moving spiral.

This is the way you go through to higher dimensions. You can see the same seven pointed star in circle of light and with golden spiral in your Soul Star chakra (15 cm above your head) and in your Earth star chakra below your feet. The star is moving clockwise and transmitting high vibrational light to your body, mind and Heart.

Now you see arch. Chamuel and master Paul the Venetian sending white light to your Gold Star chakra -above your Soul Star, the chakra of highest dimension for earth body. You can see opening golden spiral in this chakra and arch. Metatron appears there.

Now your body is filled with light and higher frequencies, and ready to move to 7 dimension.

                            ★ Going through the Portal 77

Now you can feel the pulling magnetic power in these higher spirals and seven pointed stars. You see the portal of golden light opening above your head, so you start to slowly move up through this portal, like moving through tunnel. (This is how your soul and consciousness will move after the death of your earthly body). You see yourself ascending and being pulled in the tunnel, moving faster and faster. You go through many dimensions and you arrive at a place of pure bliss. This is 7 dimension -you can see white and golden light all around you. Soon you can see more – you are in a sacred place – this can be garden, river, pond, waterfall, or sacred temple. It will be different for each soul. See yourself in this place and feel the light breeze on your skin. This place is where your Higher self lives.

Now you see in front of you your Higher self filled with light, from 7 dimension. This is higher version of you, who has integrated light body and know many things you don`t know.

See yourself now and ask questions to your higher Self, feel her presence. After you receive the answers, you can merge with your Higher self – step into her aura and merge the 2 light bodies as one. Then see all chakras of you and your higher Self merging together, and shining with strong and bright light than before.

Now the process of your Ascension in complete.

See the tunnel of golden-pink light above your head and go through it, feeling you are light as a feather. You are now in your reality, feel into your body, feel the light you are carrying in your heart, pouring into all your body, cells, inner organs, blood and bones.

Your body is activated now with higher dimensional light codes.

Make sure you rest, sleep, drink water and integrate the light codes of 7 dimension.

Thank you for tuning in!

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

angel`s medium, healer

July 2024 

Friday, July 5, 2024

New Moon in Cancer 🌙 - deep healing, purging and releasing (+Journaling & Meditation)

This new moon portal opens on 5. July, with great swirling aquamarine light. This is the water moon, deeply healing and rejuvenating for the whole body and mind. At this time you need to connect with the element water, your Sacral chakra and open your Earth star chakra below your feet.

Planet of power in this time is the Moon, as well as the South Node.

     This new moon is perfect time for:

- rest, body healing, emotional healing, rejuvenation

- Letting go of old habits and patterns, understanding where they come from

- connecting with your mother or /and children

- connection to all natural waters -river, sea, ocean, waterfall

- Connecting with crystals and crystal consciousness, energy work

- self-reflection, meditation

- being clear about your next step, and your desires

- Feeling whole and complete regardless of the external

You need to tap into your intuition and inner wisdom. Also perfect time to connect with your past self – to understand aspects of your past and release them. This is great time for mother wound healing and cutting of negative cords with your mother or family line of your mother.

   As Cancer is sign of self-love, care, support for children, gentleness, family, memories, past, waves of emotions – now is the time to pay attention to these aspects in life. It may bring special memories from childhood, reconnecting to old friends or realizing the importance of your family, inner child connection. It can be very exciting time for some souls, also can bring some challenges on emotional level.

To understand how this New moon will affect you, look at your natal moon and where is Cancer sign in your chart.

We feel the influence of this beautiful moon until 4 days after it.

                  Questions to ask in a journal

✎  How can I nurture and take care of myself better?

 What are the spiritual practices that really help me to be present and peaceful?

 What is the relationship with my mother? How can I make this relationship better and on higher level?

✎ Did I reach forgiveness with my mother (older sister)?

✎ What is my relationship with my child/ children or inner child?

✎  Do I spend enough time for healing my wounded inner child?

 What are some special practices of self-care and self-love that I need to implement in my everyday life?

In this new moon, we are in alignment with our psychic wisdom, our inner world, dreams, visions and intuition. We are swimming in waters of the unconscious “reality”, and we are letting go and healing in state of sleep and dream.

Connection with water element is very powerful at this time – water has healing, rejuvenating and nurturing qualities and in the same time it cleanses the emotional, physical and spiritual body. Water is element of purification and can be programmed” as it contains special ethereal imprints (of six-pointed star) within it. We use water daily for cleansing our internal organs, and all systems in the body. Water is primal element of divine feminine energy, connecting with Yin flow in the body, responsible for healing, regeneration, purification, reproduction. Yin energy is related to the circle of 3 chakras – Sacral, Heart and Third eye.

Through element of Divine water we connect with the emotional body of the earth – oceans, seas, rivers, springs.

                               Crystals for New moon

In this time you can meditate or make crystal grid with the crystals for Cancer – aquamarine, celestite, blue opal, Aqua Aura, moonstone, blue sapphire, blue calcite. They have qualities of calming the mind, removing stress and anxiety and bringing inner peace, also they can cleanse your aura and remove stagnant energy.

                                 Meditation and ritual 🔮

   Light up 1 (3,6) light blue candles on your altar. This is wonderful time for rituals and for connecting with the Moon energy and any goddess you like. You can call on arch. Haniel, the moon angel and goddess Selena for this meditation.

Imagine how arch. Haniel and the goddess are with you, surrounding you with sparkling pearl white and aquamarine blue light. See the shining Moon above you, and see yourself in a vast field of white flowers of all kinds – white roses, jasmine, azalea, orchids, camelias…

You see now the stream of light blue mystical light from the moon going down to your Crown chakra, then creating beautiful ball of light in your Crown, cleansing and removing all negative energies from it; then the stream flows down to your Third eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root chakra -at the base of your spine, creating in each chakra ball of aquamarine light, cleansing and releasing stagnant energies. Feel how this light reaches your feet chakras, and see spheres of light on your feet and in the palms of your hands. These lights are swirling and moving with inner power.

Now just breath deeply and feel your energy flowing in alignment with all that is. Focus for a moment on what you desire to create. This can be something big or small, just see it unfolding as a movie in front of you. Then keep this image and imagine it wrapped in a small shining blue seed, that you plant in the soil. This seed is watered by the rain and it will grow and give the fruit of your desire in exact time. Make sure to water it and tend to the growing seed every 3 days until the moon is full. That will ensure the fulfilment of this wish.

(This moon is perfect for desires related to: mother healing, inner child healing, body healing, sending healing energy, relationship healing, finding romantic partner, finding your soul mate, new friendship.).

Happy New moon! 🌙

You can read more: 

- Channeled message from AA Chamuel and AA Ariel for the Ascension (July)

- July Energy, Angels, Crystals, Portals... 

- Meditation for full chakra cleansing and protection .....

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, reiki healer

July 2024