Sunday, July 7, 2024

Meditation for Ascension and Activation of the Light body -77 Portal with arch. Chamuel


This meditation is designed to help you to go through the cosmic Portal of Sirius – 7-7 and to activate your light body of 7-th dimension. In this time you will connect and merge with your Higher Self of seventh dimension, receive guidance and protection from your angels and AA Chamuel.

Portal 7 7 has very strong energy and it opens as swirling spiral of light and divine consciousness This year the spiral of 77 is pink and golden. In order to move through the portal (spiral of light) and reach to 7 dimension, you need to tune in the frequency of the Light. The meditation will help you to reach to this higher consciousness.

                             Preparation for the meditation

This meditation is special as it is activating your light body and preparing you to receive divine light codes and downloads. So, it is recommended you to make short fasting before and after it, at least 1 hour, and drink plenty of water. Prepare the space with cleansing the energy with any way you prefer (lavender oil, smudging, incense, sage, Paolo Santo stick). Light up a white or violet candle on your altar and let`s begin.

Sit in a quiet place and in comfortable position. Close your eyes and take a deep breaths in, imagine, feel and see your aura expanding like a ball of shining white light around you.

                             ★ Calling the angels, tuning in

Now state in your mind the invocation: I call on my guardian angels, ascended master Paul the Venetian, Angel Chamuel and angels of divine pink light to be with me and surround me with Love and protection. Feel the energy moving and amplifying around you, cleansing your aura and space with golden and pink light.

                            ★  Aura expansion and breathing

This breathing exercise will raise your frequency before travelling to the tunnel of light to higher dimensions. Imagine (see and feel) sparkling golden light in your belly. As you breath in, the ball is sparkling and receiving golden light from universe; As you breath out, the golden ball is expanding more and more. Breath in this pattern 5 times slowly and deeply. See the golden ball expanding so it can encompass all your aura and the room you are in. Then stay here for a few moments, feel the moving golden energy around you.

Now imagine and see soft pink shining ball of light in your Heart. Breath in and receive pink light stream in your heart, as you breath out, see the pink ball expanding in your heart more and more. Do that 5 times deeply and slowly. Now see how all your aura is surrounded by sphere of soft pink shining light; this light is intertwined with the golden sphere in your aura, which created amazing ball of protection around you.

★   Creating protection and opening the Portal

Feel the presence of angels around you, and tune into their frequency. See angel Chamuel and angels of pink light with their pink aura wings to surround your space in peace and love. See master Paul the Venetian around you, and feel your guardian angels protecting you with streams of white-pink and golden light. You are in a beautiful sphere and cocoon of light. Angels are smiling at you and they are guiding the process of your Ascension. Now see above your head in your Crown chakra sphere of golden- pink light expanding and opening. The angels are sending stream of light to your Crown chakra, and you see portal of seven pointed star in it. Within the seven pointed star of pink -golden light, there is a moving spiral.

This is the way you go through to higher dimensions. You can see the same seven pointed star in circle of light and with golden spiral in your Soul Star chakra (15 cm above your head) and in your Earth star chakra below your feet. The star is moving clockwise and transmitting high vibrational light to your body, mind and Heart.

Now you see arch. Chamuel and master Paul the Venetian sending white light to your Gold Star chakra -above your Soul Star, the chakra of highest dimension for earth body. You can see opening golden spiral in this chakra and arch. Metatron appears there.

Now your body is filled with light and higher frequencies, and ready to move to 7 dimension.

                            ★ Going through the Portal 77

Now you can feel the pulling magnetic power in these higher spirals and seven pointed stars. You see the portal of golden light opening above your head, so you start to slowly move up through this portal, like moving through tunnel. (This is how your soul and consciousness will move after the death of your earthly body). You see yourself ascending and being pulled in the tunnel, moving faster and faster. You go through many dimensions and you arrive at a place of pure bliss. This is 7 dimension -you can see white and golden light all around you. Soon you can see more – you are in a sacred place – this can be garden, river, pond, waterfall, or sacred temple. It will be different for each soul. See yourself in this place and feel the light breeze on your skin. This place is where your Higher self lives.

Now you see in front of you your Higher self filled with light, from 7 dimension. This is higher version of you, who has integrated light body and know many things you don`t know.

See yourself now and ask questions to your higher Self, feel her presence. After you receive the answers, you can merge with your Higher self – step into her aura and merge the 2 light bodies as one. Then see all chakras of you and your higher Self merging together, and shining with strong and bright light than before.

Now the process of your Ascension in complete.

See the tunnel of golden-pink light above your head and go through it, feeling you are light as a feather. You are now in your reality, feel into your body, feel the light you are carrying in your heart, pouring into all your body, cells, inner organs, blood and bones.

Your body is activated now with higher dimensional light codes.

Make sure you rest, sleep, drink water and integrate the light codes of 7 dimension.

Thank you for tuning in!

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

angel`s medium, healer

July 2024 

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