Friday, July 5, 2024

New Moon in Cancer 🌙 - deep healing, purging and releasing (+Journaling & Meditation)

This new moon portal opens on 5. July, with great swirling aquamarine light. This is the water moon, deeply healing and rejuvenating for the whole body and mind. At this time you need to connect with the element water, your Sacral chakra and open your Earth star chakra below your feet.

Planet of power in this time is the Moon, as well as the South Node.

     This new moon is perfect time for:

- rest, body healing, emotional healing, rejuvenation

- Letting go of old habits and patterns, understanding where they come from

- connecting with your mother or /and children

- connection to all natural waters -river, sea, ocean, waterfall

- Connecting with crystals and crystal consciousness, energy work

- self-reflection, meditation

- being clear about your next step, and your desires

- Feeling whole and complete regardless of the external

You need to tap into your intuition and inner wisdom. Also perfect time to connect with your past self – to understand aspects of your past and release them. This is great time for mother wound healing and cutting of negative cords with your mother or family line of your mother.

   As Cancer is sign of self-love, care, support for children, gentleness, family, memories, past, waves of emotions – now is the time to pay attention to these aspects in life. It may bring special memories from childhood, reconnecting to old friends or realizing the importance of your family, inner child connection. It can be very exciting time for some souls, also can bring some challenges on emotional level.

To understand how this New moon will affect you, look at your natal moon and where is Cancer sign in your chart.

We feel the influence of this beautiful moon until 4 days after it.

                  Questions to ask in a journal

✎  How can I nurture and take care of myself better?

 What are the spiritual practices that really help me to be present and peaceful?

 What is the relationship with my mother? How can I make this relationship better and on higher level?

✎ Did I reach forgiveness with my mother (older sister)?

✎ What is my relationship with my child/ children or inner child?

✎  Do I spend enough time for healing my wounded inner child?

 What are some special practices of self-care and self-love that I need to implement in my everyday life?

In this new moon, we are in alignment with our psychic wisdom, our inner world, dreams, visions and intuition. We are swimming in waters of the unconscious “reality”, and we are letting go and healing in state of sleep and dream.

Connection with water element is very powerful at this time – water has healing, rejuvenating and nurturing qualities and in the same time it cleanses the emotional, physical and spiritual body. Water is element of purification and can be programmed” as it contains special ethereal imprints (of six-pointed star) within it. We use water daily for cleansing our internal organs, and all systems in the body. Water is primal element of divine feminine energy, connecting with Yin flow in the body, responsible for healing, regeneration, purification, reproduction. Yin energy is related to the circle of 3 chakras – Sacral, Heart and Third eye.

Through element of Divine water we connect with the emotional body of the earth – oceans, seas, rivers, springs.

                               Crystals for New moon

In this time you can meditate or make crystal grid with the crystals for Cancer – aquamarine, celestite, blue opal, Aqua Aura, moonstone, blue sapphire, blue calcite. They have qualities of calming the mind, removing stress and anxiety and bringing inner peace, also they can cleanse your aura and remove stagnant energy.

                                 Meditation and ritual 🔮

   Light up 1 (3,6) light blue candles on your altar. This is wonderful time for rituals and for connecting with the Moon energy and any goddess you like. You can call on arch. Haniel, the moon angel and goddess Selena for this meditation.

Imagine how arch. Haniel and the goddess are with you, surrounding you with sparkling pearl white and aquamarine blue light. See the shining Moon above you, and see yourself in a vast field of white flowers of all kinds – white roses, jasmine, azalea, orchids, camelias…

You see now the stream of light blue mystical light from the moon going down to your Crown chakra, then creating beautiful ball of light in your Crown, cleansing and removing all negative energies from it; then the stream flows down to your Third eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root chakra -at the base of your spine, creating in each chakra ball of aquamarine light, cleansing and releasing stagnant energies. Feel how this light reaches your feet chakras, and see spheres of light on your feet and in the palms of your hands. These lights are swirling and moving with inner power.

Now just breath deeply and feel your energy flowing in alignment with all that is. Focus for a moment on what you desire to create. This can be something big or small, just see it unfolding as a movie in front of you. Then keep this image and imagine it wrapped in a small shining blue seed, that you plant in the soil. This seed is watered by the rain and it will grow and give the fruit of your desire in exact time. Make sure to water it and tend to the growing seed every 3 days until the moon is full. That will ensure the fulfilment of this wish.

(This moon is perfect for desires related to: mother healing, inner child healing, body healing, sending healing energy, relationship healing, finding romantic partner, finding your soul mate, new friendship.).

Happy New moon! 🌙

You can read more: 

- Channeled message from AA Chamuel and AA Ariel for the Ascension (July)

- July Energy, Angels, Crystals, Portals... 

- Meditation for full chakra cleansing and protection .....

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, reiki healer

July 2024 

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