Monday, June 24, 2024

Meditation for full chakra cleansing and protection with Sacred geometry forms ⭐


Sit or lay down in a quiet space and take a few deep breaths. Feel how your heart is expanding as a beautiful white ball of light -in all directions. You are now in the sphere of your heart. Stay here for a few moments and feel the energy.

Then see or feel a stream of diamond white light flowing down from Source trough all of your body and into the ground, connecting you with the core of earth.

    Now focus on your Gold Star chakra (above your head around 60 cm) – and see your guardian angels, archangel Metatron and arch. Sandalphon surrounding you with bubble of golden light. You can see golden sphere of light shimmering in your Gold star chakra your divine source connection. In this golden orb see a beautiful golden Merkaba forming and spinning clockwise, protecting you on all levels and dimensions. From this higher chakra your inter dimensional travel starts, forming the field of your spiritual Merkaba star.

Now arch. Metatron touches this golden Merkaba and activates your divine connection to Source consciousness.

Stay a few moments visualizing your Gold star chakra with the Merkaba inside.

      Now slowly see the white beam of light travelling down to your Soul Star chakra (15 cm above your head). This is the place of your divine soul mission and blueprint. You can sense or see shimmering silver and opal white light in your Soul Star chakra expanding in all levels and dimensions. Inside of the sphere is beautiful dodecahedron swirling and activating the highest potential of your soul. Your guardian angels infuse this chakra with silver light of protection in Astral realms and activating your soul mission.

Then you can see the white-golden beam of light moving down and opening your magnificent Crown chakra with colours white and shining violet. See a sphere of white-violet light above your head -and symbol of the golden flower of life emerging in it. This is your connection to higher realms, to your wisdom, and soul family, your higher self and angels. See how the golden flower of life is activating your highest timeline for this incarnation.

Now see the golden-white light moving down to your Third eye chakra and brain, protecting your nervous system. There is shining deep blue light in this chakra, within it you can see another golden sphere of light and its centre the form of Icosahedron. This is the light of your psychic gifts, connection to the Akashic records and your soul records. The indigo blue icosahedron and the sphere of light are expanding like portals. You can go through it to understand and ask about your past lives on earth. The blue orb is spinning and releasing all negative dark energies or entities from your Third eye. Your highest intuition and wisdom are activated here.

   ⭐The white golden beam is travelling down to your Throat chakra, activating and protecting this centre with divine light. You see how your Throat is opening slowly with shimmering aquamarine, aqua aura colors; within the sphere of light there is spinning aquamarine- golden Merkaba star. Focus on this star for a moment, it activates your spiritual gifts and talents and your divine Truth. In this chakra you can receive messages and revelations from angels. Throat chakra protects your etheric body and purifies all your aura.

    ⭐ The white-golden beam is travelling down into your Higher Heart (Thymus gland area). You see wonderful shimmering soft pink orb of light expanding and in it the symbol of Vesica Pisces. You see it like 2 intertwined golden rings. Here you activate your potential to manifest miracles and be open to love of life. This pink light is activating the protection of your immune system and upgrading all cells in your body for optimum health.

Then the divine white light is moving into your Heart chakra, above your physical heart. It expands your heart with shining emerald green light, and you can see emerald spinning Merkaba in the sphere of your heart. This is connected to the energy of archangel Raphael and activates the deep healing, rejuvenation and DNA upgrade for your physical, emotional and etheric bodies. This is emerald Merkaba of self-love, self-healing and forgiveness.

Now the white golden light travels down to your Solar Plexus chakra, where you see brilliant yellow sphere of light. This is your inner sun, connected to the crystalline core of the Sun. Within this sphere there is spinning golden-yellow Merkaba, activating your inner divine power and confidence. Here you receive knowing of who you really are and what active steps to take in the world.

   The white-golden beam is moving down to your belly and your Sacral chakra -the source of divine feminine energy, of your inner child and your emotions. Here you see shining orange orb of light and within it orange amber egg. This is the egg of creation, of love and childhood, connection to your deep emotions, to your pains and relationships. This orange egg and orb are spinning and releasing all past trauma and hurt from your Sacral chakra, all of your unfulfilled desires, and wishes. Now this energy is unblocked and activates the highest potential for joy and creativity.

Then the white-golden beam is travelling into your Root chakra – the base of your spine. This is place of illumination, protection and safety in the 3 D world. See shining ruby sphere of light in this chakra. The orb is spinning and inside of it there is etheric ruby pyramid with four sides. The base of the pyramid contains the symbol of flower of life in a circle. Feel how this ruby pyramid is activating the highest protection, determination and self-discipline for you. See yourself as a ruby warrior of light -you are standing in the centre of the etheric pyramid, you feel safe and full of power. Now see the ruby light lighting up your spinal column and glowing from within. You activate the energy of flow and acceptance of your divine Soul plan for this life.

While the ruby pyramid is spinning, you release and let go of all Ancestral karma, negative ties, negative imprints from your ancestors and your father`s line. You are free and unrestraint, nothing is holding you back from implementing your goals.

Then the light moves slowly to your hips, legs, knees, feet, filling the feet chakras with golden light and descending into the ground. Below your feet about 15 -20 cm is your Earth star chakra: a big sphere of copper-white light, in the centre of it you see spinning divine octahedron. This sacred form makes you feel grounded, peaceful and connected to the core of the earth. This octahedron is made of the frequencies of your Spirit crystal(s) for this life. (it is different for every soul).

The octahedron in your Earth star is swirling and aligning your mind-body and spirit with all of your chakras above, holding you in the present moment. You are here and now, you are expression of infinite divine light on earth. Your connection to the magnetic core of the earth is essential for this life.

See your copper colour roots of light going down deep into the earth, reaching its core. From this place you can receive clear messages, wisdom and love of mother Earth.

Now archangel Sandalphon, who is charge of crystal kingdom and messages, touches your Earth star chakra and your aura and activates the pure light of knowledge and enlightenment for you. You are safe, cleansed and protected for your spiritual journey.

Slowly come back into the room, take a few deep breaths and open your eyes.

Nina Nour Bluebell

medium, crystal healer

June 2024  ©

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