Thursday, June 6, 2024

New Moon in Gemini - recreate your new world 🌙 (+Journaling ✎)


The energy portal of this new moon opens on 6 -6 with very beautiful light of divine feminine. This is the new moon bringing joy, optimism, many opportunities and being open to the world. The planet of power this month is Mercury – planet of Gemini -connections, relationships and new endeavours. You can meditate to connect with the crystalline core of this beautiful planet for support. The new moon portal opens as a spiral turquoise and golden light, moving fast, which will help you receive codes of healing and rejuvenation on etheric level. 

This is perfect time for:

- new creative ideas, going out from your comfort zone, trying new things

- travelling, discover new places

- Observing and thinking about your relationships – how they add to your life in a positive/ negative way?

- Being social, meeting new friends, communication

- Being honest about your feelings and desires, sharing things that you want

- finding unhealthy patterns in your love relationship – where do you hide your true identity?

- Detox of the mental body and working on your Throat and Heart chakra

You can feel the influence of this new moon in a very different way, depending on where is Gemini in your natal chart -this sphere will be affected.

In the new moon and 4 days after it, we feel the influence of new energy, lightness and optimism, we work with the element of Air (wind) in your body. Perfect exercise for this time is breathing meditations, deep breaths, restoring your respiratory system and lungs. (see the exercise below). We are also called to focus on healing and rejuvenation of our Mental body and higher mind.

Questions to ask in your journal for this new moon in Gemini:

- What is the quality of my relationships, do I have connections that are not in alignment with my higher self (soul path)?

- What do I feel about my current relationship and partner? Am I safe and protected?

- What do I need to do to improve my relationship?

- What is the connection with my friends? How can I improve the communication with my friends (if needed)?

- Do I have creative ideas, what inspires me the most?

- Which unhealthy pattern I need to let go of in my communication?

Answering these questions will bring you closer to your sub-conscious mind.

Meditation for the New moon

Light up 1 (3, 6) white candles on your altar. Sit in a meditation with your back straight and take a few deep breaths. Feel how you are connected with the white magnetic core of the earth, and see energy roots coming from your feet into the earth. Now we call on Arch. Sandalphon and angels of turquoise light to surround you with peaceful presence and protection. Feel the energy of angels around you, stretching their hands of light and forming a huge sphere of turquoise and golden light around you. They channel energy of love, abundance and prosperity into your aura. See this turquoise calming stream of light entering your Crown chakra, and flowing down to your Thrid eye and Throat chakra. This light is cleansing and rejuvenating your brain, nervous system, and all nervous cells in your body and mind. See the soothing light flowing down to your face, ears, nose, lips and throat area, cleansing and balancing your hormons and Thyroid gland. Then see the turquoise light moving into your lungs and heart, and in all your blood vessels and capilars. This is the light of full detox and cleansing of your cells.

See your whole body enveloped in this light like in a cocoon of love and safety.

Stay within this flowing stream of light for a few moments, (around 15 min) or as long as you need. Then slowly come back to your room and open your eyes.

Thank you for tuning in!

Nina Nour Bluebell

medium, reiki master

June 2024 ©

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