Saturday, June 22, 2024

Full Moon in Capricorn 🌔 - releasing past trauma, Ancestral healing (+Journaling, Meditation, Crystal)


This full moon portal opens in the time of Solstice energy – 21. June, with swirling copper and golden light. This portal is one of the most healing and intense for the next 6 months, as it points to where do you need to break free.

   The full moon is in the sign of Capricorn – earth warrior, making our focus more on our earth qualities: motivation, persistence, taking small steps to the goal, planning, organization and self-discipline. Your daily habits and routine matter, as they are who shape you to the person who you have become.

We are already in the new energy of the earth and slowly moving up to another Ascension, as the sun influxes continue to rise. This is a great time to understand, release and let go of old negative believes, patterns, behaviours and habits that are holding you back. You are no longer the same or in the same energy. You are going through process of upgrade, so the release is important now.

Some things you need to consider in the time of the Solstice and full moon:

  bringing structure, organization and motivation to your routine

 understanding how to balance your time, so you can get the most of it

 making priorities and creating boundaries. Think about your sacred space (time) where no one can bother you.

 Take time outside in nature, connect with the spirit of trees and plants

 Deep ancestral healing

   The planet of power in this moon portal is Saturn – self-discipline, setting goals, intentions, grounding, obligations and time. You need to consider if your time is restricted for something you want to achieve; what are your intentions for the next month, what do you want to practice regularly, to achieve the best results?

Think more deeply how do you spend your time, what is the focus energy of your day? What things you need to re-organise and balance?

Saturn (daily routine, discipline, planning) is in the sign of Pisces (spirituality, other worlds, dreams) – which brings need on a global level to have time for spiritual practices, meditation and peace of mind. Restoration, energy upgrade and deep healing of the past traumas are part of this energy of the month.

This full moon portal will affect you more if you have Rising sign or Moon in Capricorn, or if your 7 th house is ruled by Capricorn. 🌔

       Questions to ask yourself and journal for the Full moon:

- How do I need to organize my time to be most effective?

- Do I have organized home, do I need to de-clutter and clean?

- What are the negative relationships impacting my life now?

- How much self-discipline I implement in my daily routine?

- Do I have any grounding practices – walk in nature, gardening, yoga, exercises?

- What is my nest goal?

- What do I want to achieve/ manifest in the next 3 months?

- How much am I motivated to do my daily tasks?

- What are the unhealthy habits that I need to let go of?

- Do I have unhealthy attachment in relationships?

- Do I have strong energy boundaries? Am I able to say No?

- Where do I need to put more efforts in order to have better results?

Answer these questions in your journal and read them again in the next full moon cycle. You may feel the difference in yourself.

On 20 June Sun enters into sign of Cancer ♋– we work with the archetype of divine mother, nurturing, loving and feminine energy. This is beautiful time to connect and heal your mother wound, heal your inner child, make priority for more time alone, practice self-love.

We are in the collective energy of Water, element of divine feminine. Many souls may focus on their spiritual journey, on their emotional healing, or mother wound healing, cutting of negative ties, and ancestral karma cleansing.

Angels for the full moon: Azrael, Jehudiel

Angel for the month: Sandalphon

                   Meditation with angels + candles 🔮

Sit in a quiet space and light up 3 (6) black candles on your altar. Focus on your breathing and take in a few deep breaths, visualizing how your aura expands, until it fills the room.

You can write down 3 negative habits that you want to release at this time (this can be negative patterns or food addictions).

Now close your eyes and invoke the energy of AA Azrael and angels of the transition. You can feel or see also your guardian angels surrounding you with love. Angels of transition are there to help you with ascension, with any transition in your life and going into the new phase. Imagine calming copper-golden light around you in the shape of egg. Feel how this light fills your aura, bringing peace, safety and protection. Now see above the copper light another egg shaped black light. This light has powerful qualities of protection, eliminating all negative energies or entities.

Say the following affirmation:

I call upon arch. Azrael and Jehudiel to please cut and remove from my field all negative cords, negative energies, entities and attachments, release them into the divine light. Please, protect me from any negative entities, thought forms and energies in all levels and dimensions, in all directions of time. Thank you! And so it is.”

Now see yourself in this beautiful copper egg light and above black light, reflecting all dark energy like a mirror. See yourself safe, free and relaxed in your own power. This egg shell light acts as your protection shield and boundary that no one can penetrate.

Then see how on your feet start to grow roots of copper light, they descend into the earth, connecting you with the copper-golden Earth star chakra, below your feet. Feel the connection and see golden octahedron in the core of this chakra. This is the sacred shape connecting you to the earths energy. Feel how your earth star chakra is spinning in even pace and the octahedron is spinning in it.

Trust that you are anchored, safe and divinely guided at all times.

Then you can focus on the negative habits or addictions you want to release, and burn the paper in safe place. Stay in meditation for a little longer, feeling the relief and release of all negativity.

We thank all the angels for their love and assistance.

You can repeat this meditation in the next 3 days after the full moon, focusing on releasing your negative habits and addictions, and cutting negative ties.

              Crystal for the Full moon: Black Obsidian

[ more about black obsidian read the article here...>

Nina Nour Bluebell 

medium, reiki healer

Tarot teacher 

June 2024  ©

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