Sunday, June 2, 2024

Channeled message from AA Sandalphon for the Ascension (June 2024)


Greetings children of earth and Light!

We are here at this time to encourage you and help you in this special times on earth. Your planet is changing and evolving together with you. Gaia has energy body, she is sentient being who is awakening to the profound transformation. One of the important things to know is that your Sun system is moving in the direction of spiral and toward the galactic centre or the Central sun. You are in process of transition and alignment with your true path of Soul evolution. This process is unfolding but it will take many decades to reach collectively to more evolved stage. Now is just the beginning.

We are sending you in June special celestial codes of turquoise and golden light. All souls who are ready and willing to receive these codes, will have cellular upgrade, regeneration of the energy system and all multidimensional bodies and DNA repair. We want you to stay calm, focused on your mission at this time, feel the lightness in the air in the next months. You are not the same as before. Your body is in between stage of deep transformation from lower density to higher frequency.

What you will experience now can be closing of karmic cycle, cleansing and releasing of old programs, believes and stagnant energy from your aura. You are starting to feel the vibrations and energy around you more intensely, as you have hightent sensitivity, you may experience strange dreams or very emotional dreams. You will realize you have desire to create, to be seen and to connect with others like minded people. You will have desire to express your souls talents with others. This is what you need to do. But as the energy is intense and fluctuating, you need to make balance between your active state and rest and recuperation.

The earth is going through fast moving photons of Light, and this spiral field will affect the activity of your Sun (and its crystalline core) and all the planets. You may feel more the influence of certain planets on your life, your brain and nervous system. We recommend you to be grounded and connect daily with the crystalline core of Earth. This is the energy of deep wisdom, so you can be ready for the changes to come. Some souls who have it in their soul mission or contract, will start to channel more information and downloads from higher light beings, angels or Galactic beings.

Don`t be influenced by the outside world propaganda, stay present as much as possible. This is important as you need to accept the new light codes within your Heart, Crown chakra, and Earth star chakra. These are the codes of transition to your stage of butterfly and codes of initiation. Some souls will be drawn to expand their knowledge in certain direction, others will take time in restoration and healing the body and energy, different meditation practices. Do what you feel called to, and what you feel in your heart. When you are aligned with your heart and the core of Gaia, this is your inner true.

You belong to the infinite light, you are special and have eternal soul. You belong to your Monad and the Source of divine Light, infinitely expanding and evolving. That`s why you as a soul, are always expanding and evolving, as part of the Light. You are now in your earthly incarnation, like in a movie theatre, or a test. There will be many challenges for you, this is how it was programmed to be. But you need to take it as a fun game and start to understand your role of creator and person who can manifest his best life. Or you can feel it as endless burden, as if you are carrying a rock.

Trust that your soul has a plan for you and you are exactly where you need to be, for your souls expansion and learning.

At this time you are connecting to the core the Sun, core of Saturn and Mercury. There will be resonances from these planets to earth. And the earth is connected with the energy of your Heart. So, you need to meditate and open your heart (and your Crown and Earth star chakra), and receive the turquoise-golden light codes of Ascension. These are 5 and 6 dimensional codes according to the plan of each soul.

We are sending you channeled meditation for cellular cleansing and upgrade, to align with your highest path.

You are loved, you are bright light that will continue the planetary evolution and revolution.

Sending you divine light and Love!

AA Sandalphon 

channeled by

Nina Nour Bluebell

medium, reiki healer

angelic astrology

June 2024 ©

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