Thursday, May 30, 2024

June energy - Angels, Ascension, Healing, Crystals, Portals (5)

The energy of June is fascinating, moving and more active in turquoise and shining golden waves of light. This is month of Ascension, energy downloads from spirit and completion of Karmic cycle. This month is connected with balance of Yin and Yang, as Gemini contains both aspects: the divine warrior and divine peacekeeper. 

This is perfect time for:

  • Communication, connection, business ideas, plans

  • going out in nature, visiting places with natural mountain waters – lake, river, waterfall, spa

  • Connecting with friends, soul mates, like minded people, community.

  • Learning, education and expansion

  • Travelling to new places, visiting sacred sights and far away places.

June brings energy of clarity and understanding something which was foggy or unclear in your life; receiving revelations.

The main colours are turquoise and golden – the guiding angel who is here to support you is AA Sandalphon. We need to feel enlightenment, passion and growth in many areas of life; some souls will be able to rise above obstacles and restrictions and break free.

Cosmic energy and numerology

June has Cosmic vibration 5 -related to energy of karma, karmic lessons in this life, destiny and higher power. You may feel that some events or situations are beyond your control. (That` s because they are). This is time to let go of expectations, control or judgement.

Esoteric astrology

Planets of power this month are Saturn (karmic lessons, restrictions, breaking free), and Mercury -planet of Gemini, communication, business, travel. You can look where do you have these planets in your personal chart. These places may be activated.

Saturn is spiritually connected to your Earth star chakra -below your feet, and to the crystalline core of the earth. It gives us feeling of purpose, grounding and boundaries, but it can reveal also restrictions and need to put more efforts and grow. This planet shows where we need to learn from past mistakes and where we are not able to be in control.

Mercury is flexible planet of communication, travel, friendships and business. It brings inspired mind, thirst for knowledge and new experiences and truth. With this planet life is very interesting and colourful. So, now is the time for new business ideas, new opportunities, learning and being productive. But also for grounding and being present, connected to elements of the earth.

The element of 5 is crystal (rock) and mountain.

Power planets

Saturn is in sign of Pisces -deep waters of dreams, spirituality, rejuvenation and healing. It is about need of emotional healing, setting time for rest, relaxation and more sleep. You may feel your time for rest, sleep or meditation is very limited and not enough. Make space in your schedule. This is aspect that can bring restlessness and sense of isolation or loneliness.

Mercury is in Gemini until 17 June, which is great for any kind of connection, learning and making plans. On 17 Mercury moves into the nurturing Cancer, then your focus will be shifted to your home, family and children, feeling of sharing your emotions with others and deep understanding and care. You can spend great time with friends, outdoor party or sharing old memories with others.

Mars (conflict, achievement, power) is moving into sign of Taurus on June 9, that can be great for persistent movement forward and sense of direction. You need to pay attention to your finances, home, property and your physical health. They will be in need of putting more efforts.

Venus (love, relationship, beauty) is moving into Cancer on June 17 – which relates to sensitive energy, love in your home, investing in home decoration or small renovations, and thinking about old fashion.

Spiritual Upgrades

In June you will receive golden light codes in your Heart, Throat and Earth star chakras, making you more aligned with the New earth energy and with the crystalline grid of Gaia.

Focus on working and meditating on these chakras. Spiritual stamp for this month is pentagram in a sphere of golden light. It combines the energy of 5 higher senses.

This is time when we connect with energy of our Sun and receive golden sun codes from the core of the sun -in time around Summer solstice portal (21.June). This brings huge transformation and ascension to higher dimensions, which is inevitable for the souls, who choose this path. We are already waking up in the new world.

Many souls will experience spiritual expansion, realizations and connection with their angels and spirit guides, or others higher beings of light.

Health and well being

The energy of 5 refers to physical senses, and to psychic senses on a higher level. Also, you need to pay attention to your liver, bladder, small intestines. Make adjustments to your food and diet in this time.

Prepare to overcome some obstacles and be tested – but have faith in the Universe.

Crystals for meditation

You can work with, meditate or create grid with these crystals in June: turquoise, fuchsite, Amazonite, smokey quartz, aquamarine, blue fluorite, yellow fluorite.

Thank you for tuning in!

Nina Nour Bluebell

angels medium

angelic astrology

June, 2024 ©

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