Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Link between Emotional attachment, addictions, Sacral chakra imbalances and Mother relationship

 In this short article I`ll give you information and details about what is emotional attachment and how it can affect your emotional body and life.  

Emotional attachment is a vital part of life lessons (and karmic relationships) of every human on earth. In this planetary level we experience love mostly through emotional attachment. This attachment is related on an energy level to our Second chakra (Sacral) and emotional body; on a physical level it is related to our reproductive system, sexuality, feeling of pleasure, self-acceptance and self-respect. So, people who have damaged self-acceptance or self-respect will have blocked emotions and will be prone to addictions.  

Emotional attachment is a double edge sword, and we need to understand that. Because this attachment is connected to many aspects like vulnerability, fear of commitment, fear of abandonment, fear of loss of someone, feelings like anger and jealousy, inability to let go. All of them are on the flipside of emotional attachment. 

(Also, it is important to say that these fears may be very subconscious, so we they are buried within).  


People who are emotionally attached and have blocked emotional flow (or suppressed emotions), can be easily affected by illnesses or imbalance in their sexual and reproductive organs. Moreover, they are prone to all kind of addictions – like food and sugar addiction, meat, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs or supplements, coffee. The reason why this happens on energy level is because the addiction acts as a substitute of the real missing emotion. For example, if a person has lack of emotional sharing, gentleness, intimacy or sexual connection in a relationship, that can result in his addiction to any substance – sugar craving, bread, alcohol or cigarettes or certain types of movies. Of course that will additionally affect his health, creating an energy Loop in his Sacral chakra and ties to his emotional body. They are substitutes for his genuine emotional needs and sexual expression. This model is quite common today (but it is not the only model of addictions).  

How can someone overcome addiction? 

There is no one sided single answer to this question. In most cases, if your addiction (food, alcohol...) is related to suppressed emotions, the first thing you need to do is cleanse and detox your emotional body.  

There are many methods how to do that, you can see my article on the emotional body cleansing here...> 

As the mind and emotions are interconnected (as all things in the human body) - all things that affect your emotions will affect your mind as well (and vice versa).  

What you need in the long term is to practice emotional detachment.  

When you are emotionally detached you are not exposed so much to the energies or emotions of others. You can be more in your own power and control, and your emotional body will be cleaner.  

How to practice emotional detachment? 

One of the ways is to be in control of your own feelings and emotions. (which in reality is a very difficult task for most humans). Another very important practice is letting go. Letting go of any people, places, past wounds and events is a very powerful practice as it keeps your energy in balance. Letting go is not “forgetting” nor leaving someone completely, although it can be. Letting go is freeing yourself from the emotional burden, past trauma and hurt, that is no longer needed in your life.  

Most people are very unaware of how to let go of something. Until then, they will be trapped in their own emotional prison, and prone to all kinds of addictions. In all relationships there are so many unhealthy emotional attachments, energy cords and addictions, which create a need for control, possessiveness, jealousy and anger.  


To be emotionally detached, you need to be aware of your personal needs and VALUES, to practice self-acceptance, self-love and self-awareness. They are part of your emotional healing journey.  


Healing your mother wound

(for more details read the article here...) 

The picture becomes more complex as in the second chakra people have their emotional ties and relationship with their mother.  

You need to know that the early childhood relationship with your mother can affect (all) your later love life, love relationships and partners and your sexuality. Thats a very big point.  

That's why a very important aspect of your emotional healing and detachment is healing the relationship with your mother and your wounded inner child.  

When you do that, you need to realize and work on your feeling of self-acceptance and how you value yourself as a being in a physical body. Do you fully accept and love yourself? What aspects of yourself are you still reluctant to accept? 

Bear in mind that emotional body healing is a lifelong process which will connect you to your true identity and reveal hidden aspects of yourself.  

Working on your Sacral chakra (and orange ray of light) and your Heart chakra (and green ray of light) will boost the process of emotional healing and releasing.  

Also, you can implement other daily practices like dancing, yoga, painting, being near water sources (lake, river, sea, waterfall), swimming. They can help you immensely to cleanse and detox your emotional body.  

Thank you for tuning in!

Nina Nour Bluebell

medium, reiki healer

May, 2024 ©

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