Thursday, May 23, 2024

Full moon in Sagittarius 🌔- Focus on your Highest potential and timeline (+ Journaling & Meditation)


The portal of this full moon in Sagittarius is opening on 23 May with magnificent yellow-gold light. This is full moon that aligns us with our highest timeline and deep understanding of our purpose in life. The power of Sagittarius moon is pure activation of potential and positive qualities and magnifying your results in whatever you put efforts.  

All Fire Sign full moons make ark of Fire warrior energy – becoming the best version of yourself, taking action, release all fear and resistance, manifesting things into reality, focus on your goal, trust and believe. Being in your power. 

With this Full moon we release all tension and negative energy that prevents us from taking divinely guided action in exact time. The power planet influencing this Full moon energy is Jupiter (Sagittarius) and Mercury (Gemini). We receive light codes which affect our inner core and Solar Plexus chakra from these planets, which activate our feeling of empowerment, sense of direction, motivation and creativity, knowing what we want and what steps to take.  

Looking at these planets now Jupiter is in late degrees of Taurus (our inner wisdom, goals and what we expand) is related to physical body, environment, food, diet, home and finances. Now Jupiter is making significant shift moving into sign of movable Gemini (Air) on 25 May. So, our wisdom and expansion connecting with the thirst for knowledge, details, analysis, learning, gathering information. This shift of sign is significant for all souls, and it shows we need to focus on learning, inner development and outer connections.  

There is a nice sextile aspect of Jupiter and Neptune on 23 –enhancing our intuitive abilities, psychic wisdom and feeling of oneness with all, making us more open and sensitive to the environment.  

The full moon on 23 can trigger some deep inner transformation, and shedding the old, like going out of the cocoon and transforming into butterfly. (Connect with energy of earth and fairies, as well as wisdom of Fire element in your body).

♐As Sagittarius is mutable fire sign (the traveller, the wise, the teacher), we need to focus on things that are fleeting and changeable in our lives. What things we need to transform and what we need to adapt? Are we moving in the right direction of our desires?  

With this Full moon we have many opportunities for change, as this is the power of Golden butterfly. Staying present in the moment and understanding what needs to be released is essential.  

This full moon will effect you more deeply if you have Ascendant or Moon in Sagittarius, or in your 7th house (of relationships).

Some important questions to journal at this time are

What are the positive qualities that I need to enhance?  

  • Am I in my own power? Where are my boundaries broken?  

  • What are the negative qualities or addictions I need to let go of? 

  • Do I have people who affect my development and prevent me from being my best version? 

  • What in my environment needs to change? What objects I no longer need?  

  • Who are the people I no longer resonate with? 

  • What are the lessons from my past that I need to remember?  

  • What is my goal for the next 3 months I need to focus on?  

  • How can I activate my inner power and self-confidence?  

  • What are 3 of my most important values and believes?  


Meditation for the Full moon 

Light up 3 (6) golden (or yellow) candles on your altar and surround them with yellow crystals by your choice –like citrine, yellow calcite, yellow jade, aventurine. Write down on paper 3 negative qualities or addictions that you want to release at this time (or a person you need to let go of). Sit in a quite space and close your eyes. 

Now the archangel Uriel is with you with the golden Solar angels. They are surrounding you with golden-yellow light. Feel how the light is swirling around your Crown chakra, flowing down to your Third eye, your brain, your left and right hemisphere; then the golden light is flowing into your Throat, into your Heart, cleansing and releasing all negative energy, tension and stress; the light flows into your Solar Plexus, cleansing your stomach, liver and intestines and the whole digestive system. This is light of rejuvenation and wisdom. See how the divine light travels down to your Sacral and Root chakra, into your legs, knees, caffs and feet...into the ground. You are connected to the mother earth and feel your Earth star chakra expanding under your feet.  

Your whole body and energy are filled with this purifying golden light, igniting your highest potential and wisdom. The light is connecting you with the crystalline core of Gaia and with the yellow layer of it, grounding you deeply, opening new opportunities and manifestations for you.  

Stay here for a while and observe the flow of this light from your body into the ground and core of the earth. Breathe deeply and think about 3 things you are grateful now.  

You can burn the paper with your 3 negative qualities or addictions, while feeling the relief of any stress or pain. You are free, you are purified and ready for the next step of your journey.  

Repeat this meditation for the next 3 – 6 days and focus on releasing your fears and negative thoughts about yourself. Observe the result in the next months.  

Crystals for the full moon: Citrine 

Goddesses' energy: Lakshmi, Sekhmet  

Happy Full moon!

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, reiki healer

Angelic astrologer

May 2024 ★

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