Thursday, May 2, 2024

Chakras as Portals and law of Attraction - Throat chakra -IV


Throat chakra is one of the Higher Chakras in human energy system. It has amazing blue colour, and often we can see it as sparkling blue the Throat. This chakra holds the key to our higher dimensional being – the Ethereal Light imprint in the world. That means she navigates how we connected our divine light on earth plane, how we express our inner qualities, abilities and mission in the physical world. This is chakra of connection, Ascension, Love to the world and communication.

With this chakra we attract:  

  1. Creative energy, inspiration and bliss  

  1. We realize and express our Soul mission  

  1. Connect with our Soul family (other Light workers, teachers or students, with whom we exchange energy)  

  1. We connect to our higher truth and higher Potential  

The Divine quality of Throat is Purity of Intention, Integrity. This is the chakra that needs to be on constant movement and flow, as any stagnant energy will create problems and blocks in it.  

The Angels working to help balance Throat chakra are Gabriel and Haniel. The cleansing light of this chakra is pear white (Gabriel white fluid light), or light-blue.

The physical organs in the body related to this chakra are: Thyroid gland, nose, sinuses, trachea, ears, tongue, mouth, gums. Throat element is Air, and it is also related to process of breathing, like the Heart chakra 

The Higher (Psychic) sense that we unlock in the Throat is Clear audience (clear hearing), also clear taste and smell. Often many people who are clairvoyant, have also some other psychic senses. In the Heart the psychic sense is Clairsentience (Clear feeling), in the Throat (clairaudience), in Third eye (Clairvoyance), In the Crown (clear knowing, Claircognisance).  


In order to have nice flow of angelic connection and be guided, you need to cleanse and restore your upper chakras. That is a process itself and requires some solitude, dedication and meditation practices. Without them you can`t achieve pure connection from Spiritual realms.  

When this chakra is healthy and balanced you will attract not only happy relationships, soul mates, and creativity, but also you will connect with your Guardian angels, spirit guides, and air elementals (fairies of air).  


Thyroid gland is a special organ within your body, it is responsible for balance of hormones and connects directly with emotional and ethereal body. Within the Thyroid gland there is ethereal light in form of circle with light blue pentagram inside. This is on energy level (similar to it, in the Heart centre every human has Ethereal light seed with Hexagram, six-pointed star in it – with properties of cleansing and healing).  

Pentagram in the ethereal light of this chakra means protection and expressing your personal power and abilities.  

In Throat chakra we express our talents from previous lives and from this life, we connect with our soul family, and we feel divinely connected with the Source. Note that this beautiful blue chakra has connection to the Crown (above) and to the Solar Plexus (below), being in the centre of the 8-energy flow (infinity). In this way our inner truth, justice, creativity connects with our Spiritual guidance and angel connection, and oneness of all, and connects also with our Personal power, boundaries and attracting abundance.  

The feelings that can suppress this chakra are multiple, mostly you can have blocks in this chakra if you are not true to your self and your higher mission (if you don’t use your creative talents and what you came here to become), if you suppress your voice, if you don’t speak what you feel and think, if you don’t communicate with others with clarity, honesty, if you tell lies, if you have abusive language and feel nervous easily. These are some of the common cases that can create negative energy within your Vishudha 

Our Throat chakra is centre in blue light, and it is one of the most vulnerable chakras in the body, very easily can contain dark cords or attachments to different people and places.

This chakra has also one of the most diverse colour shades with everyone. Some people, mostly light workers, or who meditate on their chakras have light-blue, celestial pearl-blue or turquoise colour sphere in Throat. Others may have all different shades of blue – darker, sea blue and lighter 

This is the chakra of purity, truth and justice which is related to karmic knots with all people around us, with our creative talents.

How you create blockages in this chakra? 



You can create blocks or negative cords in the Throat easier than other chakras: as communication is everywhere in many levels in our every day life. Therefore people should be very aware of what they say, how they speak, or what they suppress (or don’t speak) which will have equal effect! If you are person who is easily angry or nervous in your communication, you will have darker shades or blocks around your Throat. If you are person, who wants to express your thoughts and feelings, but you are always silent (suppressing) then you will create this dark clouds in your Throat. From another side, Throat connects also with the words we listen from others, with the way we respond to them, and with what things we usually listen daily.  

That means this chakra can be polluted from listening negative news (as it will create fear on sub-conscious level), from what music you listen, what you watch on your internet or tv. That’s how the threads for Throat chakra are everywhere.  

You need to tap into your clear hearing and guidance and creative energy by attracting more pure intention.  

This chakra is affected by polluted air and water, also by imbalanced food (as it relates with Solar Plexus).  

The Throat is responsible for your connection with your Higher Self, and the way your all energy flows. Because at the Thyroid the Yin and Yang energy make turn to the left and right brain in the Third eye. The Yang energy coming from the right side of your body, slows down in the Thyroid, and moves to the left side of the head (brain); the Yin energy is flowing down from your right brain and moves from Thyroid to your left body.  

[ you can check the article “Yin and Yang energy flow” ]  



Some wonderful crystals to open and heal this chakra are: celestite, angelite, white opal, moonstone, clear quartz, blue calcite, aquamarine, kyanite, blue lace agate, larimar, sapphire, and all blue translucent crystals.

For this chakra to be open the best way is singing, chanting and listening to music, playing musical instrument, and Tibetan bowls, the mantra “Haum”. Also: writing, playing games, theatre, poetry writing, sharing, wind chimes, learning languages, teaching, watching blue sky and clouds movement, being in open air, mountain. If you feel drawn to one or more of these activities, you do that to balance your Throat, no matter if you realize it or not.  


You can make ritual for truth, clarity and attracting inspiration, also attract money and anything that you need, with a short ritual.  

Light up a blue candle (or turquoise) on the south-east of your home.  

You can make crystal grid with blue stones of your choice, or just light the blue candle, for at least 60 min. You can do that ritual on the New moon, or 3 days after it. Then make meditation for cleansing and recharging your Throat chakra. Imagine a beautiful white sphere of sparkling light coming from the space above to you, see this sphere spinning in your Crown chakra, then slowly moving down to your Third eye and resting in your Throat. Feel how this white light cleanses and heals any imbalances in your Throat. Now see glowing blue light with size of walnut in your Throat. See this light slowly expanding more and more, until it becomes like a sphere with size of beach ball, little bigger than your head. Within this spinning blue light you will see now closed blue lotus flowers, which is turning clock wise and gently opening its petals. When the blue lotus is completely opened you will feel release and cleanse of all energy blocks from this chakra. Do that meditation and ritual for about 6- 9 days in a raw, to have an effect. 

If you want to attract more money, you can put a banknote under the blue candle, and write a wish for what purpose you need to have money. Then meditate and imagine this wish coming into reality.  

You can say the following affirmation in your ritual

I m connected with my Higher Self, I speak my truth, I connect with others with love and kindness. I have pure intentions and pure relationships. I can take the right decisions at any moment, I defend the truth of who I am. I am powerful creator of my life. I work on my spiritual mission.” Or even add more “I can connect with my angels and spirit guides always, I`m aligned with my Soul Star chakra, I`m in perfect balance.” 

Thank you for tuning in! 🔮

Nina Nour Bluebell

angel`s medium, healer

Esoteric astrologer

April 2024 ★

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