Wednesday, May 8, 2024

New moon in Taurus - grounding into new Reality, healing codes 🌙

 The energy of May is more uplifting and calming at the same time – as we receive collectively emerald green light codes for ascension. In this month one of the very prominent planets of power is Venus. Make connection with Venus and with the crystalline core of the Earth, as they will support you in all challenges.

🌙 The main themes of this beautiful new moon portal in Taurus is –healing, grounding into your body, nature connection, heart expansion.  

The New moon portal opens on 7 May – which is related to planet Jupiter energy and expansion in all levels. Depending on where Taurus in your personal chart is, you can have different feeling and expansion in different areas.  

We work on energy of Earth element and supported by all earth elementals, fairies and tree spirits. The new moon portal opens like a fast-spinning vortex of deep green and gold light. This is portal of revelations about your inner self, healing and deep understanding of yourself. Now is perfect time for: 

  • ❂ Grounding, connecting with nature, walking outside, gardening. 

  • ❂Exercises and establishing regular routine, body movement, dancing, meditation, chi gong.

  • ❂ Feeling in your body, starting diet and making adjustment in your eating habits.  

  • ❂Knowledge about food and nutrition.  

  • ❂ Managing your finances and savings, what are your expenses?  

  • ❂Taking care of your body and health, listening to your body feelings.  


This new moon heals, clears and activates your etheric and physical body. That`s why is one of the prominent times for healing and upgrading your systems, for body detox.  

This is not energy of “being lazy”, but doing small steps in the right direction, making balance between activities and rest.  

As earth is very feminine energy, now is the time to really feel your need of rest, sleep and rejuvenation. Also time to let go of all negative thoughts and just go into the green hug of nature.  


Questions to ask in this new moon for journaling

- What is the state of my health now? Do I feel healthy and energized? 

  • What can I do to be in my perfect shape? 

  • Do I have enough exercises and activities for my body? 

  • Do I have enough time for rest and sleep?  

  • What is the energy of my home and space now? 

  • What is the state of my money and finances?  

  • How do I feel in my work, is it the dream job that I like? 

  • What can I change in my diet to feel healthier?  


Ritual and meditation for the new moon 

Sit in a quiet place and light up 1 (3) green candle on your altar. You can surround them with green crystals of the Taurus season like green jade, green adventuring, green moss agate, green quartz, malachite. Dedicate this candle to AA Raphael and healing and to Earth energy.  

Now deep breathy and canter yourself in your body. Feel your heart expanding with healing green light, like a ball. This ball becomes bigger and surrounds your whole body and aura. Feel how this light is pulsing and cleansing your energy from any negative ties or vibrations.  

You are connected now to the healing energy of arch. Raphael, the healer, who is sending you vibrations of perfect rejuvenation and upgrades your DNA and all cells. See how all of your body, bones and blood are showered with this deep healing green light.  

Now you are in a magnificent garden with blossoming trees and roses. Feel the fresh air in this garden and light breeze. In your hands you have 3 small sparkling seeds, which you need to plant in the soil. These are seeds of your desires for the next 3 months. They can be any kind of wishes, but in this Taurus moon is the best to manifest healing and abundance. See in your mind your first wish and plant the seed in the garden, water it carefully. Then plant your second and third desire in the same way. Feel these desires are already on the way to be accomplished.  

See now how your heart chakras expand with beautiful shining light. Send the same green light around each of the seeds. Come back in the next 7 days and see how they are growing into beautiful flowers, or plants.  

Thank archangel Raphael and your guardian angels for this healing and support. Be positive and believe that universe is taking care of your desires.  

Healing plant for Taurus season

Aloe Vera

Nina Nour Bluebell ©
medium, reiki healer
spiritual coach
May 2024 ★

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