Friday, May 24, 2024

Angel message about Self-Confidence and Abundance -( I)

 Here I will write with the help of my angels on the topic of self-confidence and how it is related to mirroring the abundance and wealth for us.  

I'll answer some questions – 1. what is self-confidence and where it is related in our body. 2. What is the wounding of self-confidence and where it comes from 3. What are the relations between self-confidence, power, willpower and determination? 4. what is relationship between self-confidence and abundance.

  Self-confidence is a quality and state of mind that we gain gradually while going through life. It is related to many aspects of self and our understanding and acceptance of the environment. Self-confidence is a quality rooted in our structure of belief system, in the way we feel and are able to use our personal power, in the way we accept ourselves as sovereign beings holding power and Light.  

Self-confidence has a coherent connection between our emotional and mental bodies. This quality stems from our Solar center of power – Solar Plexus, and it is affected by multiple outer aspects too.

Self-confidence is related to our early years in childhood, and especially the time of our first expansion of the Solar Plexus chakra. (the Root chakra expands between 11-13 years, then sacral chakra expands in ages 14-16, then the Solar Plexus expands gradually in ages 17,18,19). This time is crucial for forming our inner believe system and understanding how to use the power we have.  

The influence of our parents is significant on the formation of this feeling, which happens after the age of 7. The Solar Plexus develops confidence from the same gender parent for everyone. If you are woman, the influence, believes and care of your mother will be crucial, if you are man, the influence of your father will be the most dominant factor. For developing self-confidence, we need to look into the care, nurturing, Trust, and belief system of your mother, and what is the way she treats, nurtures you and values you. This can tell us most of the information about your state of self-confidence. The trust of your mother to you (if you are female) will show how you developed trust and nurturing for yourself later. The beliefs your mother had about you at an early age (and especially at the age of 17-19) will show what kind of beliefs, disbeliefs are formed inside of you.  

In this fragile time, when your mental body is forming for the first time and has expansion, you need to feel the relationship with your mother and what is the quality of this relationship. For women and men mother plays prominent role in forming of your emotional body too. So, this connection holds keys to the development of your self-confidence.  

As a rule, if the relationship with your mother was caring, nurturing, and based on trust and full acceptance, then the child will develop healthy self-confidence and feeling of power. But if you had wounded relationship with her, and she was commonly seen as dominating, controlling, not giving trust, not sharing, not open and sincere, the child will develop strategy of “pulling inward”, creating a shell around him or hiding, which will affect her confidence later in life.

Now the feeling of self-confidence is connected with self-trust, empowerment, determination and even self-love. / The same is valid for all boys, they will be influenced by the relationship with their father, so they can build healthy self-trust and self-confidence.  

So, the connection with the mother is the first step in all women and girls to find their power-center and confidence. This power has much to do with establishing your creative power, feeling the joy of creating something, discovering your special talents and gifts and feeling accepted and appreciated for them. Feeling that you are trusted and in position of power/ authority, and responsibility from side of your parents is very important for healthy Solar Plexus chakra. If your relationship with your mother is wounded – you will feel very vulnerable to share things about yourself, your will have “wounded self-trust", you can doubt your own talents and abilities to create, you can be unable to take decision in life, and it will be hard for you to overcome major changes or obstacles in your path. That`s why you need to look at your childhood upbringing and understand the deep patterns you have with your parents and if you are woman –with your mother.  

Because we are already grown individuals that had the effect of childhood trauma or wounded Solar Plexus, we need to re-establish other rules about Self-confidence. We need to rejuvenate the inner power and to re-ignite the fire of your inner child, which was neglected in your early years. How did that happen? If you feel you have such wounded inner child and disconnection to your inner Power (or your mother in general), you need to first work on your 1. developing self-trustThis can sound close to self-acceptance, but it is more like you feel and understand your own mission, you know what you Want, and you feel aligned with your higher mission. This can be talents, passion or anything that makes you feel the unique human being in this 3-d world.  

Continue to.part II here... >

Nina Nour Bluebell

medium, reiki healer

Angelic astrology

May 2024 ©

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