Monday, May 27, 2024

Angels` message about Self-Confidence and Abundance (part II)

To read part I  click here...>

The next aspect of achieving Self-confidence is...

2. Healing your childhood trauma

 this happens by healing your relationship with your mother (or father), and you need to return and remember and take out of the box of the subconscious mind your most painful moments when you were child. Then look at them from a higher perspective, why has this happened? What provoked this situation, or the reaction of others or my own reaction? What was the reflection on my inner power after this event? Dive deep into these questions and then you will feel very different, as you will uncover the truth.  

Develop your own practices to build up self-confidence

That happens by doing something that you are passionate about, you love, and you are very good at. This can be anything – writing, blogging, videos, photography, music, art, painting...anything you really love. By just doing that you automatically connect with your center of power –and rebuild your self-confidence. Also in this process, you will feel joy, inspiration and creative energy, which are the spark of Confidence and inner power. (The truth power always feeds the healthy confidence and creativity; the negative power always feeds from power of others.)  

You need to understand that the patterns of your childhood and energy with your mother and both parents have a strong influence on how your confidence grows. If your mother was a domineering, controlling person, who had mostly negative or critical look at you, then this control is feeding of your personal power. This controlling behavior is able to destroy your inner power at a young age, and replace it with self-doubt, fear and low self-esteem. Critical behavior or high expectations or unhealthy forms of control over the child can make him feel deeply wounded and unloved. These situations are very much spread in our society where children are viewed as “possessed” by the parents like objects, and they are told how to live. This can create a person with a high feeling of unworthiness and sadness, and in other spectrum, it creates a person who is rebellion and always likes to take the opposite side.  

There are many more damage on a soul level, from these wounded relationships in your childhood, than you can imagine.  

The next truth is that your inner power (Solar Plexus chakra) is related to and affects your eating habits, immune system, digestive system and liver. So, there is energetic connection between unhealthy foods, being overweight (or underweight), or having food allergies, with your inner power and self-confidence. (even if you feel that's totally impossible). If the child is overweight, then it is easily understood the cause of that by looking into his/ her parents' behavior. At the same time, opposite is valid too: your eating habits, the way you eat, and the food preferences will affect and reflect your Self-confidence and power. In such a way we are in a vicious circle, which is not easy to break.  

Connection between self-confidence and abundance  


There is mirroring and reflection of all qualities that we have in this plane, with the ability to attract things from the universe. For example, if you feel self-love, you attract your perfect romantic partner and relationship and you can have a healthy emotional body. This is the perfect scenario for giving birth to a healthy child and having joy and love in the family.  

In the same way, if you have self-confidence, you will attract more abundance and wealth from the universe, and this will affect your lifestyle and diet. The connection is very prominent, but we need to pay attention to details. There are cases where inner Power and sense of self-confidence can be out of balance, and overly underlined. In this case, you can think of yourself as “the best person”, smartest, but this will create imbalance in your Solar Plexus chakra. You may suffer from anxiety, unhealthy habits, problems with digestion and you can have too much money and wealth, which are out of alignment, and this creates two things – Waste and Clutter. Both these energies are very bad for your mental health and your Solar Plexus, and they can result in – giving too much money, - wasting money in multiple directions, without feeling satisfied, - being unable to enjoy your money, - health issues and unhealthy eating habits. All of these are symptoms of unregulated inner power.  

Abundance – aspects 

To attract abundance and wealth, you first need to Believe that you deserve that abundance, and that Universe will always provide you with what is best for you. This sense of trust and assurance comes from self-confidence. That doesn't mean you think you are “the best”, but rather that you are unique being of Light, as all beings are. The sense of over-self-esteem is very detrimental to the body, and to the mind, it creates reality which is crooked. Thats why you need to pay attention to red flags” about your abundance. Do you have all that you want but you want more? This is greed. Do you have little, and you always feel afraid to lose money or to not have enough? This is scarcity mind. The planet is abundant in all aspects, and all levels. We just need to find our own place and feel how abundant we are. And trust that you have enough power to create the life you want.  

 Nina Nour Bluebell

angels medium,

Angelic astrology

June 2024 ©

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