Tuesday, June 18, 2024

What are dark Entities and how to remove them effectively (+ proection with the angels)


In this article I` ll channel the message from angels and AA. Zadkiel about entities and look into what are they and ways to remove them from your field.

What are entities?

Entities are called low vibrational beings and forms that are unconscious or have underdeveloped consciousness; they can look like parasites, worms, insects or other different animals in energy form. These low creatures are real and they don`t have own energy field, but they need to feed off the energy (certain emotions, thought forms) of other conscious beings.

Entities can live in different lower dimensions and levels, other than 3 D, like Astral world and lower Astral, sometimes Ethereal realms. The most common entities that appear in human world are energy worms, lices, parasites, snakes, snails, spiders, cockroaches, even kind of bats. When you just think how these low creatures are attached to your field, you have feeling of disgust and fear.

Some entities can be very detrimental for your health and well being and make your environment with dull energy.

We live in a world, where there are many low vibrational spaces, people and layers of mind, and we are surrounded by different entities and dark beings. But that doesn`t need to bring us fear, because we always have the power as eternal beings of light, to keep these energies away.

We need to be aware that energy entities can come from the Astral, where our soul is in state of sleep and dream. Then our etheric and astral bodies can carry them into the physical (3D) world, while being unconscious of them. Most entities attach to different parts of your energy or chakra and they feed on sub-conscious fears, negative believes or dark emotions. Some entities can be attracted to disguised sexual desires or impure desires and feelings of anger, rage, jealousy.

This happens if the negative emotions or desires are persistently present in your field. That means if you just experience them rarely or sometimes, this is unlikely to bring entities to you. Also, the more you take care of your own energy and aura, cleanse regularly your chakras, the less possible is for the lower entities to find their way to you.

In order to protect your astral body before you sleep call on your astral angels (everyone has these angels) and ask them to surround you with egg shape of strong silver-white light. This is increase greatly your astral protection, while you are travelling in the sub-conscious.

Where do entities attach? How do they look like?

However, some entities of lower emotions, or unconscious sexual desire can look like octopus with many tentacles attaching to your lower abdomen and sexual organs. In long term that can bring health issues and feeling of being uncomfortable in this area of your body, while needing more and more of the same sexual desire.

Many dark entities come from ill intentions, curses, hexes, black magic, and from certain foods (meat and sugar). We don`t realize that, but many crowded places are full of entities, which we don` t see with our eyes – but we can feel.

Common cases that attract entities are addictions. Most cases of addictions can be caused by actual entities or/ and lead to entities attachment. For example, addiction to alcohol (or sugar) brings kind of dark energy worms, caterpillars or insects, that can attach to your gut, intestines, stomach and liver. They are energy forms, so you may experience different sensations in this part – like need to vomit, discomfort, and on long term different illnesses in this part. If you have addiction to cigarettes or smoking you can have small energy snake”, snails” or a tick” in your lungs, in your throat, nose, sinuses. This can bring even more discomfort and health problems or on the long term will lead to serious illness.

All kind of entities are unconscious and they don’t have developed energy. But they can be used for manipulation and affect the immune system in the body. On energy level, immune system, as well as respiratory system are related to chakra Higher heart and Throat. That`s how all low entities and energy parasites affect your sense of pure feeling or pure connection to the divine, or your guides and angels.

Are viruses entities?

II. I want to clarify something, which may be known to some people. Most viruses, including the C-virus and others artificially created – are in fact entities (they have manifested in physical micro form). They are made with the purpose to bring down the energy system and grid of humans and to make them lose their eternal source connection. Such viruses can be removed by energy cleansing of your aura and specially strengthening your immune system and infusing it with white and pink light. Some bacteria that exists in us is also kind of entity, but they are helpful and negative bacteria for the body.

III. Entities are creatures that can be manipulated by outer forces, but they are unconscious. On the other hand, they can be close to the dark energy of demons – which are totally different, and they are conscious beings of darkness.

(to read more about demons and different groups of demons, see the article here… )

       Can entities attach to the space?

There are many different entities and they are generally parasites. So, yes they can attach to your space if there is specially too much dark energy or if they are sent by another dark being (demon, or human). But we need to know, these entities have weak nature and they can`t stand the power of light. Most of them have dull black, dark gray or red colour, which starts to be “visible” in the space (for sensitive people or clairvoyant). They can be removed with the proper energy cleansing of the space, with ritual and candles. (The methods i`ll describe below). Entities can be also brought by other people, who come into our space, or people who are not spiritual, but live in our space. In this occasion, we need to cleanse the space regularly, and invoke the power of angels.

       How to remove dark entities?

There are many methods to remove entities – but here are the most effective once, given to me by arch. Zadkiel.

1. You can remove entities from space with energy cleansing – light up a black or white candle in the room, and dedicate it to the energy cleansing and removing all dark creatures. Then cleanse the space with Paolo santo wood, sage or sandalwood – especially pay attention to the corners, windows and mirrors in the room. You can draw in the corners of the room (with black obsidian or tourmaline) pentagrams in a sphere of light. Imagine how these pentagrams are moving and spinning clockwise. (You can do this also in visualization only, even if you are not in the space!). Then ask your guardian angels, Arch. Michael, arch. Jehudiel and Arch. Zdkiel to surround your space with protection and high vibration of love and peace. The entities will be gone almost instantly.

2. Removing dark entities from your field is best with meditation and energy cleansing. You can light up a candle and dedicate it to remove dark entities. Then sit in a quiet position and imagine streams of white diamond light coming down to your from above, moving through your Soul Star chakra, to your Crown, to your Throat and to all of your chakras. This light will remove any negative attachments from your field. See how the light is moving in circular motion around your aura, covering all your aura from the outside, like a pearl or eggshell.

Then above the white layer of your aura place a shield of golden light, which will seal the energy and prevent any other dark entities to be attached to it. Ask your angels for help, and call on violet flame angels, Arch Michael and Zadkiel to be with you and help you.

3. Removing entities from your chakras 

You can invoke the power of arch. Michael and Zadkiel to create a vortex of light, which draws in with magnetic force, all negative entities from one place in your body. When you identify the place of your discomfort (or illness), you can identify the chakra connected to it. For example, if you experience problem in your stomach, intestines, or liver, they are connected to your Solar Plexus. If you have problem with your lungs or throat, or sinus, they are connected with your Throat chakra. Then see how the strong vortex of light is pulling the negative energy from the chakra (or organ in the body) and feel this cleansing effect for a while. Do that every day for the next 9 days, to have best results. You will see after that how the chakra or organ are filled with white-golden light, which is protective and of highest vibration. This light repels all negative entities, feelings or thought forms from you.

You can also make additional aura cleansing by using Paolo santo, sea salt, washing your body or feet with sea salt water or crystal water.

 Can other people negative emotions or thoughts affect you?

Yes, most people are regularly affected by others negative thoughts and emotions. That can bring imbalance, negative feelings, even some health discomfort and pains in the body. Because of that most empaths, psychic and sensitive souls, need to place daily energy protection and to maintain high spiritual hygiene. Most people who reguraly practice energy cleansing and meditation won`t be easily affected by others emotions. 

You can see the person surrounded by bubble of deep blue light, and send this blue bubble away from your energy and space. Then you can ask angels to place energy protection around you, using 3 spheres lock around your aura -white, deep blue and golden sphere. See these spheres around you moving in different directions. In this way the negative thoughts, entities, or low vibrations won`t be able to reach you.

Pay attention to your feelings and thoughts when you are near someone, or just talk to someone via messages, or in any way. What do you feel? These feelings are not by chance”, they are revealing something about your energy and how you need to be close or far from the person. That `s why it is highly important to develop intuition and clair sentience, along with other psychic senses, so you can be in safe space.

🐇Questions to you: 

You can comment ,what is your personal experience with entities and low vibrational thoughts? Can other people affect your energy? How often that happens?

Thank you for tuning in!

Nina Nour Bluebell 
medium, healer 
angel spiritual coach
June- 2024  ©

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