Saturday, June 29, 2024

July energy - Angels, Ascension, Healing, Esoteric Astrology, Crystals (6) ⭐


July has very calming and soothing energy – one of the most loving this year; it appears as waves of soft pink and sparkles of white-golden light. This is energy of divine love, compassion, integration, balance of giving and receiving, divine feminine. You need to open to self-love and self-reflection this time with all kind of nurturing practices for your body, mind and soul. 

                       Cosmic Vibration – 6

   This is month 6 in the year 2024 (8 + 7 =15/ 1+5) – which is number of archangel Chamuel and angels of love. This is vibration of divine feminine rising, emotional healing and cleansing, strong elements are earth and water. In this time we need to relax deeply, to let go of the rush in the daily life. It is amazing time to create something, to dream about who you want to be and to connect with all earth elementals – fairies, elves, undines, nymphs, tree spirits, water spirits. This is amazing energy of calmness, flow, rejuvenation and detox of your whole body. Also, this is perfect time to: 1) fall in love, to find your romantic partner, 2) to trust your intuition 3) to go out with friends 4) review of your past relationships, 5) work to heal your wounded inner child, 6) to be creative, 7) to make diet, or detox.

                              Health and wellbeing

You need to energize and open your Higher Heart chakra this month.

In July you need to focus on your stomach, intestines, colon and digestive system. Make little detox with healthy fruits and vegetables. This is perfect time for body cleansing and light yoga exercises. 🧘

The energy of your Higher heart brings emotional healing and releasing any past trauma of divine feminine, mother wound or inner child wound. This is also energy of transformation and coming back to who you are at a soul level. Higher heart also supports your immune system and makes you feel more open and vulnerable in your relationships.

                                   Esoteric astrology 🔮

   We have Moon and Venus as planets of power in July, that means their effect will be amplified in your personal chart. Moon – planet of Cancer – your emotions, inner child, imagination, psyche, intuition. For some souls the moon can enhance their psychic abilities and clear knowing; for others, many subconscious fears will be amplified, connected with childhood experiences. You can connect with your Akashic records and discover past lives and how they are connected with your current life. This new moon in Cancer (5 July) supports deep knowing, wisdom and nurturing. All aspects of divine feminine and Goddess are very strong in month of July. You can connect with your inner goddess, to Quan Yin, Mother Mary or any other goddess for guidance.

   Venus – planet of love, pleasure, luxury and relationships – is in sign of Cancer until 11 July. It brings you more emotions, need to feel closeness, more moments of sharing and vulnerability – and look to your past and present relationships. They can be romantic or mother-child dynamic. As now is the time for deep dive, understanding and releasing what no longer serves you.

We are in a very watery summer period -with many planets in water signs (Sun, Venus, Mercury in Cancer) – Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, both retrograde during the month. This retrograde means focusing more on your inner world, self-reflection and life review of important moments, especially related to your relationships, work, career and hobbies.

                                      Important aspects 

Sun square Chiron – some tension can rise to the surface related to your wounded inner child, your relationship with mother or siblings.

This tension is here to give you sign what to release, and what you don’t need to hold on in your life.

Sun trine Saturn -11 July – this trine gives you motivation, courage and self-discipline to realize your goals, to understand your mission and why you are here. But it`s not time to rush or to take fast action.

Sun trine Neptune -22 July – time to dream, relax and feel with your intuition where you belong, and where you don`t belong. What is your soul calling? What is something that makes you really happy? This is very uplifting aspect.

Sun in opposition of Pluto (planet of transformation, rebirth and sudden events, inner power), this aspect is more challenging, just after the Full moon in Capricorn, lighting the energy of warrior of light, always transformation takes courage and much efforts. Dealing with hidden aspects of others and yourself.

Be aware of people and situations that are fake, hypocritical and controlling.

                                  Crystals for healing

                                photo: rose quartz

In July archangel Chamuel (soft pink and golden angel) and Haniel (misty blue angel of the moon) are surrounding you with love. The crystals to support you in your soul journey are all pink crystals: pink opal, rose quartz, kunzite, morganite, pink calcite; also some light blue crystals – celestite and aquamarine. At this time connect with the crystal spirits (they are higher beings, like angels and faeries) – and ask for help and guidance from them.

Happy July, many blessings! 

Nina Nour Bluebell 

angel`s medium, healer

July 2024 ©

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