Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Channeled message from AA Chamuel and AA Ariel for the Ascension (July 2024)


                                Greetings children of the Earth!

  Angels of divine pink and golden flame are here to send you healing light codes for this time of deep transition on Earth. You are already in the new reality -many of you may feel it, others are still in time of letting go of the past.

July is month who supports reaching to your inner wisdom and connecting with your own Heart to receive answers. You are going through deep healing on many levels in this time. Healing is a process which includes many stages and happens on layers. Some initial healing can seem unconscious for you, because in order you to heal, your Soul is healing first. The deep healing happens in many levels and spheres of life, but it may seem like endless going in loops.

The first thing in order to heal is to let go, release and take space for the new. This release is opening the vortex of more light in your heart. You can feel lighter and free, aligned with the new version of you. The second stage of healing is realization of your past trauma, pains and resentment, all things from the past that are no longer serving your soul. Realizing what holds you back is a huge step to deep healing. This includes self-reflection, understanding your childhood trauma, or any childhood experience that are significant for you; understanding your mother and father relationship; feeling how your relationships are changing you and shaping you into the person you are now. Give yourself time to feel into different aspects of you.

Healing is releasing some old aspects of Self and integrating and owning other aspects of self – higher in evolution.

  ⭐Healing is multifaceted experience of the soul, which includes past-present, past lives, working with your shadow, feeling your fears.

That`s why you need to go deeper in some practices, to feel and understand your fears, to not reject them. To understand what feelings you suppress, reject or deny in your relationships. Which are the sides and traits that you dislike most in your romantic relationships or when it comes to other people? Which traits you dislike in yourself, what you like mostly about yourself?

You need to look deeper into your past. What experiences made you feel fearful, vulnerable or left your heart hurt? Think about all that and journal, in this way you can reveal the truth, piece by piece. This is like mirroring process, you look at your reflection and understand your soul aspects deeper and deeper. Healing is almost never complete, so it is life long journey. It is part of discovering who you are. It is part of your karma too. That`s why angels of the pink flame encourage you to pay attention to your emotions; to your shadow, to your anger, resentment, what pulls you away; pay attention to what you love, what makes you feel happy and enlightened, what makes you passionate? Who are people that you admire? (That often relate to your own soul aspects and strivings).

Angels also support your heart healing journey, opening of your Higher heart, feeling the flow of the white source light in it.

Heart has senses and you can know things clearly from your heart. This is empathy and compassion, clear feeling. You know how others feel about you from your heart. You have deep wisdom, intuition in your heart. Also, the heart holds the keys to self-understanding, self-love and self-healing. Through your heart you resonate your own light into the world and others.

Sending you blessings and healing light codes!

Archangel Chamuel and archangel Ariel

channeled by

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, reiki healer

July 2024 ★

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