Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Meditation for deep relationship Healing and Karma cleansing with your Father (+Removing curses)

Relationships we have as a soul with our family, especially our parents are very complex and not easy to understand. They are always part of our soul contract and karmic cleansing intentions that we had prior to our birth. We need to understand that we choose to incarnate in a particular family lineage for a reason and we choose exactly what souls (with what karmic lessons, challenges and obstancles) our parents will be.

The relationship with your father is one of the most essential and important one in your life. It can affect your Root chakra immensely, your sense of safety, protection, belonging and how you view the material world and money. Your soul needed special experience with your father in this lineage, because it could give your soul some karmic cleansing from previous lives and strenghten some specific qualities and abilities that you didn’t have.

That`s why I created this meditation with the help of my angels and guides.

Before you make this meditation, please understand that on a soul level, everyone is innocent and pure. The experiences in the 3 D reality are like a game, designed for a special purpose, which looks very different from above.

2) This meditation can work for you on energy level, even if your father had transitioned to the next level and is with the angels. 

  Prepare your space and energy, and it is good if you light up a candle dedicated to your father with a photo of him.

Breath deeply, close your eyes and relax. Imagine you are breathing white light from the source, this light enters your body and expands your heart. Feel your heart becoming bigger and brighter with white light. Then see how every time you exhale the light expands, until it encompasses all your aura and you inside. Now you are in the centre of your heart. Breath and feel the tranquil energy of your heart.

Now we call your guardian angels, the astral body of your father, his Higher self, his guardian angels to surround you.

See your father in brilliant white light standing in front of you (like around 3 m away from you). He is smiling and looking at you. He is surrounded by his own angels in a sphere of golden light.

I. Stage - Root chakra expansion and releasing

First you start the meditation by focusing on your Root chakra, in the base of your spine. See the state of this chakra, what is its vibration, colour and texture? How do you feel the light and brightness of it?

Now start to vizualize this chakra as radiant ruby red sphere, spinning faster and faster, see more brilliant light in it. This is the centre of your safety, security, belonging, and centre of your Ancestors and father`s lineage. See now in this chakra has spots of murky darkness, gray colour in it. These are all wounds from your childhood, trauma and rejections from your father. Focus on them and start to bring ruby red tubes of light from your Root chakra down into the earth. Now you bring all of these dark energy spots from your Root chakra into the tube, and cleanse all of them deep into the earth. You say the following affirmations (2 times):

“  With the help of my angels and Ancestors I now release and let go of any imprints of negative karma, generational curses, karmic knots with my father, any feeling of scarcity and lack, blockages to material wealth, any fears, anger, rejection, offensive words, abuse and violation of power caused by my father… I let this go into the ground of earth, to be transmuted; My root chakra is now renewed and perfectly cleansed. I now reactivate the golden strands of DNA from my father`s lineage into my Root chakra, blood and bones, for the full karmic cleansing 7 generations back in my father`s line. And so it is!

Focus on your Root centre and see how it becomes shining and expanding with ruby light and see golden energy in it, as you activated the blessings from your father`s line.

As your father is here, so he can observe this process and help you. You are now free from generational curses and karmic loops within this family.

II. Stage - Sending Love and forgiveness

   At the next stage you need to send love and forgiveness to your father, and receive love and forgiveness from him.

See your father surrounded by Ruby red and golden sphere of light. This is his own energy, which is flowing into yours, as he created you on a physical level. You are in your sphere of Ruby and golden energy, which has the same vibration as your father. See his Root chakra spinning with ruby light, and your Root chakra opening with radiant ruby light. As you look at your father, you smile and say the following:

My dear father, I forgive you from my heart. Please forgive me.”

 (Repeat this forgiveness mantra 5 times) and feel how it resonates through your body each time.

Now your father is coming closer to you, and your ruby spheres are interlacing. He says to you: Dear child, I forgive you from my heart. You are innocent.” Feel how his words are resonating like circles on water surface through your body. These words of forgiveness are cleansing fully all karmic knots, offences and trauma between you.

When he says that, your father stretches his hands and you can see in them piece of ethereal ruby. Take this crystal and absorb it into your Root chakra. It will be sign for your healed relationship and forgiveness with your father.

Now you are cleansed and you are smiling at your father, you can continue your life in material world, awaiting for more wealth and success, and more blessings than ever.

III Stage - Solar Plexus light and empowerment

The next stage, you see the ruby sphere slowly dissolving around you and your father. Now you are surrounded by golden light. This is light of power, which is connected to your Solar Plexus, centre of personal power, boundaries and resources. See your Solar Plexus shining with golden and yellow light. In the middle of it you see beautiful golden five pointed star of protection and confidence. This star is so important to your soul, and it is also connected with the energy of your father.

Now you see the same golden star in the Solar Plexus of your father. He says the following words to you, while smiling:

I love you. I `m proud of you. You are so beautiful and strong. You are my shining star.” 

These words he repeats 5 times, and they are resonating and echoing into your Solar Plexus centre in a beautiful way. See this chakra glowing with yellow-golden light and expanding.

Now you look at him and say the words:

My father, I love you. I m proud of you. You gave me so much. You are beautiful and strong. You are my shining star.” 

 See how his golden star starts to shine more and more, spinning clockwise.

Now you see inside your Solar Plexus another special colour emerging, together with golden; This is your special colour with your father, which represent your relationship on a soul level. See a big energy tube coming from your Solar Plexus connecting with the Solar Plexus of your father, in golden and this special colour which is unique for you. Now that you are connected, you receive only blessings and wisdom from your father (on soul level). Feel the energy flowing into you for a while.

Then say the following to yourself and your physical expression:

I love myself, I m proud of myself. I am so beautiful and strong. I m my shining Star. I am always here for myself. 

Repeat these words 5 times again. Then feel the huge shift and difference in your Solar Plexus centre, how it begins to shine and radiate golden-yellow light around you.


Then take a few deep breaths and in your own time return back to your life. You have performed deep healing and cleansing of karmic wound with your father. As this is a process and can be painful, you can sense and let any emotions overflow, journal how you feel, and what did you see in this meditation.

Repeat this meditation for the next 5 days to make solid changes, listen to intuitive signs and messages from universe.

Feel grateful for all things you have and all things your father gave you. You can clear the relationship with your father also by placing small altar for him in your home. (that can be just a corner with photo, where you and your father are together), and light up candle for him every month on the date he was born. In this way you can receive more positive energy and re-build the energetic golden tube between him and you.

Thank you for tuning in!

Look forward to: Meditation for deep relationship healing and karma cleansing with your mother...

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, crystal healer

July 2024   ★

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