Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Esoteric Astrology 101 -Moon, Karma and Past lives (House I -VI)


   As angels explain, from your natal chart you can understand so many details about your current life, passions, mission, obstacles and past life karma. We need to have in mind that natal chart represents your Soul contract, soul qualities, talents and passions. This soul plan is made very precisely with the help of your guardian angels, some archangels appointed for your mission, and some other beings. Some points of this contracts are open to change, as there are different paths. But the main flow and direction is usually very constant. 

We need to observe the natal chart in many aspects and ways to reveal the hidden secrets of the soul contract, in this life and past incarnations. The moon in your chart represents your psyche, physical health and body, feminine energy, emotions, relationship with your mother (which is usually karmic), relationship with your partner, children, and your inner child. Moon also can show us what our past life was – what was the mission, profession, path and talents we had in past. As all of these talents we will have inside of us also in this life time. (and the Moon determines our physical appearance and body shape, much more than the ascendant). They will be familiar to our soul. 

   The Sun – by house and sign -represents your Soul aspects, goals, mission, passion and abilities that you have in this life. What is the sphere you need to accomplish, why you are here and who you are as a soul. The house of the sun shows which (number) of the cycle of 12 is your current life. For example, if your Sun is in the 6 -th house this will be your 6 life in this major Soul cycle. Each house represent different life time, they are all connected in the puzzle. And each life you have the same Ascendant (1 house), and all other houses are the same signs; planets are changing.

Other important significators for past life are – Black moon Lilith, South Node of the moon (Ketu), Saturn, the 12 house sign, and house of Pisces. All of them combined can create a good picture of your past life karma.

Black moon Lilith will show you what is your shadow, or where did you have dark, traumatic experience in your past life or in your childhood. Usually it brings wounded feminine energy, and warrior feminine energy. 

  Saturn is planet of karma (as something that comes back to you) – cause and effect, test of the time; it shows your life obstacles, tests and deep fears of the soul; it represents your test in past life, or major obstacle that you could not overcome. Something that was hindering your development and blocking your path. So, Saturn karma is not easy to overcome, it takes courage and strategy, and overcoming multiple fears.

Sign of Pisces will show you where do you need to work more to harmonize different aspects of self, or different past wounds from past lives and this life. The house of Pisces is like connection point between all lives in this cycle (of 12 lives). If your moon or sun are locatedin the 12 house, or the house of Pisces, then this life is significant for your spiritual development. 

The sign and planets of the XII house will show you hidden events and truths that need to be revealed in this life, so you can express fully your mission and potential. It shows your last past life in this cycle (12 lives in the natal wheel), and if the Sun is placed here, your life is very important on spiritual level, as you will expand more. 12 house shows the spiritual development of the soul – on what spiritual and psychic level are you, and where you need to work on yourself to reach higher levels.

The place of the moon (by house and sign) explains much about your past life mission, and what are the main qualities of your soul that you bring to the current life. Here I`ll give information about Moon meanings for your past life (lives) in all houses. The signs I ll explain in another article.

         Moon in I house 🌔

If your moon is in 1 house that shows you need to pay attention to your past (life) or past exprienses. Often a major childhood trauma is seen with this moon, but not always. You need to pay karmic debt, and you need to be very self-aware and reflect on yourself. It will show restless mind. In past life you were a warrior and died in battle in many life times. If Mars is here, your warrior energy is still very strong. You need to let go of some painful past experiences.

         Moon in II House

With this aspect you had past life that put you in survival mode. You could be on verge of living, or feeling constant lack of food or poverty. Thats why you will strive to make more money and have more material resources in this life. Also, in other life times you were – accountant, person who has property and money. Person, working in bank or with gold; you could be house manager, gold seller, jewelery maker, collector of antiques; food seller or working in a restaurant and you would have skills in cooking.

         Moon in III house 🌘

With this moon you has strong communication skills in the past (and this life too), you were mst likely a teacher, person who speaks many languages; linguist, scientist, person dedicated to technology, machines. You have very good writing skills, you could have past life as writer, reporter, journalist, editor; or driver, person who transports goods; or someone working in telecommunication.

       Moon in IV house 🌔

This is the house of the Moon (Cancer), and it shows special karma with home, mother and all things related to family. In past lives you were owner of big house, houses; teacher of children, baby sitter, house wife, manager of household, seller of properties and real estates, broker. Your profession could be related to clothes – designer, seller of clothes, hats or accessories; designer of toys for children, books for children; Or you could have work in the building and construction sector.

      Moon in V house 🌙

This moon is in the original sign of Sun- Leo. It shows you were very famous person in society – with some other planets, or if the Sun, Mars, Jupiter are here, you could have been a king, queen, cardinal or important political person. You had professions like artist, actor, performer, celebrity; Most probably you had many children or many love affairs in past life. (if you have Mercury here). 

       Moon in VI house

In this house, moon represent work in sphere of healing, medicine, as doctor, nurse, pharmacologist; herbologist, in a hospital, , person who had medical knowledge, or person who loves healthy nutrition and life style. Also, it can show your abilities in gardening, design of gardens, plants and flowers knowledge and passion, person who loves pets and animals, working with pets (circus, zoo); and depending on other planets in the house (or in the opposite house), you were athlete, sport person, horse rider, participating in sport competitions, fights and games. Also you could be a chess player, photographer.

(* Have in mind that person`s chart and unique nature make the picture of your past life very complicated and individual, so it is not possible to be generally explained. Every person needs to look into their own specific natal chart, and also to have inner understanding of his soul mission.) 

Thank you for tuning in! 

   🍧Continue to part two here....>

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, healer 

July 2024  

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