Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Esoteric Astrology 101 - Karma, Moon and Past lives (Houses VII -XII)

Continues from part I here....

          Moon in 7 House 💗

If your moon is in 7 house you had past life in a court system, working in judge, lawyer, attorney, anyone who defends the rights of people. You were person dedicated to your family and spouse; working in office of marriage, organizing events and celebrations, family adviser. In this house you could also have life as a fashion designer, or anything related to fashion. 

         Moon in 8 house 🌘

With this mystical moon position you had past life as detective, secret police, spy, you could have hidden mission, political spy, researcher, working on the back, working as night guardian; also – adviser and seller of properties; alchemist, in occult science, mystical writer, fortune teller, astrologer; Many aspects of your life were hidden.

Also, here you could have some forbidden profession related to sexuality and pleasure; in some cases it can show homosexual inclination. (if moon is with Pluto, or Neptune).

           Moon in 9 house 🍁

Your moon shows past life as a priest, guru, spiritual teacher, person with strict believes, cardinal, anyone in religious system and hierarchy. Teacher in religion, missionary – like in Christianity, Buddhism or any religion. You could be world traveller, person who travels by ship, discovering new lands, writing about geography and cultures; person who makes maps and drawing maps and countries.

Writer of religious manuscripts. But you were connected with many different people from different cultures. According to other planets you could have defend your ideas and values in a negative way -with fights and wars.

           Moon in X house  📚

It shows past life of political leader, president, or director of big company; usually very rich and famous person; you could be singer, dancer, composer, artist, depending on other planets. But here it shows your own career and striving to go higher. This can be sometimes difficult position, as you can feel alone on the top, or without people who you can trust.

           Moon in 11 house 

In this house moon feels more misunderstood, alone and can`t find good inner peace. In your past life you were person of justice, makes opposition to someone on power, you were activist, or someone who is unique, has advanced ideas and lives very different life from the social. You can be artist, painter, person of technology and machines, person of science, robots and computers; also – revolutionary, fighting for rights of people. You could have a “bad reputation”, being unaccepted in official circles – for example part of “impressionist movement”, or someone related to scandals like Frida Khalo. It shows big imagination and very creative person.

           Moon in 12 house 🔮

This moon is one of the most mystical and hidden from all, as it is in the house of Pisces (original). It will indicate your past lives as priest, high priestess, person who possess strong psychic ability, mystical knowledge and intuition; many past incarnations as monk or nun in any religion), monastery life, or life in isolation, in far away places, or excile.. (with some planetary aspects it can indicate also prisons). Here mostly you will have vows for celibacy from past lives, pursuit for purity, and strong need to be alone, or to be in quiet place. You will be inclined to spiritual practices of all kind, meditation, inner reflection, looking inward. Your spiritual development will be high priority. You were working in a temple in ancient times; but on the other side, you could have lives as poet, musician, dancer, or actor in a theatre. if Venus is here it can show you were woman with many lovers, enchantress, someone who had strong sexual energy and aura. You could be also astrologer, mystique poet and writer.

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

angels medium, healer 

July 2024  ★

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