Saturday, July 20, 2024

Full moon in Capricorn - Meditation in the Celestial temple of Black obsidian with AA Azrael

The second full moon in Capricorn has very special energy and it opens as golden portal of light on 20 – 21 July this year. We have massive amount of cleansing and releasing during this lunar cycle. We can feel the need to rest, restore and replenish our energy, time of going inward and stillness.

This portal is the doorway to big shift on the planet. But now most souls are in the liminal space (in between), when they are called to deeply reflect on their life – past-present and future. Connect with your higher self and angels for questions and guidance.

The full moon in Capricorn is time for closing karmic cycle, healing Ancestral karma patterns from your body, blood, bones. It`s time to tune in the wisdom of the body (and emotions), to understand the deep wisdom it holds. What are you feeling? Pay attention to your emotions, your addictions (to food and substances), and any repeating patterns in your life. This is time for huge purging and cleansing.

Here is a meditation to help you feel more present, grounded and enhance your intuition at this time.

Meditation for grounding and releasing of negative energy in the temple of Black obsidian.

This meditation is channelled with the help of AA Azrael and Goddess Morgana le Fay.

I. Breathing and preparation 🔮

Be still, sit in a quiet space and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths in a out. Imagine that you breath into your Heart and let it expand with light. As you breath out you release all negative energy and emotions from your heart. Repeat that breathing at least 5 times, until your heart sphere is encompassing all your body and aura.

Now you are tuned into your heart sphere, you are pulsing with the energy of your heart.


With the help of your guardian angels you are travelling to 6 dimension, where you will visit the celestial temple of Black obsidian. This is amazing temple, where you can meet and interact with your ancestors or parents that have passed away. Angels are placing around you blue and golden Merkaba to prepare for your cosmic travel. See how this Merkaba is shining with light, and your Astral body is safe and protected in it.

In a few seconds you are travelling to the Temple of Black obsidian. See the beautiful garden in front of the temple, filled with fountains, flowers of all colours, trees and plants. Angels are surrounding the temple and you feel the increase of energy in this space.

You enter into the temple and you see the powerful arch. Azrael here, he has gentle smile and he greets you. You can see or sense the presence of many crystal elementals and fairies in the temple. For your journey are specially appointed Black obsidian crystal faeries. They are surrounding you, showing you a crystal chair to sit on.

The temple is huge and above it there is open ceiling, where you can see the night sky filled with stars. The walls of the temple are made of high quality black obsidian, sparkling in the moonlight. You can see sacred scripts and sacred geometry forms and drawings on the walls. There are also huge obelisks and Greek columns of black obsidian.

The temple is surrounded by the light of candles and huge Merkaba stars made of black obsidian. In the middle of it there is a huge black obsidian egg, it acts as a shield and energy generator of the temple.

Now archangel Azrael and Morgana le fay are with you, they create energy shield of golden light around you.

                ðŸ”®     Cleasnign golden Light 

You are surrounded by high vibrational golden light. This light is cleansing and releasing anything negative from your energy field. Feel how this golden light comes down from your Crown chakra, entering your head, brain and third eye chakra. Feel the liquid golden light flowing on your face, eyes, nose and throat, covering your head and hair. The golden light moves down into your shoulders, your back, chest and stomach, to your lower abdomen, your hips, legs, knees and feet. Now your entire body is filled with golden light, see it glowing from inside.

Morgana le Fay is here to send you healing energy. She asks you to think of 3 negative emotions you have experienced recently which you want to release now. You can feel this emotions coming to your mind instantly, so she takes them in a bubble of light and sends them into the Black obsidian egg. Now your energy feels lighter and brighter.

Now arch. Azrael is inviting your ancestors to surround you in the temple. You can see and feel them, and feel what is their energy. Do you see some of your deceased family members? What messages they speak to you? Be still and listen to anything they need to say.

Your ancestors are here to support you and they love you with unconditional love. But also, you need to be aware of past ancestral patterns and negative karma, that you should release.

This karma cleansing happens in layers and in cycles. Sometimes we can release in several cycles, until we complete the process.

See the patterns of negatve karma as words in front of you, or just receive them in your mind. What patterns you need to release?

Then say in your mind:

 I now release all negative karmic patterns, believes and karmic loops received from my ancestors from the beginning of my family tree. I do this in all levels and dimensions and in all directions of time, and in alignment with my Higher Self. I want to cleanse these negative karma once and for all so that it doesn’t repeat in any future life. I now release all contracts with my ancestors or parents that are holding me back from my highest soul path and potential. And so it is.”

Repeat this affirmation 3 times, so the energy of your intention can be sealed.

Now you see your ancestors and decesed family are surround you with golden rays from their hands. They send you blessings, love and positive energy for your souls journey. They are proud of you and greeting you from this space.


You can feel arch. Azrael now next to you, he is opening up your Soul star chakra and making it flow with silver and pink light. You can see your mission on earth easily now, you will now your next step instantly.

Archangel Azrael is sending cleansing copper light to your Earth star chakra, removing all blockages from it. This chakra makes you feel grounded and connected to the earths energy, it can bring you deep healing and rejuvenation on all levels.

These two chakras are connected in an infinity energy circle – they are important for your physical health and journey here. These chakras are also linked with your soul transition in any liminal stage in life – also at the exit point (death-transition). You need to work on your Earth star and Soul star chakra daily in the next 9 days, so you can seal the energy of this temple of black obsidian.

Now you are cleansed, healed and rejuvenated, your energy is lighter, as it received 6 dimensional codes of healing and wisdom.

Your angels prepare your Blue Merkaba around you to travel back to your physical world. After this meditation, make sure to be grounded, you can hold obsidian crystal or make crystal grid in your home, and drink plenty of water.

Sending you love and light! 

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

angels medium, healer

July 2024  

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