Friday, September 15, 2023

What is energy Alignment? Types of alignment (Part II)

 Part I 📚

What you can do if your emotional body is out of alignment? 

You may feel multiple times like in a rollercoaster, depression, anxiety, insomnia, you can feel stagnant emotions, anger, inability to speak and express, inability to feel or understand others.  

Your emotional body relates to everything around you. It has connection to your physical, mental, spiritual body. It connects to the environment, home and especially people around you and your relationships. Therefore, emotional body alignment is crucial for your wellbeing.  

In these social structures and way of being, most people have emotions out of alignment. That’s totally normal. But the first thing to understand and do when you have such emotions is to acknowledge and accept that state. That means learn how to feel and accept your feelings without denying them! If you feel sadness, anger, or inability to speak, be quiet in yourself and say: I feel anger, I'm sad, I`m unable to speak. That simple acknowledgement of emotions takes you one step further in understanding how to balance them. 

In order to bring your emotional body in alignment you need

1. to balance and bring in alignment your physical body.

2. to accept and acknowledge your emotions.

3. To observe and understand the main reason for your emotions

4. To do energy work or to remove the negative influences from your way.  


I will give simple examples here. Imagine you are in a relationship that is very conflicting and you experience constant anger, anxiety, conflict, misunderstanding, you feel often alone, isolated and unloved. This relationship definitely is out of alignment for your soul (even it will be part of your karma or lessons). The state of people around you, their emotional body and reactions affect you constantly. Their energy connects and bonds with your energy and emotional body. So, you can`t have healthy emotional body, if your relationships are out of alignment. One leads to the other, by default. To have healthy and flowing emotions, you need to understand your relationships – and if they are toxic or too negative, you need to remove yourself.  


The same is valid also for your home and environment.  

But emotional body is not so simple, it works in very complex way. We can have stuck, blocked and negative imprints in our emotional body from many other PAST sources like childhood trauma, past life karma, and karma with your children or spouse. All these makes the emotional body picture much wider and colourful.  

That’s why it is so important to work regularly to cleanse and clear your energy cords with other people and places, to meditate on healing your inner child, to connect with your Akashic records and see your past lives. That will give you deeper understanding why certain places, people and events repeat in your life. 


Repetition is the Master of Study. Through this you achieve mastery, but in a more painful way.  


There is another much better way to achieve mastery and that is AWARENESS. Emotional and mental awareness need practice, as all things do. When you are aware of your emotions and life, you are also aware of your environment, people and situations and have deeper understanding about WHY things happen 


Alignment of your home space

It`s so simple and easy – your home and environment (or place you are currently in) reflects your emotions, thoughts and believes, as well as reflection of your childhood and past life emotions, thoughts and believes. That means – if your home is out of alignment, or there is any negative factor in your place, you need to make balance first in your emotional and mental bodies. 


Your home reflects who you are as a soul. What is your aesthetic sense, your goals, desires, mission, what is your energy. This is all reflected by your home. If your home and environment is dark, without light, or full of clutter, unclean, unorganised, then that is reflection of your Soul and all your energy.  

Therefore, if you live in a place, which is not your home, but you are there by chance, that will immanently affect your energy and emotions. You need to focus strongly on cleansing your space and make energy protection regularly. If you live in a place more than a month, then that can be considered as your “home” even if it is not, or you don’t feel it as such. In that case, you need to bring cleanness and elements that are in harmony with your soul, to align with the place you are in.  

Any home environment that is out of alignment will affect your energy, emotions, thoughts in a negative way. Then the work you should do is only –to do both –to bring your home space back to harmony, cleanness and abundance, 2. to bring your emotions and thoughts back to harmony, balance and peace. This requires again awareness, acceptance and self-discipline.  


Thank you for tuning in! 🍂

🍂 Continue to the final part 3 here..... *

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, crystal healer

Sept. 2023

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