In this part I observe alignment with people, places and situations, and alignment of your energy bodies and planets.
Alignment with people, places and situations...
As we know – nothing is by chance. Any chance is a deep imprint, programmed into your reality, on basis of synchronicity and alignment of your energy with the world around you.
Therefore – we don’t have such things as chance, but rather alignment. When your inner world, emotions and energy is aligned to certain things, this brings to you exact people and places in your life.
Please know that people and places are interconnected. For example: when you meet a foreigner who is significant for your life and creates changes, this person is connected with the country he comes from. So, look closely to him and his country, so you can understand the flashback and emotional experiences you had before.
People are meant to be in our life to provoke certain things, emotions, events and to understand and heal wounds within us. That is one of the reasons for our relationships.
But people are not meant to stay forever and ever in your life. Soul lives eternally, but your time and life on earth is limited. That’s why you need to feel and understand when certain people are out of alignment with your soul`s mission.
It is very easy to feel, according to the angels. In the first place: in any relationship – family, love, children –you are in alignment, when you feel lightness, clarity and love for a longer period. As emotions are like waves of the sea, you can't stay always in one wave – that’s not possible for humans. But you can feel sense of joy, lightness and peace when you connect with another person. Another way to understand is – if you have common desires, interests and goals together. Or if you spend time together, especially as a couple doing things together. Count this time together like electricity counter, so you can reveal the truth about your relationship.
★ Also, giving and receiving Love, attention, pleasure and respect are important significators for your energy alignment. (and alignment within your relationship).
If your relationship is out of alignment, you can feel alone, isolated, unloved, without attention, not respected, without pleasure, without moments together, without common goals and interests, without common believes. In this way, it`s so easy to detect when relationship is out of alignment! You will feel like in prison, stuck in the mud, heaviness, inability to move forward, fear to let go and fear of braking up.
All these are clear signs that your relationship is NOT for your highest good, that is a test that will be repeating endlessly, until you break the chain.
In order your relationship to be in alignment, you need to follow exactly your feelings, emotions and thoughts, and to not hide the truth from yourself. And if a person is not in alignment with you, most probably he will bring you many challenging situations for your emotional body, home, environment and can delay your spiritual mission.
To achieve alignment in all aspects of life, you need first to work on the inside. Cleanse and meditate regularly on your emotions and remove any negative cords. Work on your chakras and align them in a flow of light.
Chakras alignment in your body
Chakras are your energy centres of power; they show clearly where you have blocks and they can heal your life. Your upper chakras in the grid are aligned with the Soul Star and Gold Star chakra (above your head) and they relate to flow of light from the Divine central Sun. This is Sun –star special for your Soul in time of birth.
The lower chakras are energy centres of power and are aligned with the underground chakras – Earth Star and the Crystalline core of Earth. They receive healing frequencies and light from the core of earth.
These are chakras of existing on earth, having qualities and being human, also chakras of health, nature, family, creation and love to all beings.
All chakras are aligned with the crystalline grid of the Earth, they are also aligned (synchronised) with each other and with planetary aspects and sun. Chakras are aligned when they have the same or very close speed of spinning, direction, size and the flow between them is free, without obstacles.
Chakras are out of alignment, if they have different spinning speed, direction, and the flow between them is blocked. That causes stagnant energy. In addition, each chakra is initially (by default) related to a gland (like Thyroid, Pineal) and planet in our system, which effects the chakra.
Planets and Chakras relationship
Earth Star – Saturn, Rahu (North node)
Root chakra – Mars, Pluto
Sacral – Venus (feminine frequency)
Solar Plexus – Sun
Heart – crystalline grid of Earth and Sun
Throat – Mercury
Third eye – Moon (and other stars), Keto (South node)
Crown – Jupiter, Neptune
Soul Star – Neptune, Pleads, Lyra…
Gold Star – Divine Central Sun, Pleads, Lyra, Andromeda
Heart centre is very special chakra – medium between heaven and earth energy. It connects and encompasses all energies from Upper and Lower chakras, from the divine Sun and from the crystalline earth. Heart is transformer of energy, so exactly in Heart centre (Anahata) your chakras are aligned with the heavenly and earthly flow.
If your heart is out of alignment, it will affect all your energy system and creates blocks.
When the Heart centre is aligned has eternity circle (8) with the energy of the Third eye (psychic) above and with the energy of the Sacral chakra (intuition, balance of Yin-Yang) below.
Sacral chakra is place of physical creation and birth. Third eye is place of astral (non-physical creation) –ideas, dreams, visions.
So, alignment of the heart means balance of the flow between heavenly (third eye) energy and the earthly creative energy (Sacral) in one.
Pay attention that all things in universe are connected and affect each other. Chakras of the body are also aligned and connected to the planets, stars, moon and sun of your galaxy. EVERYTHING is moving in flow of alignment and disorder (disharmony) in all directions. This flow creates expansion, as things are never stagnant in universe. Stagnancy means end of life.
Thank you for tuning in!
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Nina Nour Bluebell ©
medium, crystal healer
Sept. 2023
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